The Resurrection Newsletter

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915 Zoe St., Houston, TX

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DOMINGO DE PASCUA 27 DE MARZO DEL 2016 The Resurrection Newsletter 915 Zoe St., Houston, TX 77020 713-675-5333

EASTER SUNDAY 2 MARCH 27, 2016 While it was still dark Mary Magdalene found the tomb empty. There is a saying that has become a bit cliché: It is always darkest before the dawn. Yet, this saying echoes the one case where this was true. In fact, it was the only case where it had to be true for our salvation and hope. We have just completed a time of purification, penance, and alms-giving. It was meant to be a time of entering into the darkness of our Lord s suffering, and so enter into the darkness caused by sin...a darkness that is experienced as suffering, death, and alienation. The physical darkness that surrounded the tomb reminds us of the darkness of sin that surrounds what only appears to be a tomb of death. The reality is far different. For while it was still dark, Jesus rose from the dead. Let the light of the Resurrection of Our Lord shine within us. Let this light shine upon others who see their lives as a tomb and remember only sin, suffering and death. Jesus is risen from the dead. He is alive. And so are you and me. Mientras Mientras todavia todavía estaba estaba oscuro oscuro Maria Maria Magdalena encontro dalena la encontró tumba la vacia tumba vacía. Hay un dicho Mag- que se ha convertido un poco cliché: Siempre es mas oscuro antes del amanecer. Sin embargo, esta palabra se hace eco de un caso en el que esto era cierto. De hecho, fue el único caso en el que tenia que ser cierto para nuestra salvación y esperanza. Acabamos de terminar un tiempo de purificación, penitencia y limosna. Este estaba destinado a ser un momento de entrar en la oscuridad del sufrimiento de nuestro Señor, y así entrar a la oscuridad causada por el pecado una oscuridad que se experimenta como sufrimiento, muerte y desvió. La oscuridad física que rodeaba la tumba nos recuerda la oscuridad del pecado que rodea lo que solo parece ser una tumba de la muerte. La realidad es muy diferente. Cuando todavía estaba oscuro, Jesús se levanto de entre los muertos. Que la luz de la Resurreccion de Nuestro Señor brille en nosotros. Dejar que esta luz brille sobre otros que ven sus vidas como una tumba y recuerdan solo el pecado, sufrimiento y muerte. Jesús ha resucitado de entre los muertos. El esta vivo. Y tu y yo también. P.S. Congratulations to all of our newly-initiated into the life of the Catholic Church. Let s remember them in our prayers. We can also call to mind our own baptism and give thanks to God for it. P.D. felicitaciones a todos nuestros recién iniciados en la vida de la Iglesia Católica. Recordémoslos en nuestras oraciones. También podemos recordar nuestro propio bautismo y dar gracias a Dios por ello. Church office hours for Easter Horario de Oficina el dia de Pascua Easter Monday March 28, CLOSED Lunes de Pascua Marzo 28, CERRADO

DOMINGO DE PASCUA 3 27 DE MARZO DEL 2016 Do you want to make a huge difference for life? Quieres hacer una gran diferencia de por vida? We need a volunteer to lead a pro-life ministry for the parish. Plan activities and education to promote respect for life at all stages. Start small. Spend as much time as you are able. Call Susan Kirksey at 713-675-5333 x4. Necesitamos un voluntario para dirigir un ministerio pro-vida de la parroquia. Planear actividades y formación para promover el respeto a la vida en todas las etapas. Empieza despacio. Use su tiempo como le sea posible. Llame a Susan Kirksey al 713-675-5333 ext. 4. Divine Mercy Novena Novena a la Divina Misericordia At Resurrection Church Please join us for this beautiful devotion imploring Christ s mercy for the whole world. Acompáñenos en esta hermosa devoción implorando la misericordia de Cristo para el mundo entero. March 27/ 27 de Marzo 6:00pm Spanish March 28/ 28 de Marzo 6:00pm English March 29/ 29 de Marzo 6:00pm English March 30/ 30 de Marzo 6:00pm Spanish March 31/ 31 de Marzo 6:00pm Spanish April 1/ 1 de Abril 6:00pm English April 2/ 2 de Abril 5:00pm English SAVE the DATE To reserve a table or purchase tickets, please contact Dr. Michele Sabino at 713.675.1148 or Together In Holiness Catholic Marriage Conference April 2, 2016 9am 3:30pm Come to the 2 nd annual Together in Holiness Catholic marriage conference! The one-day event includes inspiring presentations, Mass, Eucharistic adoration, and Reconciliation. Speakers are Dcn. Harold Burke-Sivers, known around the world as the Dynamic Deacon ; Emily Stimpson, a popular author ; Denise Hunnell, Fellow of Human Life International; and Arland Nichols, President of the John Paul II Foundation. Gain insights, inspiration, and practical guidance for making your marriage and family life a school of love. Cost: $45/couple or $25/ individual, $5/childcare. Learn more andregister at

EASTER SUNDAY 4 MARCH 27, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE MISA Saturday, March 26: 5:30 pm Rudy F. Castro George Lopez 7:30 pm Alfredo Hector Flores Nellie Robles Sunday, March 27: 7:00 am Ruben Roman Cynthia Juarez 9:00 am Angelica Salazar Sergio G. Garcia 11:00am Phillip P. Reyna Robert Garcia 1:00pm Alfredo Hector Flores Francisco Alvarez Tuesday, March 29: 8:30am Cynthia Juarez David Vasquez Wednesday, March 30: 6:30pm Pedro G. Montemayor Patsy Landa Thursday, March 31: 8:30 am Sergio G. Garcia Margaret Mendoza - Deceased PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS Eric Nye, Arthur Gonzalez, Lenora Rivera, Yolanda Zepeda, Maxine Spates, Amy Trigo, Abelardo Acosta, Lidia Razo Names will be posted for 3 consecutive weeks once a year. Los nombres serán publicados durante 3 semanas consecutivas una vez al año. PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED / ORACIONES POR LOS DIFUNTOS Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. Please pray for the repose of the soul of and for the consolation of the family: Ray Goldgar T HIS WEEK AT RESURRECTION E STA SEMANA EN LA RESURRECCIÓN Monday, March 28: 6:00pm Divine Mercy Novena & Chaplet..... Church 6:00pm RCIA........Admin Bldg 6:15pm HS Sacramental Prep Group...Youth Bldg 7:00pm CI & CII Discipleship Groups..GYM, Youth Bldg, RM 204 & 205 Tuesday, March 29: 8:30am Mass...Church 2:00pm Choir Practice.... Church 6:00pm Divine Mercy Novena & Chaplet..Church 6:30pm Bazaar meeting...admn Bldg 6:30pm HS Youth Group.GYM Wednesday, March 30: 9:30am Legion of Mary....Rectory 3:15pm Girl Scouts & Boy Scouts...School Bldg RM 205 5:00pm - 6:00pm Confessions..........Church 6:00pm Divine Mercy Novena & Chaplet..Church 7:30pm Grupo de Oración.........Church Thursday, March 31: 8:30am Mass...Church 5:45pm MS Sacramental Prep Group GYM 6:30pm MS Youth Group.GYM 7:00pm Confirmation II....School Bldg RM 203 & 205 Friday, April 1: 10:00am Legion of Mary (Spanish)..........Rectory 6:00pm Divine Mercy Novena & Chaplet.Church 7:00pm School Movie Night.GYM Saturday, April 2: 8:30am Mass - Blessed Virgin Mary (English)..Church 9:30am Widows Club...GYM 10:00am Catholic Daughters of America.... School Bldg RM 204 10:00am CCE CH, MBBS..Middle School Bldg 4:30pm 5:15pm Confessions...Church 5:00pm Divine Mercy Novena & Chaplet..Church 5:30pm Vigil Mass (English).Church 6:30pm Confessions...Church 7:30pm Vigil Mass (Spanish).Church Sunday, March 27: 7:00am Mass (English)...........Church 9:00am Mass (Spanish)........... Church 11:00am Mass (English)...........Church 1:00pm Mass (Spanish).......... Church To request a bulletin announcement or to reserve a facility, please email or call the office at 713-675-5333. Bulletin Deadline: Friday by Noon STEWARDSHIP / MAYORDOMÍA Weekly Needed/Necesitamos Semanalmente: $12,400.00 March 12-13 Year to Date Actual $8,751.00 $331,740.00 Budget/Presupuesto $12,400.00 $458,800.00 Total -$3,649.00 -$127,060.00 Improvement Fund / Reparaciones: $55.00 School Support / Apoyo Escolar: $320.00

DOMINGO DE PASCUA 5 27 DE MARZO DEL 2016 In this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy both High and Middle School Youth Groups have been actively learning more about God s mercy for us and have been challenging one another about how we can be more merciful towards others. High School youth group has been given opportunities together to grow in community and live out the Corporal Works of Mercy. Recently we took a group of high schoolers to a local nursing home to spend time with the elderly. They played board games, card games, and even bingo, but the biggest work they did was to give the residents someone to share the story of their lives with. Pope Francis has challenged each of us to really focus this year on the mercy we re able to share with one another. Here at Resurrection s youth groups we are not only talking more about God s mercy but we are living out our call as Catholics to be merciful toward our neighbors. In coming together each week, we are growing as a family of young people united in the love of Christ and would like you to join us every Tuesday for High School Youth Group at 6:30 pm in the gym, and evry Thursday for Middle School Youth Group at 6:30 pm in the gym. 915 Zoe St, Houston, TX 77020 713-675-5333 Fax 713-673-3605 Parish Office Hours: Closed Saturday-Monday Tuesday - 9:30am-4:30 pm Wednesday-Friday 8:00am 4:30 pm Office of Evangelization & Catechesis: Carmen Valdez 713-675-0350 Weekday English Mass: 8:30am on Tuesday & Thursday Weekday Spanish Mass: 6:30pm on Wednesday & Friday* *La Divina Providencia In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~1st Saturday: 8:30am Bilingual Mass Vigil Mass (Saturday): 5:30pm (English) 7:30pm (Spanish) Sunday Mass: English: 7:00 am 11:00 am Spanish: 9:00 am 1:00 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION A DORACION AL SANTISIMO Every Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Thursday Holy Hour 7:30-8:30pm CONFESSIONS Wednesday: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday 4:30 pm -5:15 pm 6:30 pm -7:15 pm ROSARY Monday: 6:00 pm (English) Wednesday: 6:00 pm (Spanish) Misión La Divina Providencia 7913 Munn St., Houston, 77029 713-360-7173 Misa dominical en español: 3:00 pm 6:30 pm los viernes

EASTER SUNDAY 6 MARCH 27, 2016 April 9 in the gym 7:30am to 3pm Donations needed Please bring donations to the gym on Friday, April 8 from 4 to 9pm. Proceeds to benefit the Spring Bazaar. Thank you for your generosity! Baking Day Saturday, April 9 9am to 3pm In the Gym Come have fun baking cakes for the Bazaar! Oil and eggs provided. Just bring your cake mix, pans, and frosting. Call the office to sign up for a time 713-675-5333. Abril 9 en el gimnasio 7:30am a 3pm Necesitamos Donaciones Por favor de traer sus donaciones al gimnasio el Viernes 8 de Abril, de 4 a 9pm. Las ganancias beneficiaran el Bazar de Primavera. Gracias por su generosidad! Dia de hornear Sabado, Abril 9 9am a 3pm en el gimansio Ven a divertirte horneando pasteles para el bazar! Tenemos aceite y blanquillos. Solo trae harina preparada, charolas para hornear y crema para decorar. Favor de llamar a la oficina para registrar la hora que puede asistir 713-675-5333. Spring Bazaar April 10 from 11am to 9pm Come join the fun! Help is needed in some of the food booths and silent auction. If you can volunteer for two hours please call the office at 713-675-5333 x4 or email Ali Dela- Financial donations are also greatly appreciated. Donations of canned sodas (name brand please) and 2 liter sodas are also needed. Please sell your raffle tickets!! Next Bazaar Meeting March 29 at 6:30 pm In the Admin Bldg, 2nd floor Ven a divertirte! Se necesita ayuda en algunos de los puestos de comida y subasta. Si usted puede ser voluntario durante dos horas por favor llame a la oficina al 713-675-5333 ext. 4 o por correo electrónico Ali Dela- Garza También se aceptan donaciones monetarias. Se necesitan donaciones de refrescos en lata (de marca por favor) y refrescos de 2 litros. Por favor, venda sus boletos de la rifa!! Junta de Bazar Marzo 29, 6:30 pm En el Edificio Administrativo, 2do piso