Intervention in Spanish and English

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Levels A-Q LIS Literacy Intervention System Levels A-M Intervention in Spanish and English Get Every Reader to Grade Level

DUAL LANGUAGE Intervention HOPSCOTCH Literacy Intervention in Spanish Highlights Uses authentic books written in Spanish by U.S. authors Culturally relevant for Latino students in the U.S. and students learning Spanish Explicit and systematic instruction in reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and writing For small-group instruction, 30-35 minutes daily Assessment and progress monitoring Available in English Literacy Intervention System (LIS) for English Learners see pg. 6 Professional Development Available! Contact Us for Details ORANGE KIT LEVELS A-C 30 Titles 6 Weeks of Instruction GREEN KIT LEVELS D-I 45 Titles 9 Weeks of Instruction PURPLE KIT LEVELS J-M 20 Titles 8 Weeks of Instruction AQUA KIT LEVELS N-Q 20 Titles 8 Weeks of Instruction order online

L6775SP_SPanPhoto.indd 1 L6775SP_SPanPhoto.indd 2 2011 Pacific Learning PL-6775SP 3/25/11 4:12:13 L6775SP_SPanPhoto.indd PM 31 3/25/11 4:12:15 L6775SP_SPanPhoto.indd PM 32 2011 Pacific Learning PL-6775SP 3/25/11 4:12:27 L6775SP_SPanPhoto.indd PM 5 3/25/11 4:12:27 L6775SP_SPanPhoto.indd PM 6 2011 Pacific Learning PL-6775SP 3/25/11 4:12:16 PM 3/25/11 4:12:16 PM Es chisme, Anita! 25 128 6 2014 Pacific Learning PL-6963SP x 100 37 2014 Pacific Learning PL-6963SP 45 2014 Pacific Learning PL-6963SP Escrito por Carrie Cisneros 2 2013 Pacific Learning PL-6797SP 4 2013 Pacific Learning PL-6797SP 1 2013 Pacific Learning PL-6797SP 5 2013 Pacific Learning PL-6797SP 3 2013 Pacific Learning PL-6797SP 2 2014 Pacific Learning PL-6964SP 4 2014 Pacific Learning PL-6964SP 1 2014 Pacific Learning PL-6964SP 5 2014 Pacific Learning PL-6964SP 3 2014 Pacific Learning PL-6964SP HOPSCOTCH Kit Components Leveled Readers (A-Q) Take-Home Books Intervention DUAL LANGUAGE La maestra reunió a todos los niños y se sentaron en la alfombra. 12 13 Written in Spanish, not translated Authentic and culturally relevant Supportive illustrations, photographs, and art Variety of text structures Daily practice reading familiar text Family engagement Black/White sets for affordable replacement NO Download Required! Comprehensive Teacher Guide 3. Es chisme, Anita! Nivel de intervención: 18 Nivel de lectura: J Número de palabras: 280 Registro de lectura oral Nombre Fecha Causa y efecto Llena los cuadros con causas o efectos. Luego, completa el párrafo abajo. Causa Efecto Eben le tiró un beso a Anita. Es chisme, Anita! Palabras: 128 Nivel de Intervención: 18 Nivel de Lectura: J Nombre: Fecha: Student Writing Notebook Spiral bound Materiales Tarjetas de palabras de uso frecuente: cuando, demás, diferencia, dijo, entre gustaba, niños, porque, tanto Tarjetas de sílabas trabadas: bla, ble, bli Mi cuaderno de escritura (páginas 6 7) Páginas reproducibles 31 32 Es chisme, Anita! (una copia para cada niño) Primer Día Para la evaluación individual del estudiante: Registro de lectura oral (página 21) Preguntas para medir comprensión (página 22) Las aptitudes de lectura y escritura de los niveles J - M (página 169) Una copia de Ciclos de vida Lectura familiarizada Deje que los niños lean el libro Ciclos de vida y otros libros familiarizados. Observe a uno o dos estudiantes leyendo Ciclos de vida. Anote sus comportamientos en el Registro de lectura oral en la página 21. Luego, anote sus respuestas a las Preguntas para medir comprensión en la página 22. Las aptitudes de lectura y escritura para los niveles J-M Anote los comportamientos de los estudiantes mientras leen y escriben en el formulario Las aptitudes de lectura y escritura en la página 169. 1. Reparta el libro al estudiante. Pídale al estudiante: Mira la cubierta del libro. De qué se trata este libro? Por qué crees así? 2. Pídale al estudiante: Mira las fotos. Qué nos cuentan las fotos? 3. Pídale al estudiante: Piensas que este libro es cuento o informativo? Por qué? E = errores A-C = auto-corregir S = significado E = estructura V = visual Eben le tiró un beso a Anita. Anita.. Se cansó la maestra.. Anita entiende lo que es el chisme. Complete lesson plans for systematic instruction of each book Oral reading record for each book 2 reproducible practice activities per title Assessment and progress monitoring forms Scope and sequence of skills and strategies Hopscotch J-M 2014 Pacific Learning Página Texto Anita era muy chismosa y a ella le gustaba meter a los demás niños en problemas. Era tan chismosa que los otros niños le pusieron Anita la chismosa. Siempre 3 le ponía quejas a la maestra. Maestra, Joseph me sacó la lengua se quejó 4 Anita. Maestra, Diana no terminó su tarea se quejó 5 Anita. Maestra, Marco está guardando el cuaderno en su 7 mochila antes de terminar su trabajo se quejó Anita. 9 Maestra, Eben me tiró un beso! se quejó Anita. La maestra estaba cansada de oír todas las quejas de Anita. Les voy a explicar a los niños la diferencia entre el chisme y el reporte, dijo la maestra 11 porque ya estoy cansada de tanto chisme! La maestra reunió a todos los niños y se sentaron en 13 la alfombra. Porcentaje de Exactitud: = % 128 (# de Errores) Proporción de Auto-Corregir: # of AC = 1: Nivel Independiente (95% 100%) (# de Errores) + (# de AC) Nivel Instrucción (90% 94%) Hopscotch J-M 2014 Pacific Learning E errores Nivel de Frustración (89% y menos) A-C Es chisme, Anita! 29 E SEV A-C SEV Se cansó la maestra. Anita entiende lo que es el chisme. EL SISTEMA DE LA INTERVENCIÓN DE LECTURA () Guia del Maestro Es chisme, Anita! 31 2014 Pacific Learning. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. Reproduction of activities in any manner for use in the classroom and not for commercial sale is permissible. Reproduction of these materials for an entire school or for a school system is strictly prohibited. For further information contact Pacific Learning 6262 Katella Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630 PL-6961SP-CD 978-1-61391-424-3 Response to reading and vocabulary practice 2 pages of writing work per title Word and Picture Cards Alphabet Picture Cards High-Frequency Word Cards Syllable Cards Syllable with Blends Cards Aa Oo Cc cuando tanto be ba bi ble bla bli avión oso casa porque bo bu blo blu We can customize! Call for details. 800.279.0737 fax 714.516.8369

DUAL LANGUAGE Intervention ORANGE KIT LEVELS A-C Spanish PL-6773SP $1,314.50 Levels A-C 180 Leveled Books PL-6773SP $1,314.50 (6 each of 30 titles) Guided Reading Levels A to C and Intervention Levels 1 to 3 180 Matching Take-Home Books Alphabet Picture Cards GREEN KIT LEVELS D-I Spanish PL-6785SP $1,974.50 270 Leveled Books (6 each of 45 titles) Guided Reading Levels D to I and Intervention Levels 4 to 16 270 Matching Take-Home Books Alphabet Picture Cards Syllable Cards 3 Sturdy Storage Boxes order online Levels D-I PL-6785SP $1,974.50

Intervention DUAL LANGUAGE Levels J-M PURPLE KIT LEVELS J-M Spanish PL-6920SP PL-6920SP 120 Leveled Books (6 each of 20 titles) Guided Reading Levels J to M and Intervention Levels 18 to 28 120 Matching Take-Home Books Syllable Cards Syllable Blends Cards New! AQUA KIT LEVELS N-Q Spanish PL-6890SP Levels N-Q ONLY PL-6890SP Danita nes por Danita Texto e ilustracio 1 120 Leveled Books (6 each of 20 titles) Guided Reading Levels N to Q and Intervention Levels 30 to 40 120 Matching Take-Home Books We can customize! Call for details. 800.279.0737 fax 714.516.8369

DUAL LANGUAGE Intervention LIS Literacy Intervention System LIS Highlights Culturally relevant for Latino English learners Transitional skills for English reading focus on comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency Professional Development Available! Contact Us for Details ORANGE KIT LEVELS A-C LIS English PL-6773 $1,314.50 180 Leveled Books (6 each of 30 titles) Guided Reading Levels A to C and Intervention Levels 1 to 3 180 Matching Take-Home Books Alphabet Picture Cards order online PL-6773 $1,314.50

Intervention DUAL LANGUAGE GREEN KIT LEVELS D-I LIS English PL-6785 $1,974.50 PL-6785 $1,974.50 270 Leveled Books (6 each of 45 titles) Guided Reading Levels D to I and Intervention Levels 4 to 16 270 Matching Take-Home Books Alphabet Picture Cards Word Family Cards 3 Sturdy Storage Boxes PL-6920 PURPLE KIT LEVELS J-M LIS English PL-6920 120 Leveled Books (6 each of 20 titles) Guided Reading Levels J to M and Intervention Levels 18 to 28 120 Matching Take-Home Books We can customize! Call for details. 800.279.0737 fax 714.516.8369

DUAL LANGUAGE Intervention KITS AND PRICING LIS Literacy Intervention System Orange () Grade K, Levels A-C PL-6773SP $1,314.50 Orange Teacher Guide (includes CD) PL-6769SP $149.95 Orange Teacher Guide on CD PL-6769CD-SP $149.95 Orange Student Writing Notebooks PL-6780SP $76.95 Alphabet Picture Cards PL-6775SP $10.95 High-Frequency Word Cards PL-6776SP $14.25 (Levels A-C) Orange Take-Home Books (6 of 30 titles) PL-6783SP $365.00 Green () Grade 1, Levels D-I PL-6785SP $1,974.50 Green Teacher Guide (includes CD) PL-6794SP $149.95 Green Teacher Guide on CD PL-6794CD-SP $149.95 Green Student Writing Notebooks PL-6793SP $109.95 Alphabet Picture Cards PL-6775SP $10.95 High-Frequency Word Cards PL-6796SP $14.25 (Levels D-I) Syllable Cards PL-6797SP $14.25 Green Take-Home Books (6 of 45 titles) PL-6789SP $550.00 Purple () Grade 2, Levels J-M PL-6920SP Purple Teacher Guide (includes CD) PL-6961SP $149.95 Purple Teacher Guide on CD PL-6961CD-SP $149.95 Purple Student Writing Notebooks, PL-6966SP $109.95 High-Frequency Word Cards PL-6963SP $14.25 (Levels J-M) Syllable Cards PL-6797SP $14.25 Syllable with Blends Cards PL-6964SP $14.25 LIS Orange (Literacy Intervention System) Grade K, Levels A-C PL-6773 $1,314.50 LIS Orange Teacher Guide (includes CD) PL-6769 $149.95 LIS Orange Teacher Guide on CD PL-6769CD $149.95 LIS Orange Student Writing Notebooks PL-6780 $76.95 LIS Alphabet Picture Cards PL-6775 $10.95 LIS High-Frequency Word Cards PL-6776 $14.25 (Levels A-C) LIS Orange Take-Home Books (6 of 30 titles) PL-6783 $365.00 LIS Green (Literacy Intervention System) Grade 1, Levels D-I PL-6785 $1,974.50 LIS Green Teacher Guide (includes CD) PL-6794 $149.95 LIS Green Teacher Guide on CD PL-6794CD $149.95 LIS Green Student Writing Notebooks PL-6793 $109.95 LIS Alphabet Picture Cards PL-6775 $10.95 LIS High-Frequency Word Cards PL-6796 $14.25 (Levels D-I) LIS Word Family Cards PL-6797 $14.25 LIS Green Take-Home Books (6 of 45 titles) PL-6789 $550.00 LIS Purple (Literacy Intervention System) Grade 2, Levels J-M PL-6920 LIS Purple Teacher Guide (includes CD) PL-6961 $149.95 LIS Purple Teacher Guide on CD PL-6961CD $149.95 LIS Purple Student Writing Notebooks, PL-6966 $109.95 LIS High-Frequency Word Cards PL-6963 $21.95 (Levels J-M) LIS Purple Take-Home Books (6 of 20 titles) PL-6967 $389.00 Purple Take-Home Books (6 of 20 titles) PL-6967SP $389.00 ONLY Aqua () Grade 3, Levels N-Q PL-6890SP Aqua Teacher Guide (includes CD) PL-6891SP $149.95 Aqua Teacher Guide on CD PL-6891CD-SP $149.95 Aqua Student Writing Notebooks PL-6894SP $109.95 Aqua Take-Home Books (6 of 20 titles) PL-6887SP $416.00 Professional Development Available! Contact Us for Details order online PLM-9947 Prices subject to change. 09/16