t Annual Repor 11-12

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1 Annual Report 11-12

2 Vision & Purpose Vision We envision our graduates as socially responsible, adaptable, life-long learners and leaders capable of passionately pursuing their dreams. Purpose Colegio Panamericano is a progressive, non-profit educational community with a global perspective offering both Colombian and U.S. diplomas. Our rigorous curriculum and exemplary faculty empower students to develop their intellectual, physical, and ethical potentials in preparation for a quality university education and a successful life

3 Belief Statements Social Responsibility Students develop social responsibility by addressing social inequalities, modeling civic behavior, and demonstrating environmental stewardship. Adaptability By embracing diversity and creativity, students become independent, resilient and tolerant of ambiguity in a world of change. Life-Long Learning A student-centered environment focused on individual strengths and needs facilitates the continuous growth of curious, self-directed learners with a desire to be challenged. Leadership Empowering students to serve their school and communities fosters youth leadership. Students become positive agents of change when given meaningful opportunities to challenge themselves, motivate others, take risks, and collaboratively solve problems. Passionate Pursuit of Dreams A holistic educational environment supports the development of individual talents, encourages perseverance and inspires the fulfillment of goals. 0102

4 Board of Trustees Jorge Luis Vesga Moreno (President), Alexandra Zafra, Rocío del Pilar Díaz Lizarazo, Dr. Javier Noriega Rangel, Dr. Julián Hernando Rodríguez, Oswaldo Pacheco, Henry Orlando Lòpez, Maria Teresa Prada, Dr. Ludwing Delgado Centeno, Carlos Ortegon, Luis Fernando Blanco, Carlos E. Vecino, Ariel Gómez, Dr. Yessid Torres 0103

5 Administrative Team Head of School: Business Manager: Kindergarten Principal: Elementary Principal: Middle/High Principal: Student Services Coordinator: Dean of Students: Steven Desroches Maria Teresa Orejarena Angela Guarnizo Zeb Johnson Brian Hartman Janeth Plata Blanca Gutierrez 0104

6 Table of Contents From the Board President From the Head of School Demographics Kindergarten (K2-K5) Bright Beginnings Elementary School (G1-G5) Coming Together as a Community of Learners Middle School (G6-G8) An Engaging Program for the Middle Years High School (G9-G12) The Many Measurements of Success Student Services Connecting Learning... for Every Child Alumni Association Admissions and Communications College Admissions Pursuit of Dreams Students Progress Financial Report

7 From the President of the Board of Trustees Estimados Padres de Familia: Este año hemos concluido el proyecto mas importante de infraestructura realizado hasta la fecha por nuestra institución. Después de tres años de análisis, diseños y construcción, la nueva sección de preescolar es una realidad. Allí, donde todo empieza, en un área de 4500 m2 de salones, parques y zonas verdes, nuestros niños inician su formación integral basada en la filosofía educativa Reggio Emilia. Esta inversión, de un monto superior a los US$ 2,375,000 nos permitirá continuar con nuestra misión educativa. El Pax Nest, las facilidades administrativas y la ampliación y remodelación de el restaurante, así como la remodelación de los laboratorios de Física, Biología, y Ciencia de Middle School hicieron parte de las mejoras locativas entregadas en este periodo. Como Junta tuvimos la oportunidad de invitar al Dr. Clark Kirkpatrick, consultor internacional, para trabajar en un seminario-taller de formación para miembros de junta de colegios internacionales, avalados por SACS-AdvancEd. Esta experiencia nos permitirá continuar fortaleciendo la gestión de la Junta así como las relaciones con la comunidad y la dirección de nuestro colegio. Igualmente se ha continuado con el programa de formación para educadores, mediante el convenio con la Universidad de Alabama. Otro tópico importante de resaltar es el trabajo realizado, mediante comités, para la elaboración del manual de políticas de la junta directiva del colegio, este documento, que próximamente estará disponible para toda la comunidad, nos permite cumplir con las recomendaciones del equipo de certificación de SACS, así como servir de derrotero en la gestión de la Junta. El fortalecimiento de los diversos programas atléticos y deportivos, así como la puesta en marcha de la política Growing Without Fear (Creciendo Sin Miedo) son puntos importantes para resaltar en este periodo escolar. La revisión y actualización del plan estratégico fue otro punto importante desarrollado durante las sesiones mensuales de junta, vale la pena resaltar también la definición de los próximos proyectos de inversión, acordes al plan estratégico, que están programados para desarrollo el próximo periodo. Estamos seguros que nuestro colegio continuará creciendo, dará las herramientas a sus graduados para que persigan sus sueños con pasión y entregará a la sociedad individuos de bien comprometidos con la sociedad y su entorno. Atentamente, Jorge Luis Vesga Moreno Presidente 0106

8 From the Head of School Welcome to the Annual Report, a publication that celebrates the community of learners we know as Colegio Panamericano. This is the first written and published Annual Report in our school s forty-eight year history. The purpose of the report is to highlight our successes and document progress made towards delivering on our vision of preparing graduates to be socially responsible, adaptable, life-long learners and leaders capable of passionately pursuing their dreams. The Annual Report to the community is designed to provide an overview of the school s ongoing efforts to assure a quality educational program is being offered to all our students. Throughout the course of each year, we collect and analyze a wide variety of data to assess our progress in successfully serving our students in their journey of learning, growth, and development. This report seeks to provide fair, reliable and objective information about school performance measures and policies and ongoing efforts to attain quality in all aspects of our educational program. It provides an overview of our student demographics that highlights the diversity of our student community, an update on the financial health of Colegio Panamericano, and the variety of parent and school partnerships that are so important to sustaining a vibrant school community It is my hope that everyone will also use the Annual Report to look back at this past year with a firm sense of achievement and pride in the school and with the conviction that this year has been another step forward on the path toward reaching our maximum potential of being the best school possible for our children s education and successful future. Although there is tremendous professional pride in the accomplishments represented in this report, there is also an abiding commitment to identify ways in which we can work to improve in and beyond. Sincerely, Steven Desroches Head of School 0107


10 Students by Grade Level Demographics Middle School Kindergarten High School Elementary Students by Country Our student population represents Colombia and eleven other Nations. 0109

11 Demographics Historical Enrollment Staff Qualifications 100% of our classroom teachers, assistants, and band teachers are licensed and have a minimum qualification of a B.A. Colombian Staff Qualifications Leadership Team Qualifications Overseas-Hired Qualifications 0110

12 Kindergarten Bright Beginnings Inspirado en la filosofía Reggio Emilia y orientado por los valores de la visión Institucional, El Kindergarten del Colegio Panamericano ofrece a niños y niñas un entorno educativo que lo empodera hacia el aprendizaje continuo, la creatividad, la investigación, la expresión a través del arte, el desarrollo de habilidades sociales y del pensamiento crítico. Nuevas instalaciones En Agosto de 2011 nuevos espacios de expresión, aprendizaje y recreación, acogieron a niños y niñas del Kindergarten. El diseño, construcción y adecuación de cada lugar, estuvo inspirado en la filosofía y visión Institucional y con el objetivo primordial de convertir el ambiente en otro facilitador del proceso educativo. La infraestructura física actual cuenta con 6 aulas para los niveles de K2 y K3, cada una dotada con su baño; 4 aulas para K4 y K5, con un baño para niños y otro para niñas; Atelier, salón de luz, oficina de Consejería, comedor, oficinas administrativas, salón de música y tres áreas de juego: Plaza Reggio Emilia, playground para K2 y K3 y otro para K4 y K

13 Kindergarten Bright Beginnings Kinder 2 - el inicio oportuno de la escolarización Acogemos a los niños(as) y a sus familias en un ambiente que estimula seguridad y confianza frente a los nuevos espacios y rutinas. Docentes y Psicóloga, apoyan la adaptación a diferentes procesos de estimulación al desarrollo psico-social, sensorial, motriz y cognitivo, de niños y niñas. Durante el año escolar se han fortalecido a nivel de contenido y calidad, programas del Kindergarten como el Magic Bag del afecto, el Magic Bag de la Nutrición y el Giving Tree que involucra las familias en las experiencias Reggio Emilia. El trabajo interdisciplinario entre docentes, profesionales como la Nutricionista y la Psicóloga, ha permitido la estimulación de hábitos y rutinas adecuadas en la infancia, implementación de estrategias de prevención y afianciamiento del vínculo afectivo de los niños con su familia y su entorno escolar. 0112

14 Kindergarten Bright Beginnings Reggio Emilia Desarrollamos nuestra labor educativa inspirados en la filosofía Reggio Emilia, enfoque pedagógico que ha sido reconocido mundialmente. Es el caso de Howard Gardner, de la Universidad de Harvard, que se refiere a los centros de Reggio Emilia como colegios donde las mentes, cuerpos y espíritus de los niños más pequeños son tratados con sobresaliente seriedad y respeto; y donde, al mismo tiempo, experimentan placer, diversión, belleza y aprendizaje duradero. Anualmente se programan jornadas de desarrollo profesional para fortalecer la implementación de la filosofía: Octubre de 2011: Camila Bretón - Atelierista y Angela Ayala Coach de Inglés y docente de Inglés de Kinder 2 a Kinder 4, asisten al V Seminario Internacional sobre la Filosofía educativa de Reggio Emilia, organizado por la Red Solare Colombia. Noviembre de 2011: Las 4 docentes titulares de K4 y K5 asistieron a 3 días de capacitación en el colegio Karl Parrish de Barranquilla, pioneros en Colombia en la Filosofía Reggio Emilia. Abril de 2012: Jornada de desarrollo profesional para los colegios de la ALIANZA: La edu cación en Preescolar. Todo el equipo de Kindergarten del Colegio Panamericano participará en la conferencia sobre la filosofía Reggio Emilia, a cargo de la Pedagogista del Nido del Colegio Bolívar, de la ciudad de Cali. 0113

15 Kindergarten Bright Beginnings Atelier Atelier es una palabra francesa que reúne varias definiciones, es un lugar donde se cumplen labores tanto artísticas como artesanales; para la corriente Reggiana es el lugar donde los niños y niñas en edad preescolar dejan salir toda su creatividad para que de la mano de la Atelierista busquen respuestas a preguntas de investigación, soluciones a problemas, logren dar color a lo incoloro, vida a lo inerte, etc. Este año Camila Bretón, artista plástica y exalumna del Colegio, asumió el cargo de Atelierista con nuevos proyectos y experiencias que han enriquecido la sensibilidad artística y expresión creativa de los niños del Kindergarten. Entre sus metas está la de especializar el Atelier en el área del reciclaje, en la creación de arte y artesanía a partir de elementos reciclados, aspecto en el cual ya ha venido trabajando con la comunidad de la sección ya que es un tema vital para la filosofía Reggiana, pues considera que somos los adultos los encargados no solo de cuidar el medio ambiente, sino encargados también de enseñar cómo hacerlo. Programas de Espanol El programa de español en el Kindergarten tiene como base una propuesta pedagógica que tiene las siguientes características fundamentales: El fortalecimiento de la lengua materna en los niveles de Kinder 2 y Kinder 3 con el fin de ampliar y reforzar sus habilidades comunicativas. La función social y cultural de la lengua hablada y escrita. Iniciación en la lectura y la escritura por medio de experiencias significativas para los niños. Reconocimiento del ritmo individual de los niños en su proceso de aprendizaje y parte de sus vivencias y potencial, para motivarlos y desarrollar sus competencias en la lectoescritura. Adaptación curricular de acuerdo al desarrollo evolutivo de los niños y a los requerimientos del sistema de educación bilingüe. 14

16 Kindergarten Bright Beginnings La metodología de enseñanza tiene como herramienta principal el programa Letras, creado por la empresa Herramientas y gestión, que nos visita dos veces al año para realizar actividades formativas para Padres de familia y docentes. Con el fin de tener un proceso de recolección formal de datos frente al desarrollo del lenguaje desde K2 hasta K5, se está realizando este año escolar, la aplicación de rejillas de evaluación de los siguientes componentes: Fonológico, Sintáctico gramático y Semántico Comprensivo. Programa de Ingles Kinder 2 y Kinder 3 Los niños inician el proceso de sensibilización frente al segundo idioma. Las experiencias Reggio Emilia de cada aula son tenidas en cuenta para desarrollar los temas de clase y crear canciones, rimas, poemas e historias, que incrementan el vocabulario de los niños y los motivan a aprender el inglés por medio de sus intereses, exploraciones y experiencias. Kinder 4 El programa bilingüe en K4 determina además de la enseñanza en inglés en áreas como Matemáticas y Ciencias, la introducción continua de vocabulario relacionado con comandos básicos, rutinas, experiencias Reggio Emilia y el uso de herramientas y recursos que fortalecen el inicio del desarrollo de habilidades fonéticas y de comprensión lectora de textos e imágenes, presentados en inglés. Para el segundo semestre se adquirió por primera vez en éste grado, la licencia para el uso de la herramienta tecnológica Raz-Kids, que permitirá el acceso de todos los niños a este importante recurso de apoyo al aprendizaje del inglés. 0115

17 Kindergarten Bright Beginnings Kinder 5 En este nivel se da la inmersión al segundo idioma. Se profundiza en el contexto fonológico y se inicia el proceso lecto escrito en inglés, afianzando también habilidades comprensivas y aumento de vocabulario. El programa bilingüe en K4 y en K5 inició hace 2 años, con resultados positivos que han evidenciado los docentes que reciben los niños en primer grado. Las habilidades comprensivas y expresivas en inglés de los estudiantes, han facilitado al llegar a Primaria adecuados procesos comunicativos con los docentes extranjeros y mayores logros en el aprendizaje del segundo idioma. Para contar con mayores herramientas de evaluación y mejoramiento del programa de Inglés, desde el año anterior se inició en K5 la aplicación de la batería KTEA-II (Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement). Este año se realizará una prueba piloto en Kinder 4 y se aplicará a todos los estudiantes de K5 para continuar un proceso de análisis de datos que permita el mejoramiento continuo de la enseñanza en esta área. Las herramientas pedagógicas que apoyan el programa de Inglés en Kindergarten son los programas: On our way to English, Raz-Kids, Daily 5 y CAFE. 0116

18 Elementary School Coming Together as a Community of Learners The Elementary section provides students from Grade 1 to Grade 5 the opportunity to continue to develop strong academic proficiency, positive social interactions, self-confidence, and independence. A Year of Growth Balanced Literacy Student language abilities in English and Spanish are evaluated through a variety of internal and external measures, and the results are used by teachers to work with students individually or in small groups on specific skills and strategies. Teachers use level-specific books to guide students in their acquisition of reading comprehension skills and attitudes. Through programs such as CAFE, Readers Workshop, and a Home Reading Program, students are given daily opportunities to practice and strengthen their reading skills and attitudes. Programs such as Daily 5, Writers Workshops, Daily Language Instruction, and 6+1 Traits of Writing provide students with the structure and practice they need to become careful and capable authors. Through whole-class, small group, and individual instruction, special attention is paid to each writer s craft, word choice, fluency and mechanics. Everyday Math The Everyday Math program is structured to give students multiple opportunities each year to be exposed to developmentally-appropriate Math skills and knowledge, connected to real world situations. The program employs differentiated activities, projects, and games that challenge students at varying levels and continuously revisit ideas. The Everyday Math Online site and apps provide additional opportunities to practice and play with new Math concepts, ensuring student motivation and understanding. 0117

19 Elementary School Coming Together as a Community of Learners VYDA Elementary parents are encouraged to be involved in their children s education. Through the VYDA program, parent volunteers work in teams to prepare and deliver classes related to values and ethics, and aligned directly with other school and section-wide values campaigns. Through a VYDA blog, all Elementary families have the opportunity to review and reflect on the goals and values of each class. Destination ImagiNation Through the Destination ImagiNation (DI) program, students are empowered to become creative thinkers and communicators, capable of working collaboratively to solve problems, and with the confidence to present their solutions to an audience. Students may be introduced to the strategies and challenges of DI through Upper Elementary electives, or may work weekly as a team throughout the year with the chance to take part in the National DI Tournament, possibly advancing to participate in the Global Finals in Tennessee. 0118

20 Elementary School Coming Together as a Community of Learners Electives Students are prepared for future grade levels by programs which strengthening their adaptability, independence and the passionate pursuit of their dreams. One example for students in grades 3-5 is the opportunity to select a weekly elective class to take during one quarter of the school year. The electives offered cover a range of options offered by teachers and parents, including topics such as Musical Inspiration, Drama, Cartooning, Chess, and Yoga. Technological Connections In addition to solid literary, mathematical, analytical and communicative skills, the key tools of the 21st century will undoubtedly be technological. Elementary teachers employ resources such as video beams, document cameras, classroom computers and ipads to enrich instruction and increase student motivation and understanding. In their homes, students use on-line resources such as RAZ- Kids and IXL which adapt to fit each student s specific needs and abilities, providing important practice at a productive level for each student. Parents have also benefited from the increased use of technology; a high percentage of families now use PowerSchool on a regular basis to access student progress information, as well as using teacher s and blogs to remain well-informed regarding assignments and activities. 0119

21 Elementary School Coming Together as a Community of Learners Next Steps for Elementary In August, 2012, the Elementary Section will begin a new 3-year school improvement plan; however preparations for implementing the plan have already begun. As part of the plan, and in line with a major movement in US education, as of the coming school year English instruction will be guided by the Common Core standards. The new set of standards will better prepare students academically, and at the same time allow for greater collaboration within and outside of Colombia, as well as access to a greater number of digital, print and manipulative materials focused specifically on the new standards. Technology will continue to be another major area of focus in Greater use of resources such as ipads and clickers will continue to individualize student instruction, evaluation, and feedback. Students will also continue to develop 21st Century skills using online tools such as blogs, wikis, apps, and other elements of virtual learning. With the completion of new Preschool classrooms, the Elementary Section has also been permitted to grow. Elementary students will increasingly use the ES Science Lab for performing experiments and observing scientific phenomena, just as teachers will have more direct access to teaching materials in the new Teachers Resource Room. 20

22 Elementary School Coming Together as a Community of Learners The ultimate goal of all members of the Elementary team is to provide students with the key experiences necessary to prepare them for success in Middle School and beyond. Our caring, collaborative community works hard to give every child in the Elementary Section the support, care, challenges, and direction they need. 0121

23 Middle School An Engaging Program for the Middle Years The Middle School provides students from Grade 6 to Grade 8 the opportunity to develop higher order academic skills and concepts, participate in positive outreach experiences, and ready themselves for High School New Building, New Community The most significant development in Middle School was the inauguration of a new building and courtyard. In addition to providing more classroom space for Middle School-specific academic programming, the new building and courtyard have created a greater sense of community, allowing for more opportunities to socialize, engage in field games and sports during breaks, and organize co-curricular activities at an appropriate developmental level. Four years after the Middle School was founded, this new space has ensured for the continued development of this division s self-identity. Scheduling To better prepare for High School, the Middle School implemented individualized academic scheduling for Grade 7 and Grade 8. The benefits of this scheduling format include heterogeneous integration of student groups across subjects and preparation for Pre-AP and AP course selection in High School. All Middle School students still enjoy the support provided by counselors and homeroom teachers in a weekly Advisory period with their formal homeroom group. 0122

24 Middle School An Engaging Program for the Middle Years Literacy To advance the development of greater proficiency in reading comprehension as well as the identification of specific improvement areas in reading, the English Department has emphasized the use of a computerized literacy tool, elearn Daily. This tool has formed the cornerstone of the Middle School Home Reading Program. Binationals This year marked the first time our Athletic Department sent a multiple-team delegation to the Middle School Binational Games in Bogota, building on success of hosting the games at Colegio Panamericano a year earlier. Led by our Athletic Director and three specialized coaches, twenty-nine student-athletes competed in boys soccer, girls volleyball, and girls basketball. 0123

25 Middle School An Engaging Program for the Middle Years Technology All new Middle School classrooms are now outfitted with mounted state-of-the-art audiovideo projectors. Teacher and students alike take advantage of these technological tools in the delivery of enhanced instructional methodologies and innovative assessments. Classroom without walls Our experiential-learning field trips continued with high levels of participation at the Middle School level. Organized exclusively by independent outdoor education professionals, these ventures promote components of our Vision, such as leadership skills, life-long learning, and adaptability. Next Steps for MS Looking toward the future, the High School team will continue its progress toward goals identified in the MS/HS School Improvement Plan , including the increased application of innovative technologies such as software, Internet resources, and tablet computing. 0124


27 High School The Many Measurements of Success The High School provides students from Grade 9 to Grade 12 the opportunity to master higher order academic skills and concepts while preparing for a successful life in university and beyond. Advanced Placement The AP Program continued its expansion in the upper levels of the High School with diverse course offerings from AP World History to AP Studio Art. New AP classes in included AP Spanish Language on campus as well as hundreds of additional options via our Online Learning Program. For the first time ever the High School offered Pre-AP courses for Grade 9 students in math, Spanish, and Social Studies. Total AP enrollment reached 113 in , a 98% increase from the previous year, and total Pre-AP enrollment at 105, a 40% increase from Even with this record growth, the High School team remains confident that AP Exam outcomes will continue to reflect a high level of success. The AP Exam passage rate has exceeded 70% in each of the last three years. 26

28 High School The Many Measurements of Success Online Learning We believe that students should be able to pursue coursework that reflects their personal interests in addition to satisfying the requirements for their U.S. and Colombian diplomas. Students can choose from a selection of online classes to individualize their academic schedules. In only its second year of existence, the Online Learning Program witnessed 29 total enrollments in 12 different classes, ranging from AP Macroeconomics and AP Biology to Introduction to Entrepreneurship and German I to Anthropology and AP Psychology. Facilities The most notable advancement in facilities came in the physical separation of the High School from the Middle School in August All High School classes and activities are now contained on the second floor of the MS/HS wing, a layout that provides lasting pedagogical and co-curricular benefits to both school divisions. In addition, a significant capital investment in our science infrastructure permitted the inauguration of a new High School physics laboratory. Finally, we opened a new Online Learning Room dedicated exclusively to students completing coursework in our Online Learning Program. Next Steps for HS Looking toward the future, the High School team will continue its progress toward goals identified in the MS/HS School Improvement Plan , including the increased application of innovative technologies such as software, Internet resources, and tablet computing. 0127

29 High School The Many Measurements of Success University Preparation For the second straight year we teamed with another local school to host the University Fair of Bucaramanga with representatives hailing from most major universities in Bogota and Medellin. In a new development for our Professional Orientation Program, we hosted an International University Fair on our campus for the first time ever. Colleges and universities from the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, and Europe shared information with our students. Students interested in attending universities at the national and international level may take advantage of individualized college counseling support. The Senior Project once again formed the capstone educational experience for our graduates. During the Project, Grade 12 students research a professional field of interest before completing a two-week internship at a local company of their choice under the guidance of a Professional Sponsor and Teacher Advisor. 0128

30 Student Services The Student Services Department through professional counselors, therapists, support teachers and a school nurse continues promoting an inclusive community that has evolved to meet the changing needs of its members. New facilities such as the new infirmary, the new occupational therapy room, a new satellite L.C. room to serve MS/HS students, having each counselor s office closer to each section and offering more support from the speech therapist and the occupational therapist in the class setting, contribute to address the physical, emotional, and social, growth of our students. 0129

31 Student Services Counseling A reorganization and restructuring process was initiated to review the role and functions of counselors. They continue to be key players in all areas that address the emotional and social well being of our students. The Counseling Department has created more opportunities for reflection on topics related to parenting and personal growth for our students. Educando en momentos de crisis, Cómo desarrollamos hábitos de estudio en nuestros hijos según el estilo de aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes?, Desarrollo de habilidades sociales, Taller de alimentación: Un momento delicioso, Depender o ser feliz, Estrategias de afrontamiento para el bullying en el ámbito escolar, are samples of the continuous commitment to support parents with effective strategies for helping children establish appropriate social interactions, develop acceptance, demonstrate respect for differences, and life-long problem-solving skills. VYDA (Valores y Desarrollo de Auto-Estima) This group of parent volunteers has incorporated elements of Growing without Fear to develop and promote activities to continue strengthening student self-esteem and promoting a safe environment. Growing without Fear (GWF) GWF continues being an important component as it promotes and empowers values such as: Tolerance, sense of community, inclusion, courage, empathy, solidarity, determination and cooperation among our students. The organization of GWF Awareness Week by its committee also has added an additional time to reflect as a unity on the importance of a safe school climate in all sections. Healthy Living A professional nurse and nutritionist have been working together with the Athletic Department to coordinate strategies and actions to promote a healthy school environment. This year s focus has been to strengthen the educational process by improving healthy lifestyles and general knowledge of health on the importance of a safe school climate in all sections. 0130

32 Student Services Social Outreach PADRINOS PROGRAM has been redefined offering a greater variety of institutions for high school students to continue interacting, learning, understanding, and supporting individuals and social communities such as Fundación Colombo Alemana, Fundación Guanela and Fundación Colombo Alemana. COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND SERVICE EXPERIENCE (COSE) has started pedagogical and service activities with a group of successful high school students supporting younger students to increase study skills. SCHOOL WIDE VALUES PROGRAM develops social responsibility through lessons and experiences to prepare students to make responsible ethical and moral decisions in an ever-changing world. Institutions such as Instituto Club Union, Asopormen, Colegio Juan Pablo II de San Rafael de Lebrija, Colegio Santa Teresita de Girardota, Aldeas SOS, Hogar San Francisco de Piedecuesta are examples of places supported by the school community. 0131

33 Student Services Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program Emphasis has been given to the development of skills among students to translate their motivation into effective resistance regarding the prevention of drugs and alcohol use. Inviting external professionals such as Dr. Augusto Pérez to talk to parents in order to develop a closer partnership with them on these issues has also been an important contribution to the goals of this program. Learning Center INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATIONAL PLANS The school continues developing Individualized Educational Plans (IEP s), aimed not only at addressing particular educational needs which have been diagnosed by a specialist, but by also addressing Spanish or English performance levels as barriers to perform according to grade level expectations. PREVENTION PROGRAM: KEYS TO SUCCEED KTS (K3-2 ) has expanded to four components: Club de Letras y Mundos, Body and Mind, English is Fun and Dap to continue enriching and strengthening essential skills for students to perform in the areas of Spanish, Math, English and psychomotor development. THERAPEUTIC SUPPORT As part of an interdisciplinary team, speech therapy and occupational therapy services are providing more group interventions to address not only learning difficulties, but also maturational, adaptation and educational dimensions. STUDY GROUPS Resource teachers support student learning under a collaborative approach and co-teaching methodology by designing lessons to address individual needs and grade level academic standards. 32

34 Alumni Association Alumni Association La asociación busca reunir a todos los exalumnos de nuestro colegio para fomentar vínculos de amistad además de promover y coordinar diferentes actividades que afiancen el sentido de pertenencia a nuestra institución. Entre ellas se encuentran: Campañas culturales y cívicas entre los exalumnos y los estudiantes. Estimular la solidaridad en favor de los miembros de la comunidad. Colaborar con los eventos institucionales y los servicios estudiantiles como: conferencias impartidas por egresados para ofrecer orientación al momento de elegir una carrera. Difundir las actividades de los egresados que han alcanzado algún cargo o reconocimiento notable, entre otros. 0133

35 Alumni Association Dentro de las actividades que viene realizando la asociación tenemos: 1. Base de datos: Es una tarea permanente en la cual estamos involucrados todos. Hemos recopilado información existente en el colegio, datos compartidos por compañeros, información del Facebook, entre otros. 2. Bits and Pieces: En este comunicado semanal compartimos experiencias de nuestros exalumnos, promovemos eventos y publicamos visitas e información sobre la ubicación actual de quienes regresan al colegio. 3. En marzo de 2010 se realizó la primera reunión para iniciar la constitución de la Asociación de Exalumnos. Al evento nos acompañaron quienes ahora son además padres de familia panamericanos. 4. Evento en el Día de la Calle de Honor: En junio nos reunimos con la Clase 2011 para hacer entrega por primera vez del pin de exalumnos e invitarlos a unirse a la asociación. 5. En diciembre 14 de 2011 realizamos el Primer Encuentro de Exalumnos en el Colegio Panamericano. Al evento nos acompañaron 33 exalumnos de diferentes promociones, reconocimos a quienes cumplían 5,10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 y 40 años. 6. En marzo 22 de 2012 se realizó un Re-encuentro en Bogotá convocando a todos los exalumnos que viven en esa ciudad" 0134

36 Admissions and Communications Las actividades relacionadas a continuación fueron diseñadas con el objetivo de fortalecer y dinamizar el departamento de comunicaciones. OFICINA: Teniendo en cuenta que la oficina de Admisiones y comunicaciones es la puerta de entrada al Colegio Panamericano, uno de los objetivos más importantes en este último año fue contar con un espacio especialmente adecuado, en el nuevo edificio administrativo. Este lugar fue dotado con un nuevo mobiliario, confortable y dinámico de acuerdo a la imagen de bienestar y confort que el colegio quiere proyectar a los padres. 0135

37 Admissions and Communications BROCHURE: Este material es la mejor carta de presentación en una empresa y una importante herramienta de marketing para promover los servicios que el colegio ofrece. El brochure será el Colegio Panamericano ingresando en la casa de los potenciales clientes. Para proyectar nuestra mejor imagen se recolectó la información más relevante sobre cada sección, incluyendo todo lo que la visión del colegio encierra unido a esto se seleccionaron imágenes que hablan por si solas de las ventajas de pertenecer a este plantel educativo. Vale la pena resaltar la colaboración recibida durante este proceso por parte de Advise. VIDEO INSTITUCIONAL: El objetivo al elaborar este material era condensar en un breve espacio de tiempo los conceptos de visión y valores del colegio apoyándonos en el que quizás, sería el medio de mayor impacto; en él quedaron plasmados todos los cambios que el colegio ha tenido en los últimos años. Este audiovisual permite además comunicar y fortalecer la imagen de nuestra institución. Un maravilloso trabajo realizado por la empresa Dominio Digital. FORMATO DE INSCRIPCIÓN: Este documento permite tener una información preliminar tanto del estudiante que está aplicando para ingresar al colegio, como de sus padres. Por esta razón se consideró de vital importancia rediseñar este formato, e incluir preguntas que permitan tener mayor claridad y seguridad en el momento de tomar la decisión de admitir a un nuevo alumno. El solo hecho de consignar y formalizar la inscripción, se considera una aceptación por parte del aspirante, de todas las condiciones y requisitos contemplados en este formato. Este nuevo documento fue elaborado por Advise. FOLLETO DE OPORTUNIDADES DE PARTICIPACIÓN DE PADRES DE FAMILIA: Este es un nuevo producto y con él se pretende dar a conocer a la comunidad panamericana y aspirantes a pertenecer a ella, todas las actividades y programas en los cuales los padres de familia podrán participar activamente. 0136

38 College Admissions Pursuit of Dreams University Acceptances Class of 2011 Andrews University Berklee College of Music Carleton University Drexel University Frankfurt School of Finance and Management Johns Hopkins University University of Chicago University of Michigan University of Waterloo University of Wyoming Wichita State University CESA EAFIT Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga Universidad de la Sabana Universidad de los Andes Universidad del Rosario Universidad El Bosque Universidad Externado de Colombia Universidad Industrial de Santander Universidad Javeriana Universidad Nacional Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 0137

39 Student Progress At Colegio Panamericano we believe that student learning and growth is our greatest priority. Our students continue to demonstrate strong results over the last four years as evidenced by an array of external and internal assessments. Historical SAT Writing Average SAT Results Historical SAT Reading Average Historical SAT MATH Average G10 PSAT Results 0138

40 Student Progress AP & Pre-AP Results Historical Enrollment Pre-AP / AP / Online Courses AP Scores -May

41 Student Progress ICFES Results Historical ICFES Subject Average Historical ICFES - Math Historical ICFES - Spanish 40

42 Student Progress Historical ICFES - Sociales Historical ICFES - Physics Historical ICFES - Chemistry Historical ICFES - Biology 0141

43 Student Progress Historical ICFES - Philosophy Historical ICFES - English Percentage of Senior Class Accepted to 1st & 2nd Choice University 0142

44 Student Progress MAP The Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) tests allow for comparison with international norms. MAP tests are taken by about 6 million students across the US and around the world. Although English is the first language of the great majority of students taking MAP tests, data from the Elementary Section demonstrates a positive trend in which we are approaching the international mean in all 3 testing areas. Colegio Panamericano vs NWEA RIT Reading Mean Difference 0143

45 Student Progress Colegio Panamericano vs NWEA RIT LanguageUsage Difference Colegio Panamericano vs NWEA RIT Math Mean Difference 0144

46 Student Progress Middle School MAP Math by Cohort Middle School MAP Reading by Cohort Middle School MAP Language Usage by Cohort 0145

47 Student Progress DRA2 Another powerful evaluation tool which has started to be used to facilitate level-specific instruction is the Developmental Reading Assessment 2 (DRA2) reading comprehension assessment. The DRA2 is used around the world to identify student attitudes, fluency, and comprehension levels. The following pie charts represent student DRA2 scores at the beginning of the school year. Grade 1 English Grade 1 Spanish Grade 2 English Grade 2 Spanish 0146

48 Student Progress Grade 3 English Grade 3 Spanish Grade 4 English Grade 4 Spanish Grade 5 English Grade 5 Spanish 47

49 Student Progress IXL In school and at home, students use differentiated instructional and evaluative tools to help them reach their own personal goal. The IXL page allows students to practice new skills and concepts until they demonstrate mastery. Progress is personalized in a way which allows for virtually limitless growth. 0148

50 Student Progress Elementary Stars In addition to external assessment and instructional programs, many school-based programs encourage students to achieve their personal best. The Elementary Stars program recognizes high-achieving students, and gives them the responsibility of supporting a classmate during the following academic term. Elementary Star = 90% or greater in all subjects, with the exception of a score of 80%- 89% in one subject Elementary Superstar = 90% or greater in all subjects 0149

51 Informe Financiero Informe Financiero Durante el año académico , el Colegio Panamericano mantuvo un manejo eficiente de sus recursos económicos, buscando mejorar su flujo de caja decide ampliar los plazos de los créditos adquiridos para la finalización de la Inversión en infraestructura del colegio pasando de créditos de Tesorería a créditos a mediano plazo. En cuanto a su estado de resultados el excedente presentado en el año 2011 presenta un incremento porcentual del 3,71%; la mayor variación se presenta en los ingresos no operacionales en una disminución del 24,57% respecto al 2010, que se presenta por la reclasificación del material de soporte educativo que para el año 2011 se incluye como ingreso operacional del Colegio. Conformación Activo $ Fuente: Estados Financieros corte a Diciembre Activos Corriente No Corriente Total Activo Pesos $ $ $

52 Informe Financiero Conformación Pasivo $ Fuente: Estados Financieros corte a Diciembre Pasivo Corriente No Corriente Total Pasivo Pesos $ $ $ Conformación Ingresos $ Fuente: Estados Financieros corte a Diciembre Ingresos Operacionales No Operacionales Total Ingresos Pesos $ $ $

53 Informe Financiero Conformación Ingresos Operacionales $ Fuente: Estados Financieros corte a Diciembre Ing. Operacionales Pesos Matriculas $ Pensiones $ Material Educativo $ Total Ingresos O. $

54 Informe Financiero Resume Estados Financieros 1. Balance General Activo Corriente $ $ Activo No Corriente $ $ Total Activo $ $ Pasivo Corriente $ $ Pasivo Largo Plazo $ $ Total Pasivo $ $ Patrimonio $ $ Pasivo + Patrimonio $ $ Fuente: Estados Financieros corte a Diciembre Estado de Resultados Total Ingresos $ $ Costos Ensañanza $ $ Gastos Operacionales $ $ Costos No Operacionales $ $ Gastos No Operacionales $ $ Excedente Neto $ $ Fuente: Estados Financieros corte a Diciembre

55 Appendix Corporación Colegio Panamericano Balance General a Diciembre 31 del 2011 ACTIVO Dec 11 Dec 10 Valoración $ Valoración % ACTIVO CORRIENTE Disponible Inversiones Temporales Deudores Inventarios TOTAL ACTIVO CORRIENTE ( ) ( ) ( ) % % 15.75% 40.49% % ACTIVO NO CORRIENTE Inversiones permanente Propiedad planta y equipo Intangibles Diferidos Valorizaciones TOTAL ACTIVO NO CORRIENTE % 33.58% % 2.53% 13.71% TOTAL ACTIVO % 0154

56 Appendix PASIVO PASIVO CORRIENTE Obligaciones Financieras corto plazo Cuentas por pagar Obligaciones Laborales Diferidos Otros Pasivos TOTAL ACTIVO CORRIENTE ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) % % 8.88% % % % PASIVO NO CORRIENTE Obligaciones financieras largo Plazo Ingresos recibidos por terceros - Fundación TOTAL PASIVO LARGO PLAZO % 91.14% TOTAL PASIVO % PATRIMONIO Fondo Social Superavit de Capital Reservas Revolarización del Patrimonio Excedente del Ejercicio Excedente de Ejercicios Anteriores Supervit por valorizaciones TOTAL PATRIMONIO ( ) % 37.71% 0.00% 3.71% % 2.53% 4.58% TOTAL PASIVO + PATRIMONIO % 0155

57 Appendix Corporación Colegio Panamericano Estado de Resultados a Diciembre 31 del 2011 Dec 11 Dec 10 Valoración $ Valoración % INGRESOS Matriculas Pensiones Material de Soporte educativo TOTAL INGRESOS OPERACIONALES % 8.41% 15.67% Costo Enseñanza % EXCEDENTE BRUTO % Gastos Operacionales % EXCEDENTE OPERACIONAL ( ) ( ) % Ingresos no operacionales Costos no operacionales Gastos no operacionales ( ) ( ) ( ) % -4.01% % EXCEDENTE NETO % 0156

58 PBX: (577) Fax: (577) Calle 34 No Cañaveral Alto Floridablanca, Santander

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Learning Compact. Schools would agree to provide children every opportunity to learn in a supportive, drug- and violence-free environment.

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If parents and teachers work together, students are more likely to be successful in school.

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