el SACERDOTE del SÉPTIMO DÍA for Trumpet and Winds Teo APARICIO-BARBERÁN Wind Band Collection

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The RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY el SACERDOTE del SÉTIMO DÍA or Trumet and Winds Teo AARICIOBARBERÁN Wind Band Collection

ull Score ind and/harmonie iccolo lute 2 Ooe 2 English Horn in Bassoon 2 Clarinet in E Clarinet in B Clarinet in B 2 Bass Clarinet B Alto Sax E 2 Tenor Sax B Baritone Sax E Soloist Trumet B Dramatic q = 2 arox dedicada al trometista Raul unquera the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Duration: arox el SACERDOTE del SÉTIMO DÍA or trumet and ind and Ÿ i Ÿ i n Ÿ i n n n Ÿi Ÿi Ÿi Teo AaricioBarerán/O0 (97) Trumet B Trumet B 2 lugelhorn in B 2 Horn in Horn in 2 Tromone 2 Bass Tromone Euhonium 2 Tuas Violoncellos (Otional) String Bass Timani ercussion ercussion 2 ercussion Gong touch ith metal stick R rk R rk rk R Susended cymal Bass Drum R r r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n n n Crash Cymal N ercussion 20 Teo AaricioBareran / Aladoc Music Editions Sain NDL V2220 All Rights Reserved teoaariciocom

Esta ora está dedicada al extraordinario trometista Raul unquera, roesor de la Banda Municial de Valencia the RIEST o the SEVEN DAY el SACERDOTE del SÉTIMO DÍA or trumet and ind and Teo AaricioBarerán Intrumentation: Solist Trumet (B) iccolo lutes,2 Ooes,2 English Horn () Basson (,2) Clarinet (E Clarinet (B) Clarinet 2 (B) Clarinet (B) Bass Clarinet (B) Alto Saxohone (E) Alto Saxohone 2 (E) Tenor Saxohone,2 (B) Bariton Saxohone (E) Trumet (B) Trumet 2 (B) Trumet (B) lugelhorn, 2 (B) Horns, () Horns 2, () Tromones, 2 Bass Tromone Bar Euhonium, 2 Tua, 2 Violoncellos * String Bass Timani ercussion (Gong, susended cymal, snare drum, tenor drum, ocean drum, güiro) ercussion 2 (Bass drum, crash cymals, triangle, ongos, caasa) ercussion (Glockensiel, tuular ells) ercussion (Virahone, xilohone) (* ) Otional Instruments The riest o the seven day ara Banda sinónica 20 Teo AaricioBareran / Aladoc Music Editions Sain NDL V2220 All Rights Reserved teoaariciocom

the RIEST o the SEVEN DAY el SACERDOTE del SÉTIMO DÍA or trumet and ind and (O0) Teo AaricioBarerán Dedicada al extraordinario trometista valenciano Raúl unquera, roesor de la Banda Municial de Valencia Al sétimo día se levantaron de madrugada y marcharon alrededor de la ciudad, como lo haían hecho antes, ero ese día le dieron siete vueltas Cuando los sacerdotes tocaron las trometas or sétima vez, osué ordenó a la gente: «Griten! El Señor les ha entregado la ciudad La ciudad, con todo lo que hay en ella, será consagrada a comleta destrucción, orque el Señor así lo ha ordenado The RIEST o the SEVEN DAY no es una ora rogramática ero sí que, recogiendo la esencia de la historia Bílica, arovecha este hilo conductor ara elaorar un discurso dirigido a mostrar todas las osiilidades tímricas y técnicas de la trometa en cominación con la anda sinónica La ora, aunque escrita en un solo movimiento, está claramente dividida en tres secciones Tras la introducción inicial, que sirve de resentación del instrumento solista, llega la rimera sección con orma sonata, aunque con ciertas licencias Se ueden dierenciar el tema A de carácter más marcado y enérgico y un tema B más exresivo El diseño A B A da aso a la segunda sección de la ora adagio con melancolía Es en esta arte de la ora donde la trometa (o el liscorno si lo reiere el intérrete) muestra su lado más amale Una reve cadencia one in a esta arte exresiva de la ora y da ie a un nuevo Allegro risoluto con marcadas reminiscencias de la rimera sección La ora culmina con una nueva cadencia ara la trometa solista que da aso a la revísima coda inal El autor: Teo Aaricio Barerán Nace en Enguera en el año 97 Comienza sus estudios de saxoón con M Vidal y con rancisco Moral Continuó osteriormente con MLLois, Antonio Daniel, Manuel Mián y ean Marie Londeix Estudia además, contraao, iano, armonía, contraunto y uga, comosición y dirección de orquesta con roesores de la talla de Bruno Memrey, Carles Guinovart y Carl Schachter consiguiendo dos menciones honoríicas al inal de sus estudios Destacar a Luis Blanes como verdadera reerencia en su carrera musical Tamién el comositor B Adam errero ha contriuido a su ormación Es autor de más de un centenar de oras ara dierentes gruos instrumentales Algunas de ellas han sido interretadas en Austria, Alemania, rancia, Suiza, ortugal, Bélgica, aón, Holanda y Estados Unidos Sus oras han sido interretadas en numerosos certámenes nacionales e internacionales como el Internacional de Valencia, el WMC en Holanda, liscorno de Oro en Italia o el celerado en Lichtensteig Su música está recogida en más de 5 CD y editada or Ediles,Tot er l aire, Aladoc y la editorial elga Beriato Es miemro de COSICOVA y de la WASBE Más inormación en: teoaariciocom

the RIEST o the SEVEN DAY el SACERDOTE del SÉTIMO DÍA or trumet and ind and (O0) Teo AaricioBarerán Dedicated to the extraordinary Valencian trumeter Raúl unquera, memer o the Municial Band o Valencia "On the seventh day they rose at dan and marched around the city, as they had done eore, ut that day gave him seven times When the riests le the trumets or the seventh time, oshua commanded the eole, "Shout! The Lord has given you the city The city, ith everything in it, ill e devoted to utter destruction, or the Lord has so ordered " The RIEST o the SEVEN DAY is not a rogrammatic ork ut that collecting the essence o Bilical history, uses this thread to reare a seech to sho all the timral and technical ossiilities o the trumet in comination ith the symhonic and The iece, though ritten in a single movement, is clearly divided into three sections Ater the initial introduction, hich serves to resent the solo instrument, comes the irst section ith sonata orm, ith certain licenses You can dierentiate the theme A more marked and energetic character and theme B more exressive The A B A' design leads to the second section o the ork Adagio con melancolía It is in this art o the ork here the trumet (or lugelhorn i you reer the interreter) shos his soter side A rie cadence exressive ends this art o the ork and gives rise to a ne Allegro risoluto ith reminiscent o the irst section The ork ends ith a ne cadence trumet solo that gives ay to rie coda The comoser: Teo Aaricio Barerán Born in Enguera Year 97 He egan studying saxohone ith M Vidal and Moral rancisco He susequently continued MLLois, Antonio Daniel, ean Marie and Manuel Mián Londeix Well studied, ass, iano, harmony, counteroint and ugue, comosition and conducting ith teachers like Bruno Memrey, Carles Guinovart and Carl Schachter getting to honorale mentions at the end o their studies Highlight Luis Blanes as true reerence in their musical career Also comoser Adam errero B has contriuted to its ormation He has comosed over one hundred orks or dierent instrumental grous Some o them have een erormed in Austria, Germany, rance, Sitzerland, ortugal, Belgium, aan, the Netherlands and the United States His orks have een erormed in numerous national and international cometitions such as the International o Valencia, the WMC in Holland, lugelhorn Gold in Italy or held in Lichtensteig His music is contained in more than 5 CD and edited y Ediles, Tot er l'aire, Aladoc Music Editions and Belgian ulisher Beriato He is a memer o COSICOVA and Every concert More inormation: teoaariciocom

2 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc 2 l 2 2 O2 2 E Hn 2 Bsn2 E Cl rk 2 2 2 B Cl 2 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 2 2 Ten Sax 2 Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 ar and reely rk 2 2 2 2 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh 2 2 2 2 2 Tuas StrBass Tim erc 2 2 2 2 2 erc 2 2 erc 2 erc 2

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc Andante somnolent q = 72 arox l 2 O2 ochiss cede Solo r Solo E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl ochiss cede reely ad li reely ad li reely ad li Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt ten N Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns ochiss cede Solo Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass ochiss cede izz izz Div arco Tim erc Ocean Drum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ erc 2 erc erc ochiss cede Glockensiel Virahone

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax 20 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nn n nn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n oco cede oco cede A to q = 72 arox Bar Sax Soloist Tt exresiv Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ oco cede Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ arco Snare Drum oco cede Tuular Bells oco cede izz izz

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 5 icc 2 l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 Solo E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Cue english horn Bar Sax Soloist Tt r R Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Solo Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc Ocean Drum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh n Tuas StrBass Tim erc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ arco arco Susended cymal erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 7 icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 9 oco cede n Allegro histully q = 20 arox n B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh oco cede oco cede n n ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc oco cede oco cede Xilohone

8 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc 5 l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax N 7 7 N Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 N Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 Bongos erc erc 7

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 9 icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax 52 N n n nn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nann N Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Straight Muted Straight Muted n n n n nann Oen Oen N Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 izz izz N N N erc erc n

0 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 58 N N E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 N B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 5 n lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 N N Bass Tn Euh N Tuas StrBass Tim arco arco N erc erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 Solo N E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt a a N N N Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns n Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh N ẇ N Tuas StrBass Tim n n n N N N N erc erc 2 erc erc Tuular Bells

2 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl 70 uming uming to layers uming B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 Straight Muted Straight Muted Oen Oen lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Div n n izz izz Tim erc erc 2 erc Tenor Drum Triangle Glockensiel erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 77 N r r r r r r r n B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn N Euh Tuas StrBass arco arco Tim erc erc 2 erc Bass Drum Snare Drum Crash Cymal erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn 8 N N N n n n n Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax n n n Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 N N Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 r r Güiro erc erc n

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 5 icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 88 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n an n n n n n n n N n n N n n n n n n B Cl Alto Sax 2 n n n N N Ten Sax Bar Sax a N Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 n n n n n n n Gong N N N N N N N N Susended cymal N N n n erc erc n n

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 9 n N n A n R R N R R 7 7 7 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt N N N n n n N r N Cue Basson r r n N r r Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn N A Euh N A Tuas StrBass Tim N A N N A A r R R r r R erc erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 7 icc l 2 O2 97 r L istesso temo Tenderly r E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax n Bar Sax n Soloist Tt Tt 2 R r R R R lugh B 2 Horns Solo Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh R R R R n n Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 r Güiro erc erc

8 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 02 r r r r r E Hn Bsn2 N E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 all Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim N N N erc erc 2 erc r erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 9 icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh 08 N N N n n n n N n n n N Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc N N N

20 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 dim oco a oco rit morendo O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt dim oco a oco rit to lugelhorn morendo Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns dim st oco a oco rit morendo Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass dim oco a oco rit morendo Tim erc erc 2 erc erc dim oco a oco rit morendo

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 2 icc 22 Adagio ith melancholy q = 5 arox l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Solo Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc Gong U erc 2 erc Tuular Bells erc

22 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 Solo E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt exresiv, as a lament, Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas Solo StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc Virahone erc simile

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 2 icc 8 ressing orard l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Cue english horn Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt 5 Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc g g g

2 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt 5 Solo Cu muted exresiv Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh exresiv Tuas StrBass Tim izz izz arco arco izz y exresiv Cymal over timani ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ erc Ocean Drum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ erc 2 erc erc g g g g

~~ the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 25 icc 9 ochiss cede l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 ochiss cede Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt 7 singing to Straight Muted n Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns ochiss cede Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass ochiss cede arco Tim ~~ y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y erc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ erc 2 erc ochiss cede erc

2 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc 5 A to reely (quasi cadence) l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl Cue string ass Solo B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Cue Cello Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 Oen Oen reely quasi cadence U lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass izz izz arco arco Tim erc Gong touch ith metal stick erc 2 erc erc Glockensiel U

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 27 icc l 2 Gently q = 0 arox Solo O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl all B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt 5 Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc g g g g

28 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax 70 Solo 5 n n 5 all 5 5 5 Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc g g g

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 29 icc 75 l 2 N O2 N N E Hn Bsn2 E Cl N B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 n Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc

0 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc 79 q = 52 arox l 2 O2 Cue english horn E Hn Bsn2 Solo E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim izz erc erc 2 erc erc g

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc 85 oco a oco accel l 2 O2 Solo Solo E Hn Bsn2 E Cl to layers B Cl 2 oco a oco accel B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt 5 to trumet rolonging Tt 2 oco a oco accel lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas oco a oco accel StrBass arco Tim erc erc 2 erc oco a oco accel erc g

2 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 9 Allegro risoluto q = 2 arox n n n N n n n n n n n n N N N N N Ÿ i Ÿ i Ÿ ŸI Ÿ Ÿ r r Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim n n n n n n N erc erc 2 erc erc Tuular Bells Xilohone

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 99 N n N N n N N a N n B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt N N n N Tt 2 N lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc r r r r r r r r r r erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 208 N N O2 N E Hn N Bsn2 E Cl a B Cl 2 N B Cl Alto Sax 2 n Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 N Straight Muted r Straight Muted r lugh B 2 Horns r R N Horns 2 r R N Tn2 Bass Tn Euh N N N Tuas StrBass izz N N N N Tim erc erc 2 erc erc Glockensiel

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 5 icc 25 l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt r r R N Oen Tt 2 r r n R Oen lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass arco Tim erc Bongos erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 22 n n E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns N Horns 2 N Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc Tenor Drum erc 2 erc erc Temlelocks

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 7 icc l 2 O2 22 N N E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 A Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 A A Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 Bongos erc erc

8 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 22 N N n N N E Hn Bsn2 E Cl n B Cl 2 N n B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt n N N Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc Snare Drum erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 9 icc l 2 28 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc

0 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc 25 l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax 252 N n n n n n Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 N N Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 Bass Drum Snare Drum Crash Cymal r r erc erc Xilohone

icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 2 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 257 N n n n n n n n n n an n n n n n N N n n N n N n n n n n Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim n n n n n n n a N N N N N N N N N N N erc erc 2 erc erc N

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 2 n N n A B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt N N n N n n N Tt 2 n lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh n N N A A Tuas StrBass N A N N A A Tim erc erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc 270 l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 n B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 n n n Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc

icc l 2 O2 27 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán n n n n nn nn n n n Solemn q = 7 arox 5 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl n n n n n n n n n B Cl 2 n n nn n nn n N B Cl Alto Sax 2 n nn n nn nn N Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 n n n n Bass Tn Euh n n Tuas StrBass N n N Tim erc Gong erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc 28 l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 One layer Ÿ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ÿ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E Cl B Cl 2 Only to layers Ÿ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ÿ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt Tt 2 R N lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 A ^ ^ ^ A Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc

the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán 7 icc 28 Cadenze U 2 l 2 2 O2 2 E Hn 2 Bsn2 2 E Cl 2 2 B Cl 2 U 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 U r 2 2 Ten Sax 2 Bar Sax 2 Soloist Tt U ten ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ten U n U n n U R 2 2 Tt 2 2 lugh B 2 2 Horns 2 Horns 2 U 2 Tn2 2 Bass Tn 2 Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc U R r U r U U R r U U U 2 2 2 2 2 2 erc 2 2 erc 2 erc 2

8 the RIEST o the SEVENTH DAY Teo AaricioBarerán icc l 2 O2 E Hn Bsn2 E Cl B Cl 2 B Cl Alto Sax 2 Ten Sax Bar Sax Soloist Tt 288 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 A to r r Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ oco allargando oco allargando Tt 2 lugh B 2 Horns Horns 2 Tn2 Bass Tn Euh Tuas StrBass Tim erc erc 2 erc erc 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 R R r R r r r r Gong oco allargando oco allargando oco allargando

teoaariciocom ino@teoaaricionet 80Enguera (Sain)