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3 INDICE TABLE OF CONTENTS Bienvenida de la directora del congreso Welcome from the Conference Director Patrocinadores/Sponsors Congresos anteriores/conference History Horarios y panorama general del congreso Overview Schedule of Events Horario detallado/detailed Schedule Viernes/Friday Sabado/Saturday Domingo/Sunday Resumenes/Abstracts Sesiones plenarias/plenary Sessions Paneles/Panel Sessions Ponencias grupales y individuales/joint and Individual Sessions Presentaciones de posters/poster Presentations Lista alfabética de los ponentes/alphabetical List of Presenters

4 BIENVENIDA DE LA DIRECTORA DEL CONGRESO Es un placer para nosotro darles la bienvenida a California y a la Universidad de California en Davis. Después de una década de haber auspiciado el Congreso del Español en los Estados Unidos en el año 2000, este año nos reunimos para celebrar el 23 ro Congreso del Español en los Estadoss Unidos y el 8 vo Congreso del Español en Contacto con otras lenguas. El tema de este año es "El español en el ambiente público." El mundo está cambiando rápidamente a nuestro alrededor, y nosotros hemos venido aquí para dialogar acerca de las preguntas y desafíos que estos cambios nos presentan. El español es la segunda lengua más hablada en los Estados Unidos después del inglés y los Estadoss Unidos se han convertido en uno de los paísess con una de las poblaciones hispanas más numerosas del mundo la segunda después de México en número de hispanohablantes). Es nuestro interés debatir acerca de la situación del español (y de los latinos) en los Estados Unidos desde distintass perspectivass y disciplinas. Con tal motivo nos hemos congregado aquí desde distintos camposs de investigación como la antropología, literatura, lingüística aplicada, sociología, sociolingüística, periodismo y estudios culturales entre otros, para participar en este congreso. Esperamos tener un congreso muy interesante, estimulante y productivo. Tenemos más de treinta paneles, presentaciones de pósters, lecturas literarias de escritores muy conocidos y cuatro fascinantes plenarias: "Tom Horne is Studying Spanish: Neo-liberal Theories of Language and Culture and the Struggle for Symbolic Resources, Jane Hill, University of Arizona, Tucson; Constructing Latinos as a Threat to the Nation, Leo Chávez, University of California, Irvine; Language Barriers in Healthcare and Spanish Heritage Language Education: Language Assistance, Language Acceptance, and Language Affirmation Glenn Martinez, The University of Texas - Pan American; y Spanish on the Job: Hired for Speaking Spanish, Fired for Speaking Spanish by Ana Celia Zentella, University of California, San Diego. Este congreso ha convocado a más de 200 personass de todas las regiones de los Estados Unidos y dee Latino-América, Europa y Asia. Mil gracias a todos ustedess por estar aquí, por su apoyo y participación en este congreso, sin duda el congreso no sería posible sin su apoyo. Finalmente queremos agradecer al Departamento de Español y Portugués, a la Decana Jessie Ann Owens de la División de Humanidades, Artes y Estudios Culturales, de la Universidad de Californiaa Davis, así como a los numeroso patrocinadores y contribuyentes por haber posibilitado y apoyado este evento. Les estamos muy agradecidos también a los organizadores de este congresoo en el pasado por sus comentarios y sugerencias, a los colegas que han revisado las propuestas de trabajos como a los moderadores de los paneles y los estudiantes que han contribuido en la organización y desarrollo del congreso. Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a todas las personas que nos han ayudado en la organización, planificaciónn y financiación del congreso. Especialmente le estoy sumamente agradecida a Karen Callahan, Asistente del Director, UC Language Consortium/SLAI, por su excelente talento organizador, su minucioso y detallado análisis, pero por sobretodo por su optimismo y confianza en nuestro congreso. Otra vez, muchas gracias por ser parte de este congreso que pone al español y a los latinos en el centro de nuestro mundo en rápida transformación. Cecilia Colombi Professor of Spanish University of California, Davis 2

5 WELCOME FROM THE CONFERENCE DIRECTOR I am delighted to welcomee you to California and to its charmingg capital minutes away from my home institution, the University of California, Davis. A decade ago we hosted the " Spanish in the United States Conference in This year we are hosting the 23rd Conference of Spanish in the United States together with the 8th Conference of Spanish in Contact. The main theme of this joint conference is "Spanish in the Public Sphere. All around us the world is changing rapidly and significantly. This week we have come together to join in a dialogue about the changes and the challenges they pose. Spanish is the second most spoken language after English, and the United States have become one of the largest Latino countries in the world, second to Mexico in Spanish speaking population size. Thereforee we are interested in looking at the current situation and position of Spanish (and Latinos) in the United States from different angles and disciplines. We have speakers from anthropology, literature, applied linguistics, sociology, sociolinguistics, journalism and cultural studies, among others, ass part of this conference. We look forward to having a very stimulating, thought-provoking, and productive conference. We are having over thirty different panels, poster presentations and literary readings by well known writers in addition to four plenary sessions: Tom Horne is Studying Spanish: Neo-liberal Theories of Language and Culture and the Struggle for Symbolic Resources by Jane Hill, University of Arizona, Tucson; ; Constructing Latinos as a Threat to the Nation by Leo Chávez, University of California, Irvine; Language Barriers in Healthcare and Spanish Heritage Language Education: Language Assistance, Languagee Acceptance, and Language Affirmation by Glenn Martinez, The University of Texas - Pan American; andd Spanish on the Job: Hired for Speaking Spanish, Fired for Speaking Spanish by Ana Celia Zentella, University of California, San Diego. Overall, more than 200 participants from all regions of the United States, Latin America, Europe and Asia have come here to participate in this conference. Mil gracias to all of you for attending, supporting and participating in this meeting. Your presence and support have made possible this important conference. Finally we would like to thank our own Departmentt of Spanish and Portuguese, and Dean Jessie Ann Owens, Division of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies, at the University of California, Davis, as well as the numerous sponsors and contributors for making this exciting event a reality. We are also very grateful for the suggestions and input we received from organizers of previous Spanish in the US conferences, as well as to the abstract reviewers, the panel moderators and students who have collaborated in the organization and planning of the conference. I would also like to express our gratitude for the invaluable organizational and administrative support we have received from so many people. I am especially grateful to Karen Callahan, Assistant Director, UC Language Consortium/SLAI, for her excellent organizational skills, detailed and constructive analysis and above all, for her optimistic and uplifting spirit. Otra vez, muchas gracias por ser parte de este congreso que pone al español y a los latinos en el centro de nuestro mundo en rápida transformación. Cecilia Colombi Professor of Spanish University of California, Davis 3

6 PATROCINADORES / SPONSORS Anfitriones / Hosts Department of Spanish and Portuguese (University of California, Davis) Division of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies (University of California, Davis) Patrocinadores / Sponsors Davis Humanities Institute (University of California, Davis) Department of Linguistics (University of California, Davis) Hemispheric Institute on the Americas (University of California, Davis) Second Language Acquisition Institute (University of California, Davis) UC Consortium for Language Learning & Teaching Colaboradores / Contributors Department of Chicana/Chicano Studies (University of California, Davis) Language and Social Context - DHI Research Cluster School of Education (University of California, Davis) 4

7 CONGRESOS ANTERIORES / CONFERENCE HISTORY Spanish in the US Setting: Beyond the Southwest I. University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. October 10-11, Publication: Elías-Olivares, Lucía (ed.) Spanish in the US setting: Beyond the Southwest. Rosslyn, VA: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos II. University of Illinois at Chicago. October Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos III. Indiana University, Publication: Elías-Olivares, Lucía, Elizabeth A. Leone, René Cisneros, & John R. Gutiérrez (eds.) Spanish language use and public life in the United States. Berlin: Mouton. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos IV. Hunter College, CUNY, New York, October 6, Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos VI. University of Texas at Austin, Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos VII. University of New Mexico, October 24-25, Publication: Bergen, John J. (ed.) Spanish in the United States: Sociolinguistic issues. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos VIII. University of Iowa, October 15-17, Publication: Wherritt, Irene, & Ofelia García (eds.) US Spanish: The language of Latinos. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 79. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos IX. Florida International University, October Publication: Roca, Ana, & John M. Lipski (eds.) Spanish in the United States: Linguistic contact and diversity. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos X. University of Arizona, October 4-6, Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XI. University of Illinois at Chicago, October 11-13,1990. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XII & 1st International Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 7-9, Publication: Silva-Corvalán, Carmen (ed.) Spanish in Four Continents: Studies in language contact and bilingualism. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XIII & 2nd International Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Oct , Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XIV. University of Texas at San Antonio, The Institute of Texan Cultures, and la Universidad Autónoma de México en San Antonio Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XV. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, October 28 29, Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XVI & 3rd International Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages. Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 12-14, Publication: Southwest Journal of Linguistics, 19 (2), 20 (1 and 2). Daniel Villa, Editor. 5

8 Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XVII. Florida International University, Miami, FL, March 11-14, Publication: Roca, Ana (ed.) Research on Spanish in the United States: Linguistic issues and challenges. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XVIII. University of California at Davis, Davis, CA Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XIX & 4th International Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages. University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, Publication: Ortiz López, L. & M. Lacorte (eds.) Contacto y contextos lingüísticos: El español en los Estados Unidos y en contacto con otras lenguas. Madrid: Iberoamericana. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XX & 5th International Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL. March 24-26, Publication: Potowski, K. & Cameron, R. (eds.) Spanish in contact: Policy, social, and linguistic inquiries. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XXI & 6th International Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages. George Mason University & University of Maryland, Arlington, VA. March 15-18, Publication: M. Lacorte & Jennifer Leeman (eds.) Español en Estados Unidos y otros contextos de contacto: Sociolingüísitica, ideología y pedagogía. Madrid: Iberoamericana. Spanish in the US / El español en los Estados Unidos XXII & 7th International Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages. Florida International University, Miami, FL, February 18-21,

9 HORARIOS Y PANORAMA GENERAL DEL CONGRESO Jueves, 17 de marzo - Domingo, 20 de marzo, 2011 Embassy Suites Hotel - Riverfront Promenade Old Sacramento Ballroom Sacramento, California, USA Tower Bridge Central Pacific Todas las presentaciones se llevarán acabo en estas cuatro salas en el hotel Embassy Suites. Steamboat La duración de las presentaciones es de 20 minutos y 10 minutos para Schoolhouse preguntas después de cada presentación. El almuerzo se proveerá en el emplazamiento. Jueves, 17 de marzo, :00 6:00 INSCRIPCIÓN Hotel Foyer en frente a la Old Sacramento Ballroom 6:00 7:00 PONENCIA PLENARIA Tom Horne is Studying Spanish: Neo-liberal Theories of Language and Culture and the Struggle for Symbolic Resources JANE HILL, University of Arizona, Tucson 7:00 9:00 RECEPCIÓN Terraza del hotel Embassy Suites Viernes, 18 de marzo, :00-9:00 JUNTA ORGANIZACIONAL DEL ESPAÑOL EN EE.UU. con desayuno continental -Tower Bridge 8:00 10:00 INSCRIPCIÓN Y DESAYUNO Hotel foyer en frente a la Old Sacramento Ballroom 1 a SESIÓN 9:00 10:30 2 a SESIÓN 10:35 12:35 Tower Bridge (A) Central Pacific (B) Steamboat (C) Schoolhouse (D) El lenguaje en el Evaluación Pedagogía de Adquisición de lengua ámbito público enseñanza I heredada I MODERADOR - MODERADORA - Kim MODERADORA - Dalia MODERADORA - Laura Francisco X. Alarcón Potowski Magaña Marques El español en contacto con otras lenguas MODERADOR - Robert Blake Ideologías I MODERADORA - Ana Celia Zentella The Discursive Production of Spanish in the US: Historical Approaches PANEL MODERADORA - Jennifer Leeman 12:40 1:40 ALMUERZO Terraza del hotel Embassy Suites 12:40 1:30 Presentaciones de los pósters 1:45 2:45 PONENCIA PLENARARIA Constructing Latinos as a Threat to the Nation LEO CHÁVEZ, University of California, Irvine 3 a SESIÓN 2:50 5:20 The Spanish of the Californios of Alta California and Indigenous California Languages PANEL MODERADORA - Martha Macri Distintas variedades del español en contacto con otras comunidades I MODERADOR - Glenn Martínez 7 Exposición de película - Spanish Voices Cambio Lingüístico MODERADOR - Joseph Harrington Adquisición de lengua heredada II MODERADORA - Eve Zyzik Adquisición de lengua heredada III MODERADOR - Andrew Lynch

10 Sábado, 19 de marzo, :00 10:00 INSCRIPCIÓN Y DESAYUNO Hotel Foyer en frente a la Old Sacramento Ballroom 4 a SESIÓN 9:00 10:30 5 a SESIÓN 10:35 12:35 12:40 1:55 Tower Bridge (A) Central Pacific (B) Steamboat (C) Schoolhouse (D) Cambio de códigos/ Actitudes lingüísticas I Pedagogía de enseñanza Nuestra Herencia: Análisis del discurso II Language Politics, Spanish and Teaching Chicanas/os - Latinas/os PANEL MODERADOR - Omar MODERADOR - Adam MODERADORA - Mary MODERADOR - Elena Velázquez-Mendoza Lengua de Herencia y Escrituras en Contacto PANEL MODERADORA - Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante 6 a SESIÓN Spanish in Context: Navigating Heritage 2:00 3:30 Learner Identity in Educational and Community Settings PANEL MODERADOR - Adam Schwartz 7 a SESIÓN Ideologías II 3:35 5:05 5:10 6:10 MODERADOR - Daniel Villa Schwartz Distintas variedades del español en contacto con otras comunidades II MODERADOR - Armin Schwegler Ann Parada El cambio lingüístico del español en la historia y en su contacto con otras lenguas I MODERADOR - Travis Bradley ALMUERZO Terraza del hotel Embassy Suites LECTURA LITERARIA SUSANA CHÁVEZ SILVERMAN, Pomona College Actitudes lingüísticas II MODERADORA- Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante Actitudes lingüísticas III MODERADORA - Denise Minor Pedagogía de enseñanza III MODERADORA - Miriam Hernandez-Rodriguez El lenguaje en las profesiones MODERADORA - Virginia Lifante Avilés La enseñanza del español en el mundo MODERADORA - Laura Dubcovsky Educación del maestro MODERADORA - Sofia Paredes Delegación de California PANEL MODERADOR - Luis Ríos PONENCIA PLENARIA Language Barriers in Healthcare and Spanish Heritage Language Education: Language Assistance, Language Acceptance, and Language Affirmation GLENN MARTÍNEZ, The University of Texas - Pan American Domingo, 20 de marzo, :00 9:00 8 a SESIÓN 9:00 11:00 11:10-12:10 12:15 1:30 DESAYUNO Hotel Foyer en frente a la Old Sacramento Ballroom Tower Bridge (A) Central Pacific (B) Steamboat (C) Schoolhouse (D) Ideologías III MODERADORA - Jennifer Leeman Propuesta de proyecto de investigación - Adam Schwartz, Ana Celia Zentella El cambio lingüístico del español en la historia y en su contacto con otras lenguas II MODERADORA - Carolina Viera La literatura, el teatro y la enseñanza MODERADORA - Cecilia Colombi PONENCIA PLENARIA Spanish on the Job: Hired for Speaking Spanish, Fired for Speaking Spanish ANA CELIA ZENTELLA, University of California, San Diego ALMUERZO Terraza del hotel Embassy Suites LECTURA LITERARIA FRANCISCO X. ALARCÓN, University of California, Davis 8

11 Thursday, March 17, :00 6:00 REGISTRATION Hotel Foyer in front of the Old Sacramento Ballroom 6:00 7:00 PLENARY Tom Horne is Studying Spanish: Neo-liberal Theories of Language and Culture and the Struggle for Symbolic Resources JANE HILL, University of Arizona, Tucson 7:00 9:00 RECEPTION Embassy Suites Hotel Terrace Friday, March 18, :00-9:00 SPANISH IN THE U.S. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING with Continental Breakfast - Tower Bridge 8:00 10:00 REGISTRATION & CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Hotel foyer in front of the Old Sacramento Ballroom SESSION 1 9:00 10:30 SESSION 2 10:35 12:35 Tower Bridge (A) Central Pacific (B) Steamboat (C) Schoolhouse (D) Language in the Public Assessment Teaching Pedagogy I Heritage Language Sphere Acquisition I - Francisco X. Alarcón - Kim Potowski - Dalia Magaña - Laura Marques Spanish in Contact with Other Languages Ideologies I The Discursive Production of Spanish in the US: Historical Approaches PANEL - Jennifer Leeman - Ana Celia - Robert Blake Zentella 12:40 1:40 CATERED LUNCH Embassy Suites Hotel Terrace 12:40 1:30 Poster Presentations Film Viewing - Spanish Voices 1:45 2:45 PLENARY Constructing Latinos as a Threat to the Nation LEO CHÁVEZ, University of California, Irvine SESSION 3 2:50 5:20 The Spanish of the Californios of Alta California and Indigenous California Languages PANEL - Martha Macri OVERVIEW SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Thursday, March 17 - Sunday, March 20, 2011 Embassy Suites Hotel - Riverfront Promenade Old Sacramento Ballroom Sacramento, California, USA Tower Bridge Central Pacific All presentations will be held in these four rooms at the Embassy Suites Hotel. Steamboat Presentations are 20 minutes long with 10 minutes for questions after each presentation. Schoolhouse Catered lunch will be provided on site. Differing Varieties of Spanish in Contact with Other Communities I - Glenn Martínez Language Change Lexicon - Joseph Harrington Heritage Language Acquisition II - Eve Zyzik Heritage Language Acquisition III - Andrew Lynch 9

12 Saturday, March 19, :00 10:00 CONFERENCE CHECK-IN & CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Hotel Foyer in front of the Old Sacramento Ballroom SESSION 4 9:00 10:30 SESSION 5 10:35 12:35 Tower Bridge (A) Central Pacific (B) Steamboat (C) Schoolhouse (D) Codeswitching/ Language Attitudes I Teaching Pedagogy II Nuestra Herencia: Discourse Analysis Language Politics, Spanish and Teaching Chicanas/os - Latinas/os - Omar - Adam - MaryAnn PANEL Velázquez-Mendoza Lengua de Herencia y Escrituras en Contacto PANEL - Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante Schwartz Differing Varieties of Spanish in Contact with Other Communities II - Armin Schwegler Parada Spanish Language Change through History and Contact with Other Languages I - Travis Bradley - Elena Avilés Teaching Spanish in the World - Laura Dubcovsky 12:40 1:55 SESSION 6 2:00 3:30 SESSION 7 3:35 5:05 5:10 6:10 CATERED LUNCH Embassy Suites Hotel Terrace READINGS BY SUSANA CHÁVEZ SILVERMAN, Pomona College Spanish in Context: Language Attitudes II Teaching Pedagogy III Teacher Education Navigating Heritage Learner Identity in Educational and Community Settings PANEL - Adam - Maria Luisa - Miriam Schwartz Spicer-Escalante Hernandez-Rodriguez - Sofia Paredes Ideologies II Language Attitudes III Language in the Delegación de California Professions PANEL - Daniel Villa - Denise Minor - Virginia Lifante - Luis Ríos PLENARY Language Barriers in Healthcare and Spanish Heritage Language Education: Language Assistance, Language Acceptance, and Language Affirmation GLENN MARTÍNEZ, The University of Texas - Pan American Sunday, March 20, :00 9:00 SESSION 8 9:00 11:00 11:10-12:10 12:15 1:30 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Hotel Foyer in front of the Old Sacramento Ballroom Tower Bridge (A) Central Pacific (B) Steamboat (C) Schoolhouse (D) Ideologies III - Jennifer Leeman Research Project Proposal - Adam Schwartz, Ana Celia Zentella Spanish Language Change through History and Contact with Other Languages II - Carolina Viera Literature, Theater and Teaching - Cecilia Colombi PLENARY Spanish on the Job: Hired for Speaking Spanish, Fired for Speaking Spanish ANA CELIA ZENTELLA, University of California, San Diego CATERED LUNCH EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL TERRACE READINGS BY FRANCISCO X. ALARCÓN, University of California, Davis 10

13 Old Sacramento Ballroom Tower Bridge Central Pacific Steamboat Schoolhouse HORARIO DETALLADO DEL CONGRESO/ DETAILED SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Viernes, 18 de marzo - Domingo, 20 de marzo, 2011 Friday, March 18 - Sunday, March 20, 2011 Embassy Suites Hotel - Riverfront Promenade Sacramento, California, USA Todas las presentaciones se llevarán acabo en estas cuatro salas en el Hotel Embassy Suites. La duración de las presentaciones es de 20 minutos y 10 minutos para preguntas después de cada presentación. El almuerzo se proveerá en el emplazamiento. All presentations will be held in these four rooms at the Embassy Suites Hotel. Presentations are 20 minutes long with 10 minutes for questions after each presentation. Lunch will be provided on site. VIERNES, 18 DE MARZO / FRIDAY, MARCH 18 TH Event Time Room/Chair Description Meeting Check-In / 8:00 9:00 TOWER BRIDGE - JUNTA ORGANIZACIONAL DEL ESPAÑOL EN EE.UU / SPANISH IN THE U.S. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Continental 8:00 10:00 HOTEL FOYER IN FRONT OF OLD SACRAMENTO BALLROOM Breakfast 1 a SESIÓN / SESSION 1 Session 1A 9:00 10:30 Tower Bridge MODERADOR / Francisco X. Alarcón Session 1B 9:00 10:30 Central Pacific MODERADORA/ Kim Potowski EL LENGUAJE EN EL ÁMBITO PÚBLICO / LANGUAGE IN THE PUBLIC SPHERE 1. Bilingualism, Advertising, and the Hispanic Media in Miami-Dade County Ana Roca (Florida International University) 2. The Commodification of Language and Identity: Spanish in Miami s Economic Imaginary Andrew Lynch (University of Miami) 3. Hablamos español: el español en los medios de comunicación Cecilia Colombi (University of California, Davis) EVALUACIÓN / ASSESSMENT 1. Methodological Issues in LA Spanish Research: Considerations in Assessing Children s Oral Proficiency Belén Villarreal (University of California, Los Angeles) 2. Advancing Oral Proficiency: Insight from a Spanish Heritage Speaker s Placement Exam Flavia Belpoliti (University of Houston) & Encarna Bermejo (Houston Baptist University) 11

14 VIERNES, 18 DE MARZO / FRIDAY, MARCH 18 TH Event Time Room/Chair Description Session 1C 9:00 10:30 Steamboat MODERADORA/ Dalia Magaña Session 1D 9:00 10:30 Schoolhouse MODERADORA/ Laura Marques PEDAGOGÍA DE ENSEÑANZA I / TEACHING PEDAGOGY I 1. Spanish Heritage Language Education in the United States: The Current State of Affairs Sara Beaudrie (University of Arizona) 2. Degree Quantification in Puerto Rican Spanish: The Case of Más Nada Javier Gutierrez-Rexach (Ohio State University) & Melvin Gonzales-Rivera (The College of Wooster) 3. Using Sociolinguistic and Psycholinguistic Evidence to Fight English- Only in the US Eduardo Faingold (University of Tulsa) ADQUISICIÓN DE LENGUA HEREDADA I / HERITAGE LANGUAGE ACQUISITION I 1. Causative Structures among Spanish Heritage Speakers Eve Zyzik (University of California, Santa Cruz) 2. Variable Haber Agreement in Puerto Rican Spanish Esther L. Brown & Javier Rivas (University of Colorado Boulder) 3. Convergencia de dialectos peninsulares en EEUU Susana Pérez Castillejo (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) 2 a SESIÓN / SESSION 2 Session 2A 10:35 12:35 Tower Bridge MODERADOR / Robert Blake Session 2B 10:35 12:35 Central Pacific MODERADORA/ Ana Celia Zentella EL ESPAÑOL EN CONTACTO CON OTRAS LENGUAS / SPANISH IN CONTACT WITH OTHER LANGUAGES 1. Interactividad lingüística castellano/mapudungun en una comunidad rural Aldo Guillermo Olate Vinet (Universidad de La Frontera) 2. From Minority to Majority Pattern in Language Contact: Possessives Anna María Escobar (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 3. Por qué piko?: Guaraní Question Markers in Paraguayan Spanish Elizabeth Herring (Indiana University) 4. Spanish and Creole Contact in an Extraordinary Public Sphere: Palenque (Colombia) in its New Role as UNESCO s Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity Armin Schwegler (University of California, Irvine) IDEOLOGÍAS I / IDEOLOGIES I 1. Language, Gender and Identity Construction: Sociolinguistic Dynamics in the Borderlands Claudia Holguin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 2. Like many Texans, I am proud to be bilingual and bicultural : Hispanic Identities and Language Ideologies on Using Spanish in Texas Carlos Martin Vélez (Brescia University) 3. Juntos pero no revueltos: A Case of Juxtaposed Linguistic Identity(ies) in Miami Diego Pascual y Cabo (University of Florida) 4. Keeping Spanish Alive in the US: the Role of Language Attitudes Cecilia Montes-Alcalá & Lindsey Sweetnich (Georgia Institute of Technology) 12

15 Event Time Room/Chair Description VIERNES, 18 DE MARZO / FRIDAY, MARCH 18 TH Session 2C 10:35 12:35 Steamboat MODERADORA / Jennifer Leeman Session 2D 10:35 12:35 Schoolhouse MODERADORA/ Eve Zyzik Panel - THE DISCURSIVE PRODUCTION OF SPANISH IN THE US: HISTORICAL APPROACHES 1. Language, Church and State: Language Ideologies in Territorial Arizona Elise DuBord (Drew University) 2. Language Instrumentalization and Public Health in Early Twentieth Century Texas Glenn Martinez (The University of Texas Pan American) 3. The Racialization of Spanish in the US Census: A Historical Perspective Jennifer Leeman (George Mason University) 4. Spanish and English in Political Representations. New Mexico, Arturo Fernández-Gibert (California State University, San Bernardino) ADQUISICIÓN DE LENGUA HEREDADA II / HERITAGE LANGUAGE ACQUISTION II 1. Hablando en chiquito: -ito en el español de Houston Manuel Gutiérrez (University of Houston) 2. Porteño Spanish in Los Angeles: A Pilot Study Anamaria Buzatu (University of California, Los Angeles) 3. Otras formas de diferenciación: ideologías lingüísticas en los estudiantes de español como lengua heredada Natalia Rosales-Yeomans (University of Houston) 12:40 1:40 ALMUERZO Terraza del hotel Embassy Suites / Embassy Suites Hotel Terrace CATERED LUNCH POSTER 12:40 1:30 Tower Bridge 1. Puerto Rican Spanish in Los Angeles SESSION / Adjoa Michelle Addae (University of California, Los Angeles) PRESENTACIONES 2. Projeto glossa DE PÓSTERS Lucas Barbosa Melo (Universidade de Brasilia) 3. Rosaura Sánchez y su crítica sociolingüística del español sudoesteño Vanessa Fonseca (Arizona State University) 4. El español de Colombia como español de contactos en medio de un contexto de volencia y desplazamiento: i parte "contacto cultural y dialectal" Magnolia González (Instituto Caro y Cuervo) 5. It Doesn t Make Sense to Have Sense: Putting Order in Spanish Hacer Sentido Melvin Gonzalez-Rivera (The College of Wooster) 6. A Non-Parametric Empirical Study into Spanish Siblings Influence on their Brothers and Sisters Learning English as a Second Language Elaine Hewitt (University of Granada) 13

16 VIERNES, 18 DE MARZO / FRIDAY, MARCH 18 TH Event Time Room/Chair Description 7. Variabilidad metafórica: dimensiones universales versus particulares de la metáfora conceptual Laissa Christina Lopes Campos, Fabrícia Carvalho, & Adriana Machado de Oliveira (Universidad de Brasilia) 8. Bilingüismo en el chicano: alzamiento de vocales medias y descenso de vocales medias varían con el aprendizaje del español en chicanos Gibràn Méndez (California State University, Chico) Film Viewing 12:40 1:30 Steamboat EXPOSICIÓN DE PELÍCULA - Spanish Voices PONENCIA PLENARIA / PLENARY 1:45 2:45 Old Sacramento Ballroom Constructing Latinos as a Threat to the Nation LEO CHÁVEZ (University of California, Irvine) 3 a SESIÓN / SESSION 3 Session 3A 2:50 5:20 Tower Bridge MODERADORA/ Martha Macri Session 3B 2:50 5:20 Steamboat MODERADOR / Glenn Martínez Panel THE SPANISH OF THE CALIFORNIOS OF ALTA CALIFORNIA AND INDIGENOUS CALIFORNIA LANGUAGES 1. Spanish and Nahuatl Loanwords in Tübatulabal Martha Macri (University of California, Davis) 2. Spanish Names in Native California Lajos Szoboszlai (University of California, Davis) 3. The Language of Zorro: Californio Spanish in the Transition from the California Rancho Margaret Cayward (University of California, Davis) 4. J.P. Harrington's Notes for a Paper on "The Spanish Spoken by the Southwestern Indians" Kathryn Klar (University of California, Berkeley) 5. J.P. Harrington Database Project James Sarmento (University of California, Davis) DISTINTAS VARIEDADES DEL ESPAÑOL EN CONTACTO CON OTRAS COMUNIDADES I / DIFFERING VARIETIES OF SPANISH IN CONTACT WITH OTHER COMMUNITIES I 1. Lenguas en contacto y el orden de palabras en el español en Nueva York: un análisis variacionista, pragmático, y prosódico entres dos generaciones de latinos Carolina Barrera-Tobon (City University of New York s Graduate Center, & Fashion Institute of Technology, State Institute of New York) 2. Lexical Familiarity as a Sign of Dialect Contact Kim Potowski (University of Illinois at Chicago) & Lourdes Torres (DePaul University) 3. Nivelación dialectal en Nueva York. Mexicanos en contacto María del Rocío Carranza Brito (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) 14

17 Event Time Room/Chair Description VIERNES, 18 DE MARZO / FRIDAY, MARCH 18 TH 4. Lenition of Spanish /s/ at the Other End of the Continuum Earl Brown (California State University, Monterey Bay) 5. Mock Spanish in the Southwest: Inherently Negative Racializing Discourse or Indicator of the Increased Importance of Spanish in American Vernacular? Rikki Farfel & Dillon Reardon (University of New Mexico) Session 3C 2:50 5:20 Steamboat MODERADOR / Joseph Harrington Session 3D 2:50 5:20 Schoolhouse MODERADOR / Andrew Lynch CAMBIO LINGÜÍSTICO / LANGUAGE CHANGE LEXICON 1. Bilingüismo bicultural en el ciberespacio. Redes sociales y hablantes bilingües Patricia Gubitosi (University of Massachusetts) & Mabel Giammatteo (Universidad de Buenos Aires) 2. The Diffusion of Lexical Transfers in English in Puerto Rico: The Influence of Primera Hora Elizabeth Dayton (University Puerto Rico, Mayaguez) 3. La transferencia léxica: Fenómeno exclusivamente bilingüe? Ariana Mrak (University of North Carolina Wilmington) 4. La inmigración léxica en el periódico colombiano en linea el tiempo. Réplica de investigación sobre anglicismos en Colombia a la luz del uso actual en diccionarios, artículos y blogs Lorena Gómez (University of Alabama) 5. El español en el ciberespacio: algunas consideraciones para su estudio y análisis Antonio Medina-Rivera (Cleveland State University) ADQUISICIÓN DE LENGUA HEREDADA II / HERITAGE LANGUAGE ACQUISITION III 1. Subjunctive and Indicative in Noun Clauses of Doubt and Denial in the Speech of Spanish/English Bilinguals in New England John Chaston (University of New Hampshire) 2. Incomplete Acquisition, Attrition, and Recognition Tasks in Heritage Language Learners Amalia Llombart-Huesca (California State Polytechnic University Pomona) 3. En nuestra lengua: Insights into the Acquisition and Production of Clitics in Spanish-Speaking Heritage Language Children Teresa Satterfield (University of Michigan) 4. Split Intransitivity and Subject-Verb Inversions in Spanish Heritage Speakers Laura Marques-Pascual (University of California, Santa Barbara) 5. Un paso más para el desarrollo de actividades para los cursos de herencia: el testimonio Alejandra Balestra (George Mason University) 15

18 SÁBADO, 19 DE MARZO / SATURDAY, MARCH 19 th Event Time Room/Chair Description Check-In / Continental Breakfast 8:00 10:00 HOTEL FOYER IN FRONT OF OLD SACRAMENTO BALLROOM 4 a SESIÓN / SESSION 4 Session 4A 9:00 10:30 Tower Bridge MODERADOR / Omar Velázquez- Mendoza Session 4B 9:00 10:30 Central Pacific MODERADOR / Adam Schwartz Session 4C 9:00 10:30 Steamboat MODERADORA/ MaryAnn Parada Session 4D 9:00 10:30 Schoolhouse MODERADORA/ Elena Avilés CAMBIO DE CÓDIGOS/ANÁLISIS DEL DISCURSO / CODESWITCHING / DISCOURSE ANALYSIS 1. El cambio de código en comunicación virtual informal entre chicanos bilingües Dalia Magaña (University of California, Davis) 2. Codeswitching in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao Eugenia Casielles (Wayne State University) 3. Negotiating Language in an Emergency: The Case of Spanish Language Calls in the U.S. Chase W. Raymond (University of California, Los Angeles) ACTITUDES LINGÜÍSTICAS I / LANGUAGE ATTITUDES I 1. Language Ideologies Across Cultures and Time: Household Spanish Publications in France (1964) and the United States (2005) David Divita (Pomona College) 2. The Language of the Maids: Spanish of the U.S.A. (Unfairly Stereotyped Americans) Ian Romain (University of California, Los Angeles) 3. Listener Accuracy in Foreign Accent Ratings Tasks: Does Background Matter? Valerie J. Trujillo (University of Florida) PEDAGOGÍA DE ENSEÑANZA II / TEACHING PEDAGOGY II 1. Getting it: Community-Based Research and the Teaching on U.S. Varieties of Spanish Isabel Velázquez (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) 2. Es como si ya nos conociéramos : Spanish Heritage Learners and Ethnolinguistic Identity in the Study-Abroad Context Lillian Gorman (University of Illinois at Chicago) 3. Inglés o español? How Organizations Offer Spanish in the U.S. to Communicate with Individuals: Issues and Recommendations. Sondra Ahlén (SAVIC Sondra Ahlén Voice Interface Consulting) Panel NUESTRA HERENCIA: LANGUAGE POLITICS, SPANISH AND TEACHING CHICANAS/OS LATINAS/OS 1. Elena Avilés (University of New Mexico) 2. Sandra Ruiz-Paz (University of California, Los Angeles) 3. Vanessa Fonseca (Arizona State University) 16

19 Event Time Room/Chair Description SÁBADO, 19 DE MARZO / SATURDAY, MARCH 19 th 5 a SESIÓN / SESSION 5 Session 5A 10:35 12:35 Tower Bridge MODERADORA/ Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante Session 5B 10:35 12:35 Central Pacific MODERADOR / Armin Schwegler Session 5C 10:35 12:35 Steamboat MODERADOR / Travis Bradley Panel LENGUA DE HERENCIA Y ESCRITURAS EN CONTACTO: MÚLTIPLES PERSPECTIVAS DEL DISCURSO ACADÉMICO 1. (Re)visioning Bilingual Narratives: The Unfettered Voices of the Oral and Written Discourse of Spanish Heritage Speakers Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante (Utah State University) 2. Qué estrategias retórico-lingüísticas emplean los estudiantes para argumentar? Sofia Paredes (Drake University) 3. What Makes an Expository Essay Successful?: The Role of Causal Constructions and Quotes: a Functional Grammar Approach Miriam Hernandez-Rodriguez (University of California, Davis) 4. El desarrollo de literacidad avanzada en el español como segunda lengua: análisis del grupo nominal Joseph Harrington (University of California, Davis) DISTINTAS VARIEDADES DEL ESPAÑOL EN CONTACTO CON OTRAS COMUNIDADES II / DIFFERING VARIETIES OF SPANISH IN CONTACT WITH OTHER COMMUNITIES II 1. Modelo explicativo del español en Estados Unidos: el español de tierras altas y bajas Claudia Parodi (University of California, Los Angeles) 2. The Development of Traditional New Mexican Spanish as a Unique Variety in the Americas Daniel Villa (New Mexico State University) & Israel Sans (West Chester University of Pennsylvania) 3. Posicionamientos identitarios de mujeres inmigrantes colombianas en Chicago Gloria Vélez-Rendón (Purdue University Calumet) 4. Vitalidad del español en el paisaje lingüístico urbano Jose Franco Rodriguez (Fayetteville State University) EL CAMBIO LINGÜÍSTICO DEL ESPAÑOL EN LA HISTORIA Y EN SU CONTACTO CON OTRAS LENGUAS I / SPANISH LANGUAGE CHANGE THROUGH HISTORY AND CONTACT WITH OTHER LANGUAGES I 1. Interference of Catalan in Barcelonan Spanish: A Sociophonetic Perspective Justin Davidson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 2. El judeo-español contemporáneo en Los Ángeles Bryan Kirschen (University of California, Los Angeles) 3. El latín y el romance en la iberia del medievo tardío y el complemento directo preposicional Omar Velázquez-Mendoza (University of Virginia) 4. Spanish in the Pacific Lucía Aranda (University of Hawaii) 17

20 SÁBADO, 19 DE MARZO / SATURDAY, MARCH 19 th Event Time Room/Chair Description Session 5D 10:35 12:35 Schoolhouse MODERADORA/ Laura Dubcovsky LA ENSEÑANZA DEL ESPAÑOL EN EL MUNDO / TEACHING SPANISH IN THE WORLD 1. Los cursos de español para hablantes nativos en Génova, Italia Laura Sanfelici (Università degli Studi di Genova, Italia) 2. El español en la India: Desarrollo y perspectivas Rajiv Saxena (University of California, Davis & Jawaharlal Nehru University) 3. La escritura del ISP (Independent Study Project) en español. Desafíos que enfrentan los estudiantes estadounidenses Leticia Krsul (Universidad de Buenos Aires) 4. Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos: la inclusión y evolución de las políticas lingüísticas en los proyectos de ley estadounidenses de Elaine Shenk (Saint Joseph s University) 12:40 1:55 ALMUERZO CATERED LUNCH Embassy Suites Hotel Terrace / Terraza del hotel Embassy Suites Readings By - Susana Chávez Silverman (Pomona College) 6 a SESIÓN / SESSION 6 Session 6A 2:00 3:30 Tower Bridge Panel SPANISH IN CONTEXT: NAVIGATING HERITAGE LEARNER IDENTITY IN EDUCATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SETTINGS MODERADOR / Adam Schwartz 1. Digital storytelling in a Medical Spanish Course for Heritage Learners Adam Schwartz (University of South Florida) 2. Latino Immigration and the Cultural-Discursive Figuration of Spanish in the U.S. South Phillip M. Carter (University of Southern California) 3. Creating Community: Fostering the Linguistic/Ethnic Development of Spanish Heritage Learners as Bilingual Citizens Ana Sánchez-Muñoz (California State University, Northridge) Session 6B 2:00 3:30 Central Pacific ACTITUDES LINGÜÍSTICAS II / LANGUAGE ATTITUDES II MODERADORA/ Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante 1. Y tu abuela, dónde está? : Circumlocutions as Racial Indicators among US Latinos; and What We Know from Spanish America Thomas Stephens (Rutgers University) 2. SHL Learners' Attitudes & Motivations: A Call to Action Cynthia Ducar (Bowling Green State University) 3. To be more in tune with my culture : The Intersection of Identity and Attitudes Toward Maintenance among Beginning Spanish as a Heritage Language Students Damián Vergara Wilson (University of New Mexico) Session 6C 2:00 3:30 Steamboat PEDAGOGÍA DE ENSEÑANZA III / TEACHING PEDAGOGY III MODERADORA/ Miriam Hernandez- Rodriguez 1. Who or What Wrote this Assignment? Raising Student Awareness about Machine Translation Tools, Plagiarism, and Literacy Practices Arline Garcia & Alison Green (Highline Community College) 2. Por qué tantas tachaduras en rojo si nada de esto se ha enseñado en clase? Edwin Padilla (Universidad de Houston Downtown) 18

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Instructor: Do you remember how to say the verb "to speak"? Instructor: How do you ask a friend Do you speak Spanish?

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Level 1 Spanish, 2013

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FEDERACION SALVADOREÑA DE ESGRIMA INVITATION: All National Fencing Federations affiliated to the FIE: Invitation to Participate: Junior World Cup Men s Epée San Salvador I greet you fraternally, with best wishing you success in our beloved

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2/14/2014. Programa bilingüe de doble inmersión Reunión informativa. Dual Language Immersion Informational Meeting. Bienvenidos! Welcome!

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Edgar Quiñones. HHRR: Common Sense Does Not Mean Business. Objective

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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Unidad Idiomas Transcripción

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Encuesta sobre la formación y el desarrollo profesional de profesores (proyecto EU-SPEAK 2)

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