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1 van97084_ch10.qxd 10/23/01 1:44 PM Page 98 LECCIÓN 10 CUADROS * O BJETIVOS *Paintings The materials in Lección 10 of the Textbook and the Workbook/Study Guide will help you better understand the video episode and take you beyond it, giving you additional information about places and characters in the series. The Textbook will also help you to develop skill in using the Spanish language. In this lesson you will learn ways to describe physical characteristics more ways to talk about what you are going to do with others You will also learn information about a number of well-known Spanish artists. Be sure to work through all parts of the lesson. When you see a headphones symbol in the margin, listen to the CD for Lección 10. Answers or hints for many activities are given in Appendix 1. Be sure to check your answers for each activity before going on to the next one. The interactive CD-ROM to accompany Destinos contains additional practice with the video storyline and will help you improve your skills in Spanish. 98

2 van97084_ch10_099 10/23/01 1:29 PM Page 99 Preparación Noventa y nueve 99 BEFORE VIEWING... 1 P REPARACIÓN Actividad A. During the last video episode of Destinos, several situations were wrapped up and others continued to develop. Indicate whether the following statements about the episode are Cierto (C) or Falso (F). C F 1. Don Fernando está muy mal; está ahora en el hospital. C F 2. Raquel pierde su cartera de nuevo. C F 3. Raquel necesita comprar ropa porque en la Argentina es otoño. C F 4. Alfredo convence a Raquel de que el caso de don Fernando debe presentarse en la televisión. C F 5. Elena llama a Raquel para decirle que no puede obtener el certificado de nacimiento de Ángel Castillo. Actividad B. In this video episode you will see Raquel s last night and day in Madrid. Based on what you learned in the last episode and on your intuition, what do you think she will do? Sí No 1. Va a ver a Alfredo y al Sr. Díaz una vez más (once more)? Sí No 2. Va a conocer a la novia de Federico? Sí No 3. Va a despedirse de (say good-bye to) la Sra. Suárez? 4. El título de este episodio es «Cuadros». Qué lugar crees que Raquel va a visitar en este episodio? a. la casa de un artista c. una galería de arte b. un museo Actividad C. You have seen in other video episodes that Sra. Suárez has a tendency to comment on the actions of others. Listen to the advice she gives Raquel as they say good-bye. El corazón means heart. What kind of advice do you think Sra. Suárez is offering? 1. La Sra. Suárez le da a Raquel consejos (advice) sobre su vida profesional. su vida personal. 2. Parece que la Sra. Suárez cree que Raquel piensa demasiado (too much) en su trabajo. sus padres. 3. La Sra. Suárez probablemente cree que Raquel debe buscar más clientes. un novio (boyfriend ).

3 van97084_ch10_100 10/20/01 11:19 AM Page Ciento Lección 10 Cuadros Actividad D. Look at the painting on the left of San Jerónimo by a Spanish artist and listen as it is described. The description contains some of the words and phrases for describing people that you will learn in this lesson. As you listen, indicate the word or phrase that you hear in each pair. Now compare the painting of San Jerónimo with the painting on the right by another Spanish painter. What physical differences do you notice in the people in each painting? Keep these differences in mind when you listen to the narrator in the video episode describe the people in the painting.... AFTER VIEWING 2 T IENES BUENA MEMORIA? Actividad A. Qué hicieron? Paso 1 Indicate the statements that are true for each of the following characters you saw in Episodio 10. Raquel 1. Por fin le da la foto de Miguel y Jaime a la Sra. Suárez. 2. No ve al reportero y al Sr. Díaz otra vez (again). 3. Todavía no tiene el certificado de nacimiento de Ángel Castillo. Federico 4. Tiene una novia que es pintora. 5. No tiene la oportunidad de despedirse de Raquel. La Sra. Suárez 6. Va con Raquel a la escuela de baile donde trabaja la novia de Federico. 7. Se despide de Raquel y le da un consejo. Paso 2 Now listen as the speaker on the CD gives the answers.

4 van97084_ch10_101 10/20/01 11:20 AM Page 101 Vocabulario del tema Ciento uno 101 Actividad B. Un desafío! With a partner, discuss the following details from Episodio 10. How much can you both remember? 1. Después de cenar con la Sra. Suárez, Federico y su novia, cómo vuelve Raquel a su hotel? 2. A qué hora debe salir el vuelo (flight) de Raquel para Buenos Aires? 3. Hay una maestra de primaria en el Prado. De qué pintor le habla a la clase? 4. A quién le escribe Raquel una tarjeta postal (postcard )? 3 V OCABULARIO DEL TEMA alto/a bajo/a de mediana estatura bonito/a guapo/a feo/a corto/a largo/a Cómo son? Los adjetivos descriptivos tall short (in height) average height pretty, attractive (said of women) pretty; handsome ugly, unattractive short (in length) long grande big delgado/a thin, slender joven young pequeño/a small gordito/a plump, fat nuevo/a new viejo/a old Tiene He/She has... Tiene He/She has... barba a beard pelo largo long hair pelo rubio blond hair corto short hair castaño brown hair ojos claros light-colored eyes negro black hair oscuros dark eyes blanco white hair expresivos expressive eyes canoso gray hair Note that when grande comes before a masculine or feminine noun, it shortens to gran and means great: El Greco es un gran pintor.

5 van97084_ch10_102 10/20/01 11:20 AM Page Ciento dos Lección 10 Cuadros Actividad A. Retratos (Portraits) de El Greco y Velázquez Listen again as the narrator describes these paintings by two famous Spanish painters. Then answer the questions that follow. San Andrés y San Francisco de El Greco Las Meninas (Ladies in Waiting) de Velázquez Identifica en los cuadros a la figura que MODELO: es alta* El pintor es alto. 1. tiene barba 5. es alta 9. es bonita 2. tiene pelo rubio 6. tiene pelo blanco 10. tiene pelo largo 3. es delgada 7. es vieja 4. es baja 8. tiene ojos expresivos Actividad B. A quién se describe? You will hear a series of descriptions on the CD. Match the description with the following photos. First take a few seconds to scan the photos. a. b. c. d. * As you know, Spanish adjectives agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. The adjectives in this activity agree with the feminine noun la figura; they are feminine for that reason. If you use them to modify a masculine noun (or to modify a plural noun), you will need to change the form of the adjective to make it agree.

6 van97084_ch10_103 10/20/01 11:58 AM Page 103 Un poco de gramática Ciento tres 103 e. f. g. You should recognize all of these people, but you do not need to remember their names to do the activity. Actividad C. Más descripciones Create a brief description of a classmate. The classmate will do the same of you. Then exchange descriptions and see whether each of you agrees with the description your partner made of you. You may wish to look at Workbook /Study Guide Actividad E (Section 27) for additional guidance. h. Nota cultural Kissing Hello and Good-bye In Spain, as well as in other parts of the Hispanic world, people frequently kiss hello and good-bye. This form of greeting is practiced by women with other women and by men with women, but not usually by men with other men. As you have probably noticed in the video episode, in Spain the kiss is a double one. Women embrace lightly and touch cheeks, first one side, then the other, as they make a soft kissing sound. The same sequence can be followed by a man with a woman, depending on the closeness of the relationship between them. In this video episode, Raquel and Federico shake hands and embrace as they kiss, even though they do not know each other all that well. In other parts of the Hispanic world one kiss is more common. The question of whether or not to embrace is an individual one, depending on how comfortable one is with the other person. 4 U N POCO DE GRAMÁTICA More About Talking About Group Activities You have already learned to use stem-changing verbs and the pronouns me, te, and se with some verbs to talk about what others are doing.

7 van97084_ch10_104 10/20/01 11:58 AM Page Ciento cuatro Lección 10 Cuadros Don Fernando, piensa Ud. mucho en Rosario? RAQUEL: Me siento a hablar con la Sra. Suárez. Stem-changing verbs do not keep the stem change in the nosotros form. FEDERICO: Pensamos ir a Los Ángeles algún día, Raquel. Bueno, si podemos, vamos a ir. Todo depende del dinero (money), sabes? Verbs that require reflexive pronouns use nos in the nosotros form. MARÍA: Federico y yo vamos a casarnos este verano. Nos sentimos muy felices! You will learn more about these forms in the Workbook/Study Guide. Actividad. Qué hacemos? Paso 1 Indicate whether the following sentences are Cierto (C) or Falso (F) for you and your classmates. C F 1. Siempre nos acordamos de traer (to bring) la tarea a clase. C F 2. Nos sentamos en el mismo (same) lugar todos los días. C F 3. Queremos sacar (to get) una A en esta clase. C F 4. No nos olvidamos nunca de estudiar para los exámenes. C F 5. Podemos entender al profesor/a la profesora sin mucha dificultad. Paso 2 Working with a partner, compare your answers. How many do you agree on? Then, correct the statements you both marked as Falso. 5 g L ECTURA CULTURAL Los grandes maestros de la pintura española The previous activities in this lesson have allowed you to listen again to information from the video episode about El Greco and Velázquez. Before beginning to read this Lectura cultural, listen again to what you heard about Goya in the episode. Then go back to Lección 2 and look at the painting Guernica by Pablo Picasso, another famous Spanish painter. In the activity that follows the Lectura cultural, you will use all of the information you have to decide which of the four created works you have not seen previously in the Destinos materials.

8 van97084_ch10_105 10/20/01 11:21 AM Page 105 Lectura cultural Ciento cinco 105 Los pintores Doménikos Theotokópoulos, El Greco 1 Fechas: 1541 (Creta) 1614 (Toledo) Obras 2 /Estilo: Temas religiosos, colores sombríos 3 oscuros, forma alargada y estilizada de sus figuras. Diego de Silva y Velázquez Fechas: 1599 (Sevilla) 1660 (Madrid) Obras/Estilo: Uso de la luz 4 y de la perspectiva, muchos colores vivos, temas de la realidad, retratos de la familia real. 5 Francisco de Goya y Lucientes Fechas: 1746 (Zaragoza) 1828 (Francia) Obras/Estilo: Al principio, 6 retratos de la familia real, con espíritu crítico. En su período negro, formas grotescas. Precursor de la pintura moderna. Pablo Ruiz Picasso Fechas: 1881 (Málaga) 1973 (Francia) Obras/Estilo: Al principio, cuadros realistas, de las épocas azul y rosa. Luego, padre del «cubismo», estilo que trata de 7 presentar varias facetas del tema al mismo tiempo. 8 Enorme influjo 9 sobre el arte contemporáneo. Goya y Picasso: Tienen algo en común? Su obra es extensa y muy variada. En algunas de sus obras denuncian los abusos políticos y sociales de su época. Fueron testigos 10 de la crueldad de la guerra. Ofrecen una visión expresionista (no realista) de la realidad. Cultivaron el grabado 11 además de la pintura. Murieron en Francia. y Sevilla Málaga ESPAÑA Madrid Toledo Zaragoza 9 in- 1 El... The Greek 2 Works 3 somber fluence 10 witnesses 11 etching 4 light 5 royal 6 Al... At the beginning 7 trata... tries to 8 al... at the same time Actividad. Quién es el artista? Based on what you have seen and read (and also on what else you may know about art history), what Spanish artist is the creator of each of these works? Explain why you made your decision.

9 van97084_ch10_106 10/20/01 11:58 AM Page Ciento seis Lección 10 Cuadros 6 I NTERCAMBIO In this activity, you will discuss physical traits of family members. Paso 1 Interview someone in the class, asking questions about his or her mother s and father s physical traits. You may ask your instructor for help if you need it. (If your partner is an adopted child [un hijo adoptivo/una hija adoptiva] or does not remember his or her parents, ask him or her questions about family members he or she does know, even if they are of his or her adoptive family.) Descripción de la mamá Descripción del papá Otro miembro de la familia? Paso 2 Now describe who your partner most closely resembles, the mother or the father (or another family member). Write up your reasons, using the following models. The verb phrase se parece a means he/she resembles. MODELOS: se parece más a su papá porque En ciertas cosas, se parece a su mamá. Por ejemplo, no se parece ni a su mamá ni a su papá porque V OCABULARIO Los verbos despedirse (i) (de) Los adjetivos alto/a bajo/a bonito/a corto/a delgado/a to say good-bye (to) tall short (in height) pretty, attractive (said of a woman) short (in length) thin, slender feo/a gordito/a grande (gran) guapo/a joven largo/a nuevo/a pequeño/a viejo/a ugly, unattractive plump, fat big; great pretty; handsome young long new small old

10 van97084_ch10_107 10/20/01 11:21 AM Page 107 Vocabulario Ciento siete 107 Más frases para las descripciones Es de mediana estatura. He/She is of average height. Tiene He/She has... barba a beard pelo rubio blond hair castaño brown hair negro black hair blanco white hair canoso gray hair pelo largo long hair corto short hair ojos claros light-colored eyes oscuros dark eyes expresivos expressive eyes Las personas el novio/ boyfriend/ la novia girlfriend el pintor/la pintora painter El arte el baile dance el cuadro painting el museo museum el retrato portrait Las palabras adicionales otra vez again una vez más one more time

Cómo eres tú? + Descripciones What are you like?

Cómo eres tú? + Descripciones What are you like? Cómo eres tú? + Descripciones What are you like? To ask someone (familiar form): Cómo eres tú? How are you(characteristics)? What are you like? Yo soy. I am. To ask someone (formal form): Cómo es usted?

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11 LA DEMORA * O BJETIVOS LECCIÓN van97084_ch11_108 10/20/01 11:37 AM Page 108 LECCIÓN 11 LA DEMORA *, *The Delay O BJETIVOS Part of this video episode is a review. Be sure to work through all parts of the lesson. When you see a headphones

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Class 002 - The Method. covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of Class 002 - The Method INSTRUCTOR: This is Learning Spanish Like Crazy pod cast number 2. Last week we covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of certain household

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TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary. An Activity in 4 Steps

TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary. An Activity in 4 Steps TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary An Activity in 4 Steps Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary Lesson for Spanish Teachers Learning new vocabulary words in Spanish is an important element in the

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La rutina de Elena: Cada día, corre a las seis. Luego, cocina el desayuno. Después, lee su libro favorito. Finalmente, ve la tele durante dos horas.

La rutina de Elena: Cada día, corre a las seis. Luego, cocina el desayuno. Después, lee su libro favorito. Finalmente, ve la tele durante dos horas. Ashley Kracke Lesson Plan Third Person Singular Present Tense Verbs Objectives: Students will recognize and use, both orally and in writing, third person singular present tense verbs. narrate, in writing,

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Examen-C4-L2-N2. Escuchar. Listen to a tour guide talk about the Mayan civilization. Then choose the letter that best completes each statement.

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Lección Cinco Lesson 5

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El Museo del Prado Madrid, España

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FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% 1 2 3 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos. (4-5 min en total) Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar un tema determinado

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Spanish for You! Viajes. Spanish for You!

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Spanish 1. Unidad 2 Etapas 2 Notes

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Unidad 4 / Examen [Test Masters 48 49]

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Michaelson Español 1

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Objetivos: Gramática: ser

Objetivos: Gramática: ser Capítulo 2: A conocernos Objetivos: Students will be able to describe people. Gramática: present tense of ser, gender and number agreement, nouns and definite and indefinite articles. Adjectives to describe

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La familia. 2. Patricia tiene hermanas mayores? Sí No. 3. Patricia tiene dieciséis años? Sí No. 4. Patricia tiene tres primos menores?

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Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #2 - De dónde eres exactamente? PDF - Beginner.

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1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas.

1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas. EU3L1 Avancemos A. Listen as Mr. and Mrs. Rodríguez talk about the foods that they like. Read the statements and then circle C for cierto (true) or F for falso (false) on your answer sheet. 1. A la señora

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La Leyenda de la Llorona EMBEDDED READING. Adaptation by Bryce Hedstrom Illustrations by Chris Poquette

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Level 1 Spanish, 2013

Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 3 December 2013 Credits: Five Achievement

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Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280

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Lista 1. Nombre. Lista 5. Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2. Lista 1. Lista 10. Lista 9. Lista 8. Lista 7. Lista 6

Lista 1. Nombre. Lista 5. Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2. Lista 1. Lista 10. Lista 9. Lista 8. Lista 7. Lista 6 Nombre Lista 1 Lista 10 Lista 9 Lista 8 Lista 7 Lista 6 Lista 5 Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2 Lista 1 Yo (I) Y (and) Un (a, an) Una (a-for female) Veo (I see) Mi (my) Tu (you) A (to) Al (to) Así (like this)

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Spanish I verbs & grammar- Para Empezar - Chapter 4B

Spanish I verbs & grammar- Para Empezar - Chapter 4B Spanish I verbs & grammar- Para Empezar - Chapter 4B Know how to conjugate: Regular AR verbs O AMOS AS ÁIS A AN 1. bailar (1A) 2. cantar (1A) 3. dibujar (1A) 4. enseñar (2A) *Don t forget to always include

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Un amigo o una amiga. Antonio Irizarry Here s a picture of Antonio Irizarry. Write a story about him. You may want to use some of the following words.

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Remember that adjectives describe nouns: people, places, and things. The following is a list of some common adjectives in Spanish.

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Gramática A. 1 Frecuentemente, los chicos están haciendo muchas cosas. De las palabras entre paréntesis,

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Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. El jugador metió un gol. Actividad 2 VIDEO

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón?

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PRUEBA DE INGLÉS SECUNDARIA Dirección General de Ordenación Académica e Innovación Educativa PRUEBA DE INGLÉS SECUNDARIA EXPRESIÓN ORAL AUTOAPLICACIÓN EVALUACIÓN DIAGNÓSTICA SECUNDARIA 2007 Servicio de Evaluación y Calidad Educativa

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Subject pronouns. In this presentation, we re going to look at the form and use of the subject pronouns in Spanish.

Subject pronouns. In this presentation, we re going to look at the form and use of the subject pronouns in Spanish. Subject pronouns In this presentation, we re going to look at the form and use of the subject pronouns in Spanish. Let s get started! Compare these two sentences: Jorge es mexicano. Él es mexicano. In

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59

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What classes do you have??

What classes do you have?? Nombre: _Fecha Período -Día Avancemos: Unidad 2: Lección 1 Learning goals: Students will be able to: Describe daily schedules Tell time in Spanish. A) Las clases Use the correct form of the verb Tener

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A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

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Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples:

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Past Tense AR verbs. Guided Notes Packet.

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ellos= ellas= ustedes=

ellos= ellas= ustedes= Name: Hora: yo= nosotros= nosotras= tú= vosotros= vosotras= él= ella= usted= ellos= ellas= ustedes= 1 EXPLANATION: Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being

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Matemáticas Muestra Cuadernillo de Examen

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Tus comidas favoritas

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Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir

Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir Guided Practice Activities 6A-3 Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir Poder (to be able to do something) and dormir (to sleep) are both stem-changing verbs like jugar, which you learned previously. Just

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El medio ambiente. 2.. Debemos protegerlos. 4.. 5. Puede haber contaminación en las. 8. Tenemos que luchar contra la contaminación de

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Practice Quiz. 1. Entiendo que ( ellos - ellas ) son bolivianas. 2. Se que seria ( yo - tu ) quien Ilegaría primero.

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Estación 1: Vocabulario

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The power to control diabetes is in your hands.

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Study Packet for the Regents Exam (5 pages)

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Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #6 - Por el mismo dinero que la otra, me llevo dos! PDF - Beginner. www.cactuslanguagetraining.

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Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons

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Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

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The forms of venir are similar to the forms of tener that you just learned. Notice that the yo forms of both verbs end in -go.

The forms of venir are similar to the forms of tener that you just learned. Notice that the yo forms of both verbs end in -go. Guided Practice Activities 5B-1 The verb venir The forms of venir are similar to the forms of tener that you just learned. Notice that the yo forms of both verbs end in -go. yo vengo nosotros/nosotras

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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Welcome to Lesson B of Story Time for Spanish

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Level 1 Spanish, 2015

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Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1

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Planificación en Trayectoria (Modelo Cognitivo y Constructivista)

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