Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd

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1 Fecha Core Practice 1B 1 Cómo es? At school you see many different types of people. Describe each person you see in the picture by writing the appropriate adjective on the corresponding blank A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd-0111

2 Fecha Core Practice 1B 2 Un juego de descripción Each picture below represents a personality trait. Unscramble the word to identify each trait. Write down the trait, and then circle the picture that corresponds to the unscrambled word. 1. ísiattcar 2. rvoidate 3. ddonaesdreo 4. jadartobaar 5. iacoarsg 6. zeerosap 7. vesrdoaer 8. utoiesdas Web Code: jcd-0111 A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto 23

3 Fecha Core Practice 1B 3 Cómo eres? Tito is interviewing Jorge and Ana, two new students from Costa Rica. Tito s questions are written below, but most of Jorge s and Ana s answers are missing. Complete their answers, using the model to help you. tito: Ana, eres perezosa? no soy perezosa ana: No,. 1. tito: Jorge, eres talentoso? jorge: Sí,. 2. tito: Ana, eres estudiosa? ana: Sí,. 3. tito: Jorge, eres desordenado? jorge: No,. 4. tito: Ana, eres deportista? ana: No,. 5. tito: Jorge, eres sociable? jorge: Sí,. 6. tito: Ana, eres paciente? ana: No,. 7. tito: Jorge, eres inteligente? jorge: Sí,. 8. tito: Ana, eres artística? ana: No,. 24 A primera vista Videohistoria Web Code: jcd-0112

4 Fecha Core Practice 1B 4 Qué les gusta? Based on what each person likes to do, write a description of him or her. Follow the model. A Roberto le gusta esquiar. Roberto es atrevido. 1. A Esteban le gusta tocar la guitarra. 2. A Pedro le gusta hablar por teléfono. 3. A Claudia le gusta practicar deportes. 4. A Teresa le gusta estudiar. 5. A Luz no le gusta trabajar. 6. A Manuela le gusta ir a la escuela. 7. A Carmen le gusta pasar tiempo con amigos. 8. A Lucía le gusta dibujar. Web Code: jcd-0112 A primera vista Videohistoria 25

5 Fecha Core Practice 1B 5 Me gusta... Some new exchange students at your school are introducing themselves. Using the model as a guide, fill in the blanks in their statements with the actions and adjectives suggested by the pictures. Do not forget to use the correct (masculine or feminine) form of the adjective. me gusta leer A mí. soy inteligente Yo. A mí. 1. Yo. A mí. 2. Yo. A mí. 3. Yo. A mí. 4. Yo. A mí. 5. Yo. A mí. 6. Yo. 26 Manos a la obra Gramática y vocabulario en uso Web Code: jcd-0114

6 Fecha Core Practice 1B 6 Un o una? A. Look at the drawings below and decide if they represent masculine or feminine words. Then, label the item in the space provided. Don t forget to use the appropriate indefinite article (un or una). un profesor B. Now, look at the drawings below and describe each person. Make sure to use all the words from the word bank. Don t forget to use the correct definite article (el or la) and to make the adjectives agree with the nouns. estudiante familia chico chica profesor profesora La estudiante es trabajadora Web Code: jcd-0113 Manos a la obra Gramática y vocabulario en uso 27

7 Fecha Core Practice 1B 7 Oraciones completas Choose sentence parts from each of the word banks below, then put them in the correct order to form complete sentences. Follow the model. Subjects: Marta El Sr. Brown La Srta. Moloy Yo Rolando Tú Verbs: es soy eres Indefinite articles + nouns: un estudiante una estudiante un chico un profesor una chica una profesora Adjectives: reservado(a) inteligente perezoso(a) deportista estudioso(a) bueno(a) Yo soy un chico estudioso Manos a la obra Gramática y vocabulario en uso Web Code: jcd-0115

8 Fecha Core Practice 1B 8 Repaso Down según mi 2. no paciente 3. no ordenado 5. Un chico/una chica que practica deportes es. 6. I like: Me. Across nice, friendly 9. no es malo, es 10. se llama? No es trabajador. Es Le gusta pasar tiempo con amigos. Es. 18. Cómo? Soy sociable. Repaso del capítulo Crucigrama 29

9 Fecha Core Practice 1B 9 I. Vocabulary Words that describe me Organizer Words that may describe others Words to ask what someone is like Words to tell what I am like II. Grammar 1. Most feminine adjectives end with the letter. Most masculine adjectives end with the letter. 2. Adjectives that can be either masculine or feminine may end with the letters (as in the word ) or the letter (as in the word ). 3. The two singular definite articles are and. The two singular indefinite articles are and. 4. In Spanish, adjectives come (before/after) the nouns they describe. 30 Repaso del capítulo Vocabulario y gramática Web Code: jcd-0117

5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar.

5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar. Practice Workbook 1-1 Some new students in your English class are talking about their pastimes Based on the pictures, select the sentence you think they are saying and circle the corresponding letter 1

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Adjectives (p. 3) 1. Mi amiga Karla es alt. 2. Mi tía es una mujer ordenad. 3. Mi abuelo es un hombre desordenad. 4. Ese chico es muy gracios.

Adjectives (p. 3) 1. Mi amiga Karla es alt. 2. Mi tía es una mujer ordenad. 3. Mi abuelo es un hombre desordenad. 4. Ese chico es muy gracios. Adjectives (p. 3) Guided Practice Activities PE-1 Remember that adjectives describe nouns: people, places, and things. The following is a list of some common adjectives in Spanish. Masculine Feminine Singular

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A Examen 5A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Look at the family tree. Then circle the word that best completes each statement. Luis Adela Roberto Lola

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La familia. 2. Patricia tiene hermanas mayores? Sí No. 3. Patricia tiene dieciséis años? Sí No. 4. Patricia tiene tres primos menores?

La familia. 2. Patricia tiene hermanas mayores? Sí No. 3. Patricia tiene dieciséis años? Sí No. 4. Patricia tiene tres primos menores? Fecha Core Practice 5A 1 La familia A. Patricia is telling you about her family. Label each person in her family tree with a word that describes his or her relationship to Patricia. You may use some words

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Tus comidas favoritas

Tus comidas favoritas Fecha Practice Workbook 3A 1 Tus comidas favoritas You are getting ready to travel as an exchange student to Spain and you are e-mailing your host family your opinions on different foods. Circle the name

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La familia. 2. Patricia tiene hermanas mayores? Sí No. 3. Patricia tiene dieciséis años? Sí No. 4. Patricia tiene tres primos menores?

La familia. 2. Patricia tiene hermanas mayores? Sí No. 3. Patricia tiene dieciséis años? Sí No. 4. Patricia tiene tres primos menores? Fecha Practice Workbook 5A 1 La familia A. Patricia is telling you about her family. Label each person in her family tree with a word that describes his or her relationship to Patricia. You may use some

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En el escaparate (store window)

En el escaparate (store window) Capítulo 7 tulo 7A Fecha Core Practice 7A 1 En el escaparate (store window) You are window shopping at a large department store and you decide to make a list of what they have and what everything costs.

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En el escaparate (store window)

En el escaparate (store window) Practice Workbook 7A 1 En el escaparate (store window) You are window shopping at a large department store and you decide to make a list of what they have and what everything costs. Using the picture,

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A. Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model. Modelo

A. Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model. Modelo Guided Practice Activities 1A-1 Infinitives (p. 32) The most basic form of a verb is an infinitive. In English, infinitives have the word to in front of them such as to walk or to swim. In Spanish, infinitives

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A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Fecha Practice Workbook 3B 1 A cenar! A. You are having a party, and you need to make a shopping list. Write at least three items that you might want to buy under each category. You may use vocabulary

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La comunidad. 148 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

La comunidad. 148 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Practice Workbook 8B 1 La comunidad Your new friend in Costa Rica is showing you around her community. Label each place or point of interest in the picture with the appropriate word. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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WARM UP L1 and L1a page 30 Numbers Write the names of the following numbers:

WARM UP L1 and L1a page 30 Numbers Write the names of the following numbers: TRANSPARENCY 26, Unidad 1, Lección 1 WARM UP L1 and L1a page 30 Numbers Write the names of the following numbers: 0. 6. 1. 7. 2. 8. 3. 9. 4. 10. 5. Answers: 0. cero 1. uno 2. dos 3. tres 4. cuatro 5. cinco

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Unidad 1 Lección 2 8th Grade

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Vocabulario. 1. to introduce yourself A. Cómo te llamas? 2. to ask who a certain girl is B. Él es Pedro.

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Unidad 1 Lección 1 8th Grade

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Unidad 1, Etapa 2 Vocabulario. Cómo es?

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1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas.

1. A la señora Rodríguez no le gusta la comida nutritiva. 2. Al señor Rodríguez no le gustan las hamburguesas. EU3L1 Avancemos A. Listen as Mr. and Mrs. Rodríguez talk about the foods that they like. Read the statements and then circle C for cierto (true) or F for falso (false) on your answer sheet. 1. A la señora

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Cómo te llamas? 1. A: Hola! (Hasta luego. / Cómo te llamas?) 2. It is 9:00 in the morning. 3. It is now 2:00 P.M. B: Me llamo Rubén. Y tú?

Cómo te llamas? 1. A: Hola! (Hasta luego. / Cómo te llamas?) 2. It is 9:00 in the morning. 3. It is now 2:00 P.M. B: Me llamo Rubén. Y tú? En la escuela Cómo te llamas? Fecha It is the first day of school in Madrid, and students are getting to know each other. Complete the dialogues by circling the appropriate words and phrases. 1. A: Hola!

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Spanish I Midterm Exam

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3. In both Spain and Latin America, the word vosotros is used to mean you when speaking to more than one person.

3. In both Spain and Latin America, the word vosotros is used to mean you when speaking to more than one person. 2A Study Guide True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. 1. The Spanish words tú, usted, vosotros, vosotras, and ustedes all mean you. 2. In Spanish the subject pronoun nosotras refers

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Estación 1: Vocabulario

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A/B. Cómo te llamas? 1. A: Hola! (Hasta luego. / Cómo te llamas?) 2. It is 9:00 in the morning. 3. It is now 2:00 P.M. B: Me llamo Rubén. Y tú? En la escuela Cómo te llamas? It is the first day of school in Madrid, and students are getting to know each other. Complete the dialogues by circling the appropriate words and phrases. 1. A Hola! (Hasta

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Subject pronouns. yo (I)

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Plural (more than one más de uno)

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Quiénes son? 4. Romeo y Julieta compartieron un fuerte. 5. Me gusta el héroe de esta. 6. Los roban el banco. 7. Nos fascina esta. Es talentosa. 8..

Quiénes son? 4. Romeo y Julieta compartieron un fuerte. 5. Me gusta el héroe de esta. 6. Los roban el banco. 7. Nos fascina esta. Es talentosa. 8.. Fecha Practice Workbook 6B 1 Quiénes son? Complete the sentences below with the word or words that correspond to the illustrations Vimos en una película de 1 ciencia ficción El de esta película romántica

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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Dictionary * Diccionario

Dictionary * Diccionario Contents Introduction... v Dictionary... 1 Nouns... 6 Verbs... 8 Plurals... 11 Adjectives... 15 Animals... 17 Places... 23 Things... 25 Numbers... 30 Colors... 32 Words with Multiple Meanings... 34 Rhyming

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La rutina de Elena: Cada día, corre a las seis. Luego, cocina el desayuno. Después, lee su libro favorito. Finalmente, ve la tele durante dos horas.

La rutina de Elena: Cada día, corre a las seis. Luego, cocina el desayuno. Después, lee su libro favorito. Finalmente, ve la tele durante dos horas. Ashley Kracke Lesson Plan Third Person Singular Present Tense Verbs Objectives: Students will recognize and use, both orally and in writing, third person singular present tense verbs. narrate, in writing,

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Antes de ver el video

Antes de ver el video VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 In the next video, Claudia and Teresa go shopping for clothes. In order to make decisions on what they want they will sometimes make comparisons. Using the following

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Gustar : Indirect object pronouns.

Gustar : Indirect object pronouns. Gustar : Indirect object pronouns. Singular Plural 1 person A mí me (To me) A nosotros nos (To us) 2 person A tí te ( To you) A vosotros os (To you all in Spain) 3 person A ella/él/ud. Le (To her, to him,

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Mamá, puedo (yo) patinar hoy? Sí, hoy puedes porque hace frío.

Mamá, puedo (yo) patinar hoy? Sí, hoy puedes porque hace frío. Practice Workbook PD-1 All over the world, children ask their mothers if they may participate in certain activities, depending on the weather First, fill in the verb chart with the present tense forms

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Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. ir a ver una película

Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. ir a ver una película VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 Following is a list of things that the characters from the video did during the day. In the second column, write the place where they probably went to do each thing.

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Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer

Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer Grade 8 Spanish review 2015 summer This packet is due to your teacher on the first day of school. Name: Verbs: Regular verbs are conjugated using the following pattern remove the ending (last two letters

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gris morado los colores amarillo verde rosa claro oscuro www.homeeducationresources.com

gris morado los colores amarillo verde rosa claro oscuro www.homeeducationresources.com los colores rosa claro oscuro los colores ado rosa claro oscuro Find each Spanish color word in the puzzle below. L A É C H F I L E M D M Z Q N E G R O N B O K U Á P S R W Ú Ü N G J L T A Y V A Z R A B

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Making comparisons tan como El hockey es tan popular como la natación. El hockey no es tan popular como la natación.

Making comparisons tan como El hockey es tan popular como la natación. El hockey no es tan popular como la natación. 1B-Review Making comparisons To say that people or things are equal to each other, use tan _ adjective _ como. El hockey es tan popular como la natación. Hockey is as popular as swimming. To say that people

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Unit 5-Review (post vacation)

Unit 5-Review (post vacation) Unit 5-Review (post vacation) Nombre Vocabulario y gramática A. Look at the picture and write the Spanish word for five pieces of furniture or appliances that you see. Include the definite article for

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Make a list of five things that can affect the environment or the Earth in general. One has been done for you. guerra

Make a list of five things that can affect the environment or the Earth in general. One has been done for you. guerra VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 Make a list of five things that can affect the environment or the Earth in general. One has been done for you. 1. guerra 2. 3. 4. 5. Comprendes? Actividad 2 Answer

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FIRST QUIMESTER (PRIMER QUIMESTRE) Let s get started FIRST QUIMESTER (PRIMER QUIMESTRE) FIRST WEEK (PRIMERA SEMANA) PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES (ACTIVIDADESPREVIAS) To practice vocabulary of pages 2 and 3. (Practicar el vocabulario de las páginas

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 14:38

Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 14:38 : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan: # 55 Story: # 2 Level 5 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer simple questions 1d: Identify visual

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Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas

Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Setting Up Print this file. (In Adobe Acrobat,

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Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Actividad 2 VIDEO. 1. El café de aquí es muy bueno. 2. No, no; un refresco no; un jugo de fruta.

Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Actividad 2 VIDEO. 1. El café de aquí es muy bueno. 2. No, no; un refresco no; un jugo de fruta. VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 Think about the typical diet of a teenager. Which foods are healthy choices and which ones are not? Make a list of five foods in each category. Comida buena para

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The rat is fat. The rat has hat. The rat is not fat. Skills: Reading and sharing a story. Illustrating and assembling a mini storybook.

The rat is fat. The rat has hat. The rat is not fat. Skills: Reading and sharing a story. Illustrating and assembling a mini storybook. Reading Mastery Plus, Level 1 / Home Activity 1 (after Lesson 1) Skills: Reading and sharing a story. Illustrating and assembling a mini storybook. Activity 1: My Rat Book What to do: Have your child identify

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Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A. Making 3 with Triangles and Chips

Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A. Making 3 with Triangles and Chips Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A Making 3 with Triangles and Chips Here is a simple activity to help your child learn about composing and decomposing the number 3 and analyzing

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Los regalos. 1. Para mi novio: 2. Para mi mejor amiga: 3. Para mi hermana: 4. Para mi padre: 5. Para mi madre:

Los regalos. 1. Para mi novio: 2. Para mi mejor amiga: 3. Para mi hermana: 4. Para mi padre: 5. Para mi madre: Practice Workbook 7B 1 Los regalos Marcela is writing a list of gifts she wants to buy for her family. Help her by writing the names of the items suggested by the pictures in the blanks provided. 1. Para

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59

Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59 : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan: # 50 Story: # 1 Level 4 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer simple questions 1d: Identify visual

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Kinder Homework Week of February 1-5

Kinder Homework Week of February 1-5 Reminders: Kinder Homework Week of February 15 February 4 th is the *Early Release Wednesday, February 3 rd *No School Monday, February 15 th Kindergarten Lunch time has changed to 10:2510:55am. *Tutoring

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Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion

Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion Learning Masters Early: Force and Motion WhatILearned What important things did you learn in this theme? I learned that I learned that I learned that 22 Force and Motion Learning Masters How I Learned

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Year 9 Spanish Summer Exam Revision Pack

Year 9 Spanish Summer Exam Revision Pack Year 9 Spanish Summer Exam Revision Pack Contents of revision pack: 1) Nationalities/ countries/ languages 2) Subjects/ school 3) Numbers 4) Birthdays / months / days of the week 5) Physical description

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Complete the following sentences with the vocabulary word suggested by the picture. Es difícil andar por este sendero porque tiene

Complete the following sentences with the vocabulary word suggested by the picture. Es difícil andar por este sendero porque tiene Fecha Core Practice 7B 1 Un picnic normal Complete the following sentences with the vocabulary word suggested by the picture 1 Hay muchas en el cielo Es difícil andar por este sendero porque tiene 2 muchas

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Español I Unidad 3.1 Examen

Español I Unidad 3.1 Examen Español I Unidad 3.1 Examen Please mark all answers on the scantron. Do NOT write on this test. ESCUCHAR Mr. and Mrs. Rodríguez are at the supermarket. Listen to their conversation and tell who likes each

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Objetivos: Duración: 1 Objetivos didácticos_unit 1 2 Objetivos didácticos_unit 2

Objetivos: Duración: 1 Objetivos didácticos_unit 1 2 Objetivos didácticos_unit 2 Objetivos: Ofrecer una rápida iniciación en el idioma, a lo largo de 9 unidades que comienzan con conceptos gramaticales básicos introducidos junto con vocabularios específicos de un tema diferente en

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3. De dónde eres? 7. Cuál es tu teléfono? 8. Cómo se escribe...? 9. Cuál es tu correo electrónico? 10. Quién es la muchacha?

3. De dónde eres? 7. Cuál es tu teléfono? 8. Cómo se escribe...? 9. Cuál es tu correo electrónico? 10. Quién es la muchacha? 1 Página Nombre: Bloque: Fecha: ESPAÑOL BÁSICO REPASO DE CAPÍTULO 1 I. Overview. The following topics will be covered on the test: Greetings/Goodbyes Introductions (yourself, someone else) Saying where

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 8A Examen 8A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 8A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Circle the word or expression that best completes each sentence. The first one is done for you. 1. En la

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II. Vocabulario. A. Answer each question in a complete sentence

II. Vocabulario. A. Answer each question in a complete sentence 1 Página Nombre: Fecha: ESPAÑOL BÁSICO REPASO DE CAPÍTULO 1 Y 2 I. Overview. The following topics will be covered on the test: Greetings/Goodbyes Introductions (yourself, someone else) Saying where you

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón?

TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón? : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan #: 60 Story #: 2 Level 6 Resources used: Title: Qué pasa con su corazón? Pages/URL/etc.: Cuéntame! Pages 167-174 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s):

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3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary.

3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary. Reading You are going to read two different texts about Spanish Christmas traditions. 1. Working with a partner or in groups of three, try and predict what kinds of words will be in the text. Once you

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What do you like to eat for breakfast and lunch? Fill in the chart with that information.

What do you like to eat for breakfast and lunch? Fill in the chart with that information. VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 What do you like to eat for breakfast and lunch? Fill in the chart with that information. Desayuno Almuerzo Comprendes? Actividad 2 Think about the foods Rosa believes

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Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir

Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir Guided Practice Activities 6A-3 Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir Poder (to be able to do something) and dormir (to sleep) are both stem-changing verbs like jugar, which you learned previously. Just

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Capítulo 7B. el el el. anillo bolso collar. los anteojos. la la. de sol cadena corbata. los la los. aretes cartera guantes

Capítulo 7B. el el el. anillo bolso collar. los anteojos. la la. de sol cadena corbata. los la los. aretes cartera guantes Capítulo 7 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun.

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Make a list of five items in your bedroom and five adjectives that describe your bedroom.

Make a list of five items in your bedroom and five adjectives that describe your bedroom. VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 Make a list of five items in your bedroom and five adjectives that describe your bedroom. Cosas en mi dormitorio Descripción de mi dormitorio Comprendes? Actividad

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Para empezar El 1 de diciembre (A-Day) El 2 de diciembre (B-Day) 1. Cómo es tu amigo? (5 things) 2. De dónde es?

Para empezar El 1 de diciembre (A-Day) El 2 de diciembre (B-Day) 1. Cómo es tu amigo? (5 things) 2. De dónde es? Unit 4 Me gusta Para empezar El 1 de diciembre (A-Day) El 2 de diciembre (B-Day) 1. Cómo es tu amigo? (5 things) 2. De dónde es? 1. My name is Alberto. I am 15 years old. I have brown hair and blue eyes.

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Los seres vivos/ living things. CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA

Los seres vivos/ living things. CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA Los contenidos de la asignatura Conocimiento del Medio se agrupan en tres bloques, uno por trimestre y constan de 5 unidades cada uno. Teniendo en cuenta la temporalización

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Learning Masters. Early: Animal Bodies

Learning Masters. Early: Animal Bodies Learning Masters Early: Animal Bodies WhatILearned What important things did you learn in this theme? I learned that I learned that I learned that 22 Animal Bodies Learning Masters How I Learned Good readers

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centro comercial anteojos de sol zapatería

centro comercial anteojos de sol zapatería Fecha Core Practice 2B A A ver si recuerdas... Qué es? A. Complete the sentences by writing the word that corresponds to each picture in the space provided. 1. tienda de descuentos Jorge compra cosas baratas

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Es el hermano de mi padre. Es mi.

Es el hermano de mi padre. Es mi. A ver si recuerdas... Qué comida hay? Fecha Practice Workbook 4A A A. Read the following descriptions and decide which family member is being described. Write the correct word in the blank. Follow the

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