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1 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0S0B: SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS Reading and Writing Examination This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It assesses the following two skills: READING SKILLS (20%) WRITING SKILLS (15%) Duration: 2½ hours Integrated Reading/Writing Tasks Reading (out of 20) Linguistic Competence (out of 6) Pure Writing Task Linguistic Competence (out of 6) Content (out of 3) TOTAL (out of 35) 1 st Marker 2 nd Marker Agreed Result Out of 35 % Grade 1 st Marker s signature 2 nd Marker s signature To be completed by the Visiting Examiner if the above agreed result is amended after review Reason for amending agreed result /35 % Grade Visiting Examiner s signature

2 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 1 In this examination you can obtain a maximum of 35 points which are awarded as follows: Reading Skills: 20 points Reading Competence: 20 points Writing Skills: 15 points Linguistic Competence: 12 points Content: 3 points Answer ALL questions in SPANISH in the space provided after each question. In order for your script to remain anonymous do NOT use your name when completing the tasks. DOCUMENT A Hacia un nuevo colonialismo? Con motivo de los recientes atentados, se reiteran afirmaciones que ya venimos oyendo y leyendo hace tiempo: por un lado, que los países ricos deben ayudar a los pobres «imponiendo» el respeto a los derechos humanos, y combatiendo la pobreza; y, por otro, que cada país tiene derecho al respeto de su forma de vida o cultura. Ambas afirmaciones son mantenidas, a menudo, por el mismo autor y en el mismo texto. Trataré de hacer ver, a continuación, que son contradictorias o, al menos, muy difícilmente compatibles cuando se trata de ponerlas en práctica. También que generalmente la contradicción se encubre o enmascara con lenguaje políticamente correcto, así llamado. La primera de las dos tesis, que para abreviar llamaremos «intervencionista», parte del supuesto de que, siendo los derechos humanos principios morales universales, tanto los individuos como los Estados están obligados a respetarlos, de donde se sigue que nadie puede quejarse de ser injustamente tratado si se le exige ese respeto. Que los derechos humanos sean principios morales universales y no mero producto de la cultura de los países ricos es asunto debatible en el que no vamos a entrar; pero, si se entiende que lo son, habrá que ver entonces de imponer su cumplimiento en la práctica. Parece que, a falta de un gobierno mundial, debería ser la ONU la encargada de la tarea; sin embargo, como es archisabido, la ONU dista mucho de ser un órgano imparcial, y, además, carece de capacidad coactiva o sólo la tiene muy limitada. Sólo los países ricos, y especialmente el más rico de todos, disponen de la fuerza necesaria para imponer el respeto a los derechos; y no es menos archisabido que será muy difícil evitar que, en todo ello, se mezclen los intereses nacionales, que la actuación sea por tanto selectiva, y algunos dirán que en sí misma injusta. Algo parecido cabe decir del llamado combate contra la pobreza o ayuda al desarrollo. Para justificar esa ayuda se suele alegar que el terrorismo tiene su principal causa en la pobreza y que, al combatirla, los occidentales se protegen a sí mismos. Se trataría de justificar la ayuda basándose en el egoísmo racional o bien entendido. Por otro lado, la ayuda se basa también a veces en la actitud humanitaria o generosa que los ricos deben tener con los pobres. A menudo se salta de un argumento a otro o se utilizan los dos. CONTINUED

3 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 2 Que la ayuda al desarrollo proteja del terrorismo a los occidentales es por lo menos discutible, como sabemos bien los españoles. Tampoco es seguro que los actuales países pobres, una vez instalados en la riqueza, no atacaran a los ricos. Pero demos por bueno que, al contribuir al desarrollo, los occidentales se autoprotegen. También que estas razones egoístas, así como las humanitarias, son justificables moralmente. Por mi parte creo que efectivamente lo son. El problema, de nuevo, es cómo hacerlo. Durante algún tiempo se pensó que la ayuda debería o podría canalizarse a través de los gobiernos locales; pero ya sabemos que ese camino desemboca generalmente en el enriquecimiento fraudulento de los gobernantes y no contribuye a sacar al país de la pobreza. Parece no quedar otro remedio a los países desarrollados que emprender por sí mismos la tarea de construir escuelas, caminos, hospitales, bibliotecas y varias cosas más; además de administrarlas directamente e, incluso, quizás protegerlas con sus propias fuerzas de seguridad para evitar que alguien las saquee o las destruya vandálicamente. De la misma manera leemos a menudo que los organismos internacionales conceden préstamos, pero imponiendo condiciones y estableciendo cierto control sobre el cumplimiento de objetivos preestablecidos. No soy experto en estos temas y no me atrevería a insinuar cuál es el camino más adecuado para ayudar a los pobres a salir de la pobreza y, con ella, de la ignorancia y de la esclavitud; pero me parece que, sea cual sea el camino que se emprenda, el resultado previsible es la occidentalización (cocacolización se decía hace años) de los países subdesarrollados, lo que probablemente repercutirá sobre su cultura, forma de vida e incluso sistema político. La experiencia muestra que, alcanzado cierto nivel de riqueza, los países evolucionan hacia la democracia. Lo hemos visto en el nuestro. Quizás lo veamos algún día en China. Podrán producirse situaciones de compromiso en las que el desarrollo y la riqueza coexistan con formas culturales tradicionales e incluso con formas de gobierno autoritarias; pero todo parece indicar que, si la ayuda al desarrollo se incrementa lo que tampoco es seguro y resulta eficaz, los países ahora pobres irán occidentalizándose paulatinamente. Permítaseme reiterar que esto plantea el problema moral de si es legítimo hacerlo. Con un problema semejante se enfrentaron nuestros teólogos cuando el descubrimiento de América. Todos tenían pocas dudas acerca de la legitimidad de la evangelización. Las discrepancias estaban en el modo de hacerlo y de evitar las consecuencias no deseables que se mezclaban con ella. Nosotros nos encontramos ante un problema semejante, aunque el Evangelio haya sido reemplazado por los derechos humanos. Ya estamos oyendo discursos parecidos a éste: «Todas las culturas son equivalentes y ninguna puede proclamar su superioridad sobre las demás. El occidente debe limitarse a combatir el terrorismo, en una acción de legítima defensa; y, una vez conseguido ese propósito, retirarse a sus cuarteles y dejar que el "mundo" siga su curso. Quizás negociar con él, venderle nuestros productos y comprarle los suyos, por supuesto a un precio razonable». Este discurso no es contradictorio, aunque sea moralmente objetable; pero, si queremos seguir el otro camino, si de verdad nos tomamos los derechos en serio, para utilizar el título de otro conocido libro, no deberemos contentarnos con reprimir ocasionalmente la violación de algún derecho, habremos de ir más allá y tratar de crear las condiciones políticas, económicas y culturales que hagan difíciles las violaciones de los derechos y la pobreza, puesto que eliminarlas por completo no parece posible. TURN OVER

4 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 3 Y, siendo esto así, debemos ser conscientes de que, posiblemente, después de haber echado al colonialismo por la puerta, vuelva a entrar por la ventana. Algunos se rasgarán las vestiduras y dirán: «De ningún modo; la exigencia de respeto a los derechos y la ayuda al desarrollo no tienen nada que ver con el antiguo colonialismo explotador. Ahora todo tendrá lugar en beneficio de los pobres». Se trataría entonces de un colonialismo blanco, libre de las antiguas impurezas. Y, si no queremos llamarle «colonialismo» (palabra malsonante), no discutiremos de palabras y vayamos a los hechos: si consideramos legítimo e incluso obligatorio ayudar a que los pobres salgan de su situación actual, hagámoslo; pero el sentido común aconseja que sepamos lo que hacemos, en vez de negarlo. Y eso que hacemos es imponer a los demás nuestra propia manera de entender la vida. Lo que supone, a su vez, declarar la superioridad moral de la nuestra sobre la ajena. Porque, si no fuera superior, con qué derecho la impondríamos? Adaptado de Luis García San Miguel Catedrático de Filosofía del Derecho ABC, 22 de noviembre de 2001 CONTINUED

5 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 4 Tasks Durante el verano trabajas como voluntario en una organización española de lucha por la defensa de los derechos humanos, y encuentras en el diario ABC un artículo sobre el tema (texto A), que muestras a tus compañeros. TURN OVER

6 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 5 Task 1 Tus colegas resumen el artículo por su cuenta, pero algunos no son españoles y lo han entendido peor que tú. Selecciona la versión correcta del argumento para publicarla en la revista de la organización. (2 points) [Reading Competence: 2 points] [Linguistic Competence: 0 points] A Es contradictorio afirmar que los países ricos deben ayudar a los pobres imponiendo el respeto a los derechos humanos y combatiendo la pobreza, y, al mismo tiempo, que cada país tiene derecho al respeto de su forma de vida. Los derechos humanos sólo puede defenderlos un organismo internacional como la ONU, porque los países ricos tan sólo defienden sus propios intereses. Incluso la lucha contra la pobreza se ve impedida por el intervencionismo de los estados. El colonialismo es un fenómeno que no puede volver a entrar por la ventana, aunque sea en beneficio de los pobres. B No podemos aceptar la contradicción que supone defender los derechos humanos y combatir la pobreza, al mismo tiempo que no se respeta el derecho de los países pobres a su forma de vida. Los derechos humanos sólo pueden defenderlos los países suficientemente poderosos, y no la ONU, que es en sí misma injusta. Incluso la ayuda al desarrollo desemboca generalmente en el enriquecimiento injusto de los gobernantes. Si nos tomamos en serio los derechos, debemos respetar las distintas culturas de los países a los que queremos ayudar. C Es contradictorio afirmar que los países ricos deben ayudar a los pobres mediante la defensa de los derechos humanos y la ayuda al desarrollo, y, al mismo tiempo, que cada pueblo tiene derecho al respeto de su forma de vida. Sólo los países ricos tienen la capacidad para hacer respetar los derechos humanos, aunque es normal que coordinen su actuación con la defensa de sus propios intereses. Incluso la lucha contra la pobreza puede hacerse sólo mediante un intervencionismo que conduce a la llamada cocacolización. Si nos tomamos en serio los derechos, hay que intervenir; aunque esto suponga una nueva forma de colonialismo. D No podemos aceptar la contradicción que suponen la defensa de los derechos humanos y la ayuda al desarrollo; ya que, al mismo tiempo, los países pobres tienen que respetar su forma de vida. Sólo los países occidentales tienen la fuerza necesaria para imponer los derechos humanos, aunque es normal que defiendan también sus propios intereses. Incluso la ayuda al desarrollo puede llevarse a cabo tan sólo mediante un intervencionismo occidentalizador. El colonialismo es un fenómeno inevitable y aconsejable en el caso de culturas superiores. CONTINUED


8 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 7 Task 2 Para tu fichero personal, escribes en una frase la tesis fundamental acerca de la civilización occidental que inspira el artículo. (3 points) [Reading Competence: 2 points] [Linguistic Competence: 1 point] RC LC CONTINUED

9 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 8 Task 3 Para preparar un artículo tuyo en respuesta al que has leído, tomas nota, con tus propias palabras y sin copiar del texto, de las críticas que hace Luis García San Miguel a dos mecanismos tradicionales de imponer el respeto a los derechos humanos y combatir la pobreza. Escribe de 60 a 80 palabras aproximadamente. (4 points) [Reading Competence: 3 points] [Linguistic Competence: 1 point] RC LC TURN OVER

10 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 9 Task 4 Al comentar el artículo, tus compañeros utilizan términos distintos de los que aparecen en el texto. En tu libreta de español, apuntas el sinónimo (una sola palabra en cada caso) al que se refiere cada expresión. (5 points) [Reading Competence: 5 points] [Linguistic Competence: 0 points] a. simple RC LC b. muy conocido c. aducir d. dudoso e. ilegítimo f. a lo mejor g. poco a poco h. desacuerdos i. castigar j. de los demás CONTINUED

11 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 10 Task 5 Uno de tus colegas no españoles te envía un para que le expliques a qué se refieren las expresiones siguientes. Respóndele en un par de frases utilizando tus propias palabras. (3 points) [Reading Competence: 2 points] [Linguistic Competence: 1 point] a. como sabemos bien los españoles (1½ points) [Reading Competence: 1 point] [Linguistic Competence: ½ point] RC LC b. lo hemos visto en el nuestro (1½ points) [Reading Competence: 1 point] [Linguistic Competence: ½ point] TURN OVER

12 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 11 Task 6 Un compañero te envía un fax con el texto que aparece a continuación. Respóndele en unas 150 palabras. (8 points) [Reading Competence: 6 points] [Linguistic Competence: 2 points] Luis García San Miguel habla de egoísmo racional o bien entendido. A qué se refiere? Te parece un motivo justo? RC LC CONTINUED

13 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS LANG0S0B and LANG1SDB Page 12 Task 7 Finalmente decides escribir tú tu propio artículo para la revista de la organización. Escribe unas 350 palabras sobre uno de los dos temas siguientes. (9 points) [Linguistic Competence: 6 points] [Content: 3 points] a. Todo parece indicar que, si la ayuda al desarrollo se incrementa lo que tampoco parece seguro y resulta eficaz, los países ahora pobres irán occidentalizándose paulatinamente. Basándote en el artículo de Luis García San Miguel, das tu opinión sobre la propagación por el mundo de nuestro modelo de civilización. Es inevitable? Es legítima? O BIEN b. Que la ayuda al desarrollo proteja del terrorismo a los occidentales es por lo menos discutible. Analizas los casos que conozcas de terrorismo a nivel nacional e internacional, sus causas y sus posibles soluciones. LC CON END OF PAPER




UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0S02: SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0S02: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0S02: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0S02: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0S02: SPANISH LEVEL 2 (B)

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0S01 SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0S03 SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0S01 SPANISH LEVEL 1 (A)

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UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0S01: SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCSP6005: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0S02: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0S02 SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0S01: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0S01: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0S03 SPANISH LEVEL 3 (C)

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0S02 LANG 1S12

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UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0S03: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0S01: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0S04: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0S02 SPANISH LEVEL 2 (B)

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UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCSP6003: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0S01: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0S04: SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCSP6001: SPANISH

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Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2012 2013 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6002: Spanish Level 2 (B) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0S03: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0S03: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0S02: SPANISH LEVEL

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0S02 LANG 1S12 SPANISH LEVEL

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LCSP6007: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0S01: SPANISH LEVEL 1 (A)

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UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCSP6002: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0S01: SPANISH LEVEL

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UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCSP6001: SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCSP6001: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0SB1 SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCSP6005: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination 1P P Marker 2P P Marker 1P 2P P Marker s P Marker s MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstancesu are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0S04 LANG 1S14

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UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCSP6004: SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCSP6003: SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCSP6007: SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCSP6001: SPANISH

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Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2013-2014 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6003: Spanish Level 3 (C) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0SB1 SPANISH FOR BUSINESS

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LCSP6007: SPANISH

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Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2011 2012 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6002: Spanish Level 2 (B) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills

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UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCSP6004: SPANISH

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Course Units 2013-2014

Course Units 2013-2014 UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2013-2014 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6001: Spanish Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0S0B: SPANISH

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Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2008 2009 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6001: Spanish Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills

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UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0S03: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0S03: SPANISH

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Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2008 2009 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6004: Spanish Level 4 (D) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0S04 LANG 1S14 SPANISH LEVEL

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Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2013-2014 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6002: Spanish Level 2 (B) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:

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Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2010-2011 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6001: Spanish Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills

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UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCSP6006: SPANISH

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Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2012 2013 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6003: Spanish Level 3 (C) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0SHB: SPANISH FOR

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0S01 SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCSP6005: SPANISH

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level *5870842371* SPANISH LANGUAGE 8685/21 Paper 2 Reading and Writing May/June 2016 Candidates answer on the Question

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0S0B: SPANISH

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level *8367968904* SPANISH 9719/21 Paper 2 Reading and Writing May/June 2017 Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional

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Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2008 2009 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6002: Spanish Level 2 (B) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills

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UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG1SBC: SPANISH

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education FIRST LANGUAGE SPANISH 0502/02 Paper 2 Reading Passages (Extended) For Examination

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UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCSP6003: SPANISH

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0S04 SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0S04: SPANISH

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UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCSP6007: SPANISH

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *3925726938* FIRST LANGUAGE SPANISH 0502/32 Paper 3: Directed Writing and Composition May/June 2015

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *7189133674* FIRST LANGUAGE SPANISH 0502/21 Paper 2 Reading Passages (Extended) May/June 2015 2 hours

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level *8258202043* SPANISH LANGUAGE 8685/22 Paper 2 Reading and Writing May/June 2016 Candidates answer on the Question

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level *6878330869* SPANISH 9719/22 Paper 2 Reading and Writing May/June 2015 Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level *4783798865* SPANISH LANGUAGE 8685/21 Paper 2 Reading and Writing October/November 2015 Candidates answer on the Question

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6957503511* FIRST LANGUAGE SPANISH 0502/31 Paper 3: Directed Writing and Composition May/June 2015

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level *5626375724* SPANISH LANGUAGE 8685/21 Paper 2 Reading and Writing May/June 2015 Candidates answer on the Question

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *8631681433* FIRST LANGUAGE SPANISH 0502/21 Paper 2 Reading Passages (Extended) May/June 2017 2 hours

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Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 1 hour 10 minutes Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9 1) Centre Number Spanish Paper 4: Writing in Spanish Candidate Number Sample assessment material for first teaching September

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0S01 SPANISH LEVEL 1 (A)

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0S0B SPANISH

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6822192217* FIRST LANGUAGE SPANISH 0502/33 Paper 3 Directed Writing and Composition May/June 2017

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education * 5 1 8 6 7 2 7 4 4 5 * FIRST LANGUAGE SPANISH 0502/02 Paper 2 Reading Passages (Extended) October/November

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Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2013-2014 Reading and Writing Examination: LCSP6005: Spanish for Business and Current Affairs This examination counts for 35% of your final

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination 1P P Marker 2P P Marker 1P 2P P Marker s P Marker s MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstancesu are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level * 3 8 0 3 6 2 2 5 8 0 * SPANISH LANGUAGE 8685/22 Paper 2 Reading and Writing October/November 2016 Candidates answer

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