A ver si recuerdas: Verbs with irregular yo forms (p. 345) pongo

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1 AVSR 7A-1 A ver si recuerdas: Verbs with irregular yo forms (p. 345) As you know, some verbs have irregular yo forms in the present tense. These fall into two categories: Verbs with irregular -go forms: salir yo salgo poner yo pongo hacer yo hago caer yo caigo decir yo digo venir yo vengo Verbs with irregular -zco forms: conocer yo conozco parecer yo parezco obedecer yo obedezco ofrecer yo ofrezco A. Change the following verbs from the tú form to the yo form. Follow the model. Modelo pones pongo 1. sales 5. obedeces 2. conoces 6. caes 3. dices 7. haces 4. ofreces 8. vienes B. Elena is living with her aunt and uncle for the summer. Complete her by writing the yo form of the verbs given. The first one is done for you. Estimada Mónica: Cómo estás? Yo estoy muy bien aquí con mis tíos, pero yo tengo y Después, yo (tener) mucho trabajo. Yo me levanto (ponerse) la ropa muy temprano. (salir) de la casa para trabajar con mi tío. Yo siempre (hacer) lo que él necesita y yo nunca le (decir) que estoy cansada. Es trabajo divertido! Web Code: jdd-0701 A ver si recuerdas 7A-1 235

2 AVSR 7A-2 A ver si recuerdas: Verbs with irregular yo forms (continued) Bueno, yo ya (conocer) a muchas personas del pueblo. Todos dicen que yo (parecerse) mucho a mi tío! Al final del día, cuando (venir) a la casa, siempre le (ofrecer) un poco de ayuda a mi tía, que está preparando la cena. En total, yo (tener) una vida muy interesante aquí. Un abrazo, Elena C. Answer the following questions in complete sentences, paying special attention to the verbs with irregular yo forms. Modelo Siempre dices la verdad? Sí, yo siempre digo la verdad. 1. Te pareces a alguien de tu familia? Sí, yo a mi. 2. Siempre obedeces a tus padres? No, yo no siempre. 3. A veces sales por la noche con tus amigos? Sí, yo a veces. 4. Conoces a alguna persona famosa? No, no. 5. Tienes mucha tarea esta noche? Sí, yo. 6. Haces la tarea por la tarde o por la noche? Yo. 236 A ver si recuerdas 7A-2 Web Code: jdd-0701

3 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 7A 237

4 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 2 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. 238 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 7A

5 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 3 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 7A 239

6 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 4 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. frito, frita, Cómo se hace...? Con qué se sirve? no añadas 240 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 7A

7 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 5 Copy the word or phrase in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. dejar no dejes olvidarse de no te olvides de no tires se puede No hables. No comas. No escribas. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 7A 241

8 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 6 Copy the word or phrase in the space provided. These blank cards can be used to write and practice other Spanish vocabulary for the chapter. congelado, congelada enlatado, enlatada fresco, fresca,,, 242 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 7A

9 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 1 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. la salsa el aceite el ajo la olla el refrigerador el fuego caliente el horno añadir tirar freír mezclar probar la receta olvidarse de Fold In Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 7A 243

10 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 2 Tear out this page. Write the Spanish words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. salsa, sauce cooking oil garlic pot refrigerator fire, heat hot oven to add to spill, to throw away to fry to mix to taste, to try recipe to forget about/to Fold In 244 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 7A

11 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 3 Tear out this page. Write the English words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. el caldo la estufa el fregadero el pedazo la sartén calentar hervir el ingrediente picar apagar dejar encender fresco, fresca Fold In Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 7A 245

12 Vocabulary Check, Sheet 4 Tear out this page. Write the Spanish words on the lines. Fold the paper along the dotted line to see the correct answers so you can check your work. broth stove sink piece, slice frying pan to heat to boil ingredient to chop to turn off to leave, to let to turn on, to light fresh To hear a complete list of the vocabulary for this chapter, go to and type in the Web Code jdd Then click on Repaso del capítulo. Fold In 246 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Check 7A

13 Guided Practice Activities 7A-1 Negative tú commands (p. 356) Negative commands are used to tell someone what not to do. To form negative tú commands, drop the -o of the present-tense yo form and add: -es for -ar verbs usar uso: No uses el microondas. Don t use the microwave. -as for -er and -ir verbs encender enciendo: No enciendas el horno. Don t turn on the oven. A. Look at the following sentences and add the correct endings to the verbs to make negative tú commands. Use the verbs in parentheses for reference. Follow the model. as Modelo Jaime, no com todas las frutas. (comer) 1. Raquel, no tir el pollo en el aceite caliente. (tirar) 2. Tadeo, no cort el ajo en pedazos tan pequeños. (cortar) 3. Susana, no beb el café si está muy caliente. (beber) 4. Mario, no us tanto aceite en el sartén. (usar) 5. Julia, no añad el ajo ahora. (añadir) Remember that some verbs have irregular yo forms, which are used to form the negative commands. salir salgo No salga de la casa. Don t leave the house. B. Complete the statements below by writing the correct negative tú commands of the verbs given. Follow the model. No pongas Modelo (poner) las manos en la masa. 1. (salir) sin comer algo. 2. (decir) mentiras (lies). 3. (hacer) eso, por favor. 4. (obedecer) a tus amigos malos. Web Code: jdd-0704 Guided Practice Activities 7A-1 247

14 Guided Practice Activities 7A-2 Negative tú commands (continued) Remember that stem-changing verbs will still have the same stem changes to form the negative commands. Also, if the verb is reflexive, the reflexive pronoun will be placed the same way. dormirse te duermas No te duermas en la clase! Don t fall asleep in class! C. Look at the following verbs in the infinitive. Write the negative command form for each. Follow the model. Modelo divertirse No te diviertas. 1. encender 5. caerse 2. calentar 6. parecerse 3. probar 7. olvidarse 4. hervir 8. dormirse With negative tú commands, some verbs such as picar (to chop), pagar (to pay), and empezar (to start) have spelling changes: c changes to qu, g changes to gu, and z changes to c. picar no piques pagar no pagues empezar no empieces D. Your parents have given you a list of things not to do on the weekend. Complete their list by writing the correct negative tú commands of the verbs given. Follow the model. Modelo No (empezar) empieces la tarea a las nueve de la noche los domingos. 1. en restaurantes caros. (almorzar) 2. problemas en la calle. (buscar) 3. con las personas malas. (jugar) 4. a casa después de las diez de la noche. (llegar) 5. cosas de la casa de otra persona sin pedirlas. (sacar) 248 Guided Practice Activities 7A-2 Web Code: jdd-0704

15 Guided Practice Activities 7A-2a Negative tú commands (continued) Some verbs have irregular negative tú commands: dar no des estar no estés ir no vayas ser no seas E. For each of the following sentences, write the appropriate negative tú command of the verb in parentheses. 1. No (dar) dulces a tu hermano antes del almuerzo. 2. No (estar) en la cocina antes de la cena. 3. No (ir) al mercado hoy. 4. No (ser) tan desordenada. Remember that pronouns are attached to the verb when they are added to the affirmative command form. Note: An accent mark is written on the verb when the added pronoun makes three or more syllables. Añado la sal? Do I add the salt? Sí, añádela. Yes, add it. F. Read the following questions and unfinished answers. Place the correct pronoun in the spaces provided to finish the answers. Remember to add an accent, if necessary, to the affirmative command in each answer. Follow the model. Modelo Mezclo los ingredientes en la taza? Sí, mé zcla los en la taza. 1. Añado el aceite a la sartén? Sí, añade a la sartén. 2. Tiro los huesos del pollo? Sí, tira. 3. Apago el fuego de la estufa? Sí, apaga. 4. Pongo la mesa antes de la cena? Sí, pon antes de la cena. 5. Saco los platos después de la comida? Sí, saca después de la comida. Web Code: jdd-0704 Guided Practice Activities 7A-2a 249

16 Guided Practice Activities 7A-2b Negative tú commands (continued) Pronouns always go right before the verb when writing negative commands. Pongo los platos en la mesa? Should I put the plates on the table? No, no los pongas en la mesa en este momento. No, don t put them on the table right now. G. Señor Báez is giving a class on cooking. Nacho is having trouble with many of the tasks. Follow the conversation below by writing in señor Báez responses using negative tú commands. Remember to correctly place the pronouns in each. The first one is done for you. 1. nacho: Debo apagar el horno? señor báez: No,. 2. nacho: Debo hacer el arroz? señor báez: No,. 3. nacho: Debo pelar los tomates? señor báez: No,. 4. nacho: Debo picar los huevos? señor báez: No,. 5. nacho: Debo freír la ensalada? no lo apagues señor báez: No,. 6. nacho: Debo poner el pan en el microondas? señor báez: No, allí. 7. nacho: Debo mezclar la leche con los tomates? señor báez: No, con los tomates. 8. nacho: Debo hervir los huevos en la sartén? señor báez: No, en la sartén. 250 Guided Practice Activities 7A-2b Web Code: jdd-0704

17 Guided Practice Activities 7A-3 The impersonal se (p. 360) In Spanish, to say that people in general do a certain thing, you use se + the usted/él/ella or ustedes/ellos/ellas form of the verb. This is called the impersonal se. Aquí se sirve el pan tostado con mantequilla. Here they serve the toast with butter. Se comen tortillas frecuentemente. Tortillas are eaten frequently. A. Look at the pictures and read the sentences that describe what people do in general when they prepare food. Circle the appropriate impersonal se expression in parentheses to complete each sentence. 1. En mi casa el pollo ( se hace / se tira ) con sal y ajo. 2. Para preparar la salsa ( se calienta / se pica ) el ajo. 3. El plato principal ( se sirve / se hierve ) con ensalada. 4. En mi casa ( se come / se bebe ) mucha fruta. 5. La comida ( se pica / se calienta ) en el microondas. Web Code: jdd-0705 Guided Practice Activities 7A-3 251

18 Guided Practice Activities 7A-4 The impersonal se (continued) Note: The usted/él/ella form of the verb is used when the thing following it is singular and the ustedes/ellos/ellas form is used when the thing following it is plural. Se pela la papa. The potato is pealed. Se pelan las papas. The potatoes are pealed. B. Complete the following rules by circling the appropriate impersonal se expression to tell what is done or not done. Follow the model. Modelo No ( se fríen / se fríe ) los camarones. 1. ( Se sirven / Se sirve ) pan con mariscos. 2. ( Se calienta / Se calientan ) el pan en el horno. 3. No ( se añade / se añaden ) sal a la sopa. 4. ( Se dejan / Se deja ) el ajo en la cocina. 5. No ( se hierve / se hierven ) los mariscos. C. Complete the following recipe to prepare arroz con mariscos. Use the impersonal se form of the verb in parentheses to complete each instruction. The first one is done for you. Be careful to choose between the singular and plural verb forms. Arroz con mariscos Se calienta 1. (calentar) el aceite en la sartén. 2. (preparar) los mariscos con sal. 3. (pelar) el ajo y 4. (cortar) en pedazos. 5. (mezclar) los mariscos y el ajo. 6. (hervir) agua en una olla. 7. (añadir) arroz y sal al caldo. 8. (mezclar) los mariscos con el arroz. 252 Guided Practice Activities 7A-4 Web Code: jdd-0705

19 Guided Practice Activities 7A-5 Lectura: Oda al tomate y Oda a la cebolla (pp ) A. The two poems in your textbook reading are about tomatoes and onions. What words would you use to describe a tomato or an onion? Write them below. tomato:,,, onion:,,, B. These poems use many descriptive words to tell us about tomatoes and onions. Some of these words are listed below. Circle the letter of the English meaning of each word. 1. redonda a. small b. round 2. clara a. clear b. dark 3. pobres a. rich b. poor 4. constelación a. condition b. constellation 5. planeta a. planet b. plantation C. Look at the excerpt of Oda a la cebolla below. Read it aloud and look back at your answers from part B if you need help with the meaning of certain words. Then, write C (cierto) or F (falso) for each sentence below. ( ) cebolla, clara como un planeta, y destinada a relucir (shine), constelación constante, redonda (round) rosa de agua sobre la mesa de las pobres gentes. 1. According to the poet, the onion is like a planet. 2. An onion is also like a tomato. 3. Redonda rosa de agua means that it is like a white flower. 4. The poet says that everyone has an onion on their table. Web Code: jdd-0706 Guided Practice Activities 7A-5 253

20 Guided Practice Activities 7A-6 Presentación oral (p. 367) Task: Imagine you are a guest on a television cooking show. You will be telling the audience how to prepare your favorite main dish. A. Write the name of your favorite dish below. Then place an X next to the ingredients in the chart that you need to prepare that dish. Mi plato favorito es. Ingredientes huevos caldo carne tomate agua pollo lechuga ajo leche sal cebolla pimienta camarones queso aceite mariscos B. Use the ingredients you chose in part A. Think about the steps you would follow to prepare your dish. You can use the verbs for food preparation from the list or others you have learned in this chapter. se mezcla se corta se sirve se pone se añade Now, complete the recipe card below. Include the name of the dish, the ingredients you need, and the steps to prepare this dish. del plato: Ingredientes: Preparación: 1. Primero, 2. Luego, 3. Después, 4. Al final, C. Use your recipe card to practice your presentation. Remember to include the ingredients, describe the steps to prepare the dish, and to speak clearly. 254 Guided Practice Activities 7A-6

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What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures.

What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. Fecha Core Practice 4A 1 Qué hacen? What do the people in your neighborhood like to do in their free time? Complete the following sentences based on the pictures. La Sra. García lee un libro en 1.. Jesús

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En el restaurante. Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4.

En el restaurante. Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. En el restaurante Qué es o quién es? Identify each item or person. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 14 171 Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4.

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 2B Examen 2B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 2B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Complete the following sentences about items in the classroom with the correct vocabulary words. 1. Hay

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Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280

Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280 Nombre: Español 2 Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Maestra Srta. Verdos Correo electrónico cverdos@goldercollegeprep.org Teléfono 312-265-9925 ext. 4214 Código para clase de Google

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Vocabulario. 1. to introduce yourself A. Cómo te llamas? 2. to ask who a certain girl is B. Él es Pedro.

Vocabulario. 1. to introduce yourself A. Cómo te llamas? 2. to ask who a certain girl is B. Él es Pedro. Español 1 WS 1.2 Nombre y Apellido Bloque Vocabulario Today is the first day of school and you are getting to know your teacher and classmates. Match each situation to the expression you would like to

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Lesson 6. Joke of the week

Lesson 6. Joke of the week Lesson 6 Joke of the week El doctor llama por teléfono a su paciente: Verá, tengo una noticia buena y otra mala. Bueno... dígame primero la buena. Los resultados del análisis indican que le quedan 24 horas

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SPAN ENG SPAN ENG. 7 verbos que terminan en ER y 3 que terminan en - IR

SPAN ENG SPAN ENG. 7 verbos que terminan en ER y 3 que terminan en - IR Fill the following left-side blanks w/ Spanish words that correspond to the following categories, then define them in English to the right of each one. When an article is required, use a definite article.

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B. Indicate if the statements make sense or not. (5 points)

B. Indicate if the statements make sense or not. (5 points) Capítulo 4 / Guía de estudiar Fecha: Format: 40 multiple-choice / Scantron / 1 essay A. Listen and choose. (8 questions) Text You will hear a series of statements. If the statement makes sense, check sí

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Direct object pronouns: me, te, nos (p. 166)

Direct object pronouns: me, te, nos (p. 166) Guided Practice Activities 3B-1 Direct object pronouns: me, te, nos (p. 166) Remember that you can replace a direct object noun with a direct object pronoun. The pronouns lo, la, los, and las can refer

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Nombre Clase Fecha. 1. Write the name of each object in Spanish

Nombre Clase Fecha. 1. Write the name of each object in Spanish Nombre Clase Fecha Goal: Talk about your school environment. 1. Write the name of each object in Spanish. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2. How do you feel... Cansado contento enojado

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Food and drink: Comida y bebida típica

Food and drink: Comida y bebida típica Antes de escuchar Tarea 1: verdadero o falso? Con un compañero, decide si las frases son verdaderas o falsas y corrige las falsas. V F a. El desayuno típico inglés lleva pescado y patatas. b. El helado

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estructura 3.1 Descriptive adjectives

estructura 3.1 Descriptive adjectives 3. Descriptive adjectives Correcto o incorrecto Make a check mark if the descriptive adjective matches the image. If they do not match, write a correct descriptive adjective. inteligente. delgado 2. simpático

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Guapo Using Ser and Tener to Describe People

Guapo Using Ser and Tener to Describe People Guapo Using Ser and Tener to Describe People This document teaches the central piece of grammar in Guapo how to describe people using the verbs ser and tener as seen in these lyrics: Soy guapo. Tiene ojos

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Unidad 1 Lección 1 8th Grade

Unidad 1 Lección 1 8th Grade Unidad 1 Lección 1 8th Grade Nombre: Presentación de vocabulario- Unidad 1 Qué te gusta hacer? ( ) Qué significa? Me gusta No me gusta What does the following sentence mean in English? Me gusta escuchar

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Los cuartos. 112 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto. En la planta baja hay: En el primer piso hay:

Los cuartos. 112 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto. En la planta baja hay: En el primer piso hay: Fecha Practice Workbook 6B 1 Los cuartos The Suárez family has just moved into a new house Tell what rooms are on each floor of the house En la planta baja hay: En el primer piso hay: Pearson Education,

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sacar basura dinero limpio comer al el el perro baño comedor poner la la el mesa cocina despacho Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

sacar basura dinero limpio comer al el el perro baño comedor poner la la el mesa cocina despacho Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word bow each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. sacar la basura

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight

Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning Masters Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning

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Nombre Clase Fecha Repaso Español 1 Capítulo 1

Nombre Clase Fecha Repaso Español 1 Capítulo 1 Nombre Clase Fecha Repaso Español 1 Capítulo 1 You are teaching Level 1 Spanish at School. It s the middle of May and your County-Wide exam is coming up in just a couple of weeks, so it s time to review

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you!

Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you! You will write at least TEN sentences describing a typical week in the life of a BCC student YOU! -- based on the three Encuestas (surveys) you conducted with your classmates: If you can t think of what

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A. Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model. Modelo

A. Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model. Modelo Guided Practice Activities 1A-1 Infinitives (p. 32) The most basic form of a verb is an infinitive. In English, infinitives have the word to in front of them such as to walk or to swim. In Spanish, infinitives

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Vocabulario A. 1 What are your classes this year? Read the following list and mark with an X next to each

Vocabulario A. 1 What are your classes this year? Read the following list and mark with an X next to each Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 86-90 Goal: Talk about daily schedules. 1 What are your classes this year? Read the following list and mark with an X next to each subject you are taking. Answers will vary.

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Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Answers will vary. Actividad 2. Capítulo 7A VIDEO

Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Answers will vary. Actividad 2. Capítulo 7A VIDEO VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 List eight ingredients that you would need to prepare your favorite dish Answers will vary Comprendes? Actividad 2 Javier is teaching Ignacio how to make paella

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Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter

Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter Learning Masters Fluent: States of Matter What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 States of Matter Learning Masters How

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218 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 6B

218 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 6B Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. 218 Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 6B Vocabulary

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 6A 181

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Realidades. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 6A 181 Vocabulary Flash Cards Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase copy it in the space provided. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice

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A. Look at the adjectives below. Circle the ending of the adjective: -o, -a, -or, -ora, -e, or -ista.

A. Look at the adjectives below. Circle the ending of the adjective: -o, -a, -or, -ora, -e, or -ista. Guided Practice Activities 1B-1 Adjectives Words that describe people and things are called adjectives. Most Spanish adjectives have two forms: masculine (ends in -o like simpático) and feminine (ends

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Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas

Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Setting Up Print this file. (In Adobe Acrobat,

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Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Actividad 2. Capítulo 7A VIDEO. a. No tires el aceite! Y no añadas más. Ya tienes más que suficiente.

Antes de ver el video. Comprendes? Actividad 1. Actividad 2. Capítulo 7A VIDEO. a. No tires el aceite! Y no añadas más. Ya tienes más que suficiente. VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 List eight ingredients that you would need to prepare your favorite dish Comprendes? Actividad 2 Javier is teaching Ignacio how to make paella The steps he takes

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MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Branch SPEECH CONTEST 2016 Year 4 & 5 Spanish Speech

MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Branch SPEECH CONTEST 2016 Year 4 & 5 Spanish Speech Year 4 & 5 Spanish Speech Buenos Días / Buenas Tardes Me llamo. Se escribe Tengo años. Mi cumpleaños es el de. Vivo en. El número de mi teléfono es (single digit). En mi familia hay personas. Tengo hermanos

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Drop IR, and add. yo í nosotros imos nosotras. tú iste vosotros isteis vosotras. ella ió ellas ieron

Drop IR, and add. yo í nosotros imos nosotras. tú iste vosotros isteis vosotras. ella ió ellas ieron Nombre Realidades 2 Capítulo 2B El pretérito / The Preterite Study guide / Worksheet / PowerPoint To review the preterite, go to www.phschool.com/foreign_languages, and use web code jdd-0214. Important

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En Español Etapa Preliminar--Guia de estudiar

En Español Etapa Preliminar--Guia de estudiar En Español Etapa Preliminar--Guia de estudiar I. Gustar. The pattern for the expression to like to do something is: ( + ) + +. The five indirect object pronouns (IOP) are: II. Present tense of tener. tener

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You have already learned some forms of the verb tener (to have): tengo, tienes. Tener is an irregular verb. Here are its forms.

You have already learned some forms of the verb tener (to have): tengo, tienes. Tener is an irregular verb. Here are its forms. Guided Practice Activities 5A-1 The verb tener You have already learned some forms of the verb tener (to have): tengo, tienes. Tener is an irregular verb. Here are its forms. yo tengo nosotros/nosotras

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Los seres vivos/ living things. CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA

Los seres vivos/ living things. CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA Los contenidos de la asignatura Conocimiento del Medio se agrupan en tres bloques, uno por trimestre y constan de 5 unidades cada uno. Teniendo en cuenta la temporalización

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Stem-changing verbs: pensar, querer, and preferir

Stem-changing verbs: pensar, querer, and preferir Guided Practice Activities 7A-1 Stem-changing verbs: pensar, querer, and preferir Like the other stem-changing verbs you ve learned (jugar, poder, and dormir), pensar, querer, and preferir use the regular

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LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE. Double Object Pronouns

LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE. Double Object Pronouns LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE Double Object Pronouns Write a logical sentence to accompany each picture. Use the subjects provided and select appropriate verbs from the box below. After you write each sentence,

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Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir

Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir Guided Practice Activities 6A-3 Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir Poder (to be able to do something) and dormir (to sleep) are both stem-changing verbs like jugar, which you learned previously. Just

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Realidades. Fecha Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1

Realidades. Fecha Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun., Guided Practice

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Usted and ustedes commands (p. 382)

Usted and ustedes commands (p. 382) Guided Practice Activities 7B-1 Usted and ustedes commands (p 382) Use the usted command form to tell someone older than you what to do or what not to do Use the ustedes form to tell a group of people

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3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary.

3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary. Reading You are going to read two different texts about Spanish Christmas traditions. 1. Working with a partner or in groups of three, try and predict what kinds of words will be in the text. Once you

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Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet

Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet Review Packet This review document is broken into four main sections: ANTES To be used as a basic introduction to vocabulary and grammar in advance of showing the video for the first time. MIENTRAS This

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La comunidad. 148 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

La comunidad. 148 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Practice Workbook 8B 1 La comunidad Your new friend in Costa Rica is showing you around her community. Label each place or point of interest in the picture with the appropriate word. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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Me encanta comer. Capítulo 7A. 1. obedecer / conocer Yo una buena tienda de frutas. 2. hacer / oír Yo bistec y espaguetis hoy.

Me encanta comer. Capítulo 7A. 1. obedecer / conocer Yo una buena tienda de frutas. 2. hacer / oír Yo bistec y espaguetis hoy. A ver si recuerdas Me encanta comer Practice Workbook 7A A Your teacher is taking a survey on what your classmates eat and how they prepare for meals Use the cues provided to complete each person s response

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Español II El vocabulario para comida

Español II El vocabulario para comida Español II El vocabulario para comida 1) Saquen Uds. su tarea de viernes(wb p. 199 y la crucigrama para Unidad 5.1) 2) Saquen Uds. su lista de vocabulario 3) Abran sus libros a p. 258 4) Saquen Uds. sus

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Carmen: No, no soy Mexicana. Soy Colombiana. Y tú? Eres tú Colombiano?

Carmen: No, no soy Mexicana. Soy Colombiana. Y tú? Eres tú Colombiano? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección diez Instructor: Listen to the following conversation: René: Hola! Carmen: Hola! René: Cómo te llamas? Carmen: Me llamo Carmen Rivera. René: Eres tú Mexicana?

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Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun.

Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word or phrase below each picture. Be sure to include the article for each noun. Guided Practice Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards 3A 91 Vocabulary

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Making comparisons tan como El hockey es tan popular como la natación. El hockey no es tan popular como la natación.

Making comparisons tan como El hockey es tan popular como la natación. El hockey no es tan popular como la natación. 1B-Review Making comparisons To say that people or things are equal to each other, use tan _ adjective _ como. El hockey es tan popular como la natación. Hockey is as popular as swimming. To say that people

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Class 002 - The Method. covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of

Class 002 - The Method. covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of Class 002 - The Method INSTRUCTOR: This is Learning Spanish Like Crazy pod cast number 2. Last week we covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of certain household

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Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1

Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1 Me llamo: Hoy es: Spanish Placement Test, Level 1 A. Vocabulario y gramática I. Write a sentence for each picture saying where the student is from. 1. 2. II. It is the first day of school and new students

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Vocabulario A. 1 María loves playing baseball and tennis. In each column, place an x next to all the words

Vocabulario A. 1 María loves playing baseball and tennis. In each column, place an x next to all the words Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 302-306 Goal: Talk about sports. 1 María loves playing baseball and tennis. In each column, place an x next to all the words associated with each sport. El béisbol El tenis X

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Spanish for You! Viajes. Spanish for You!

Spanish for You! Viajes. Spanish for You! Spanish for You! Viajes Spanish for You! Viajes Learn Spanish in a simple, effective, and affordable way! Debbie Annett MSEd. Viajes is a neat theme where students learn language useful in their daily

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The imperfect tense: Regular verbs (p. 194)

The imperfect tense: Regular verbs (p. 194) Guided Practice Activities 4A-1 The imperfect tense: Regular verbs (p. 194) The imperfect tense is used to talk about actions that happened repeatedly in the past. Rafael caminaba y Ramiro corría en el

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Los Complimentos Directos. Dircect Objects and Direct Object Pronouns

Los Complimentos Directos. Dircect Objects and Direct Object Pronouns Los Complimentos Directos Dircect Objects and Direct Object Pronouns What is a Direct Object? A direct object is a THING or a PERSON that receives the ac5on of the verb. EX: I eat the tamales. Yo como

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5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar.

5. a. No me gusta patinar. b. No me gusta ver la televisión. c. No me gusta dibujar. Practice Workbook 1-1 Some new students in your English class are talking about their pastimes Based on the pictures, select the sentence you think they are saying and circle the corresponding letter 1

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Objective: To create a Celebrity Family Tree by MAKING LINKS and THINKING CREATIVELY!

Objective: To create a Celebrity Family Tree by MAKING LINKS and THINKING CREATIVELY! Name Family Members Objective: To create a Celebrity Family Tree by MAKING LINKS and THINKING CREATIVELY! You are currently studying family and descriptions. You are going to create a celebrity family

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To be= There are two verbs in Spanish that mean to be. You have already learned both of these, but apart. Do you know what they are?

To be= There are two verbs in Spanish that mean to be. You have already learned both of these, but apart. Do you know what they are? Nombre Hora Fecha There are two verbs in Spanish that mean to be. You have already learned both of these, but apart. Do you know what they are? To be= You already know SER! Answer the questions using the

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What do you like to eat for breakfast and lunch? Fill in the chart with that information.

What do you like to eat for breakfast and lunch? Fill in the chart with that information. VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 What do you like to eat for breakfast and lunch? Fill in the chart with that information. Desayuno Almuerzo Comprendes? Actividad 2 Think about the foods Rosa believes

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Me Duele Review Packet

Me Duele Review Packet Review Packet This review document is broken into five main sections: PAGE SECTION DESCRIPTION Pg. 2-3 LA LETRA Two sets: Spanish lyrics Spanish lyrics with English translation Pg. 4-6 ANTES To be used

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Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. AVSR 6A-1 A ver si recuerdas: Verbs like gustar (p. 291) You are already familiar with the verb gustar and other verbs that function like it (encantar, disgustar, importar, interesar). Remember that the

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Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course.

Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course. Bienvenidos a la lección dos. The first part of this lesson consists in this audio lesson, and then we have some grammar for you

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The First-Person-Plural Imperative (El imperativo de la primera persona del plural)

The First-Person-Plural Imperative (El imperativo de la primera persona del plural) The First-Person-Plural Imperative (El imperativo de la primera persona del plural) Vamos a operarlo de inmediato! No, no lo operemos todavía. De acuerdo. Primero, hagámosle unos análisis más. Ay, mi madre!

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13 DECEMBER (DICIEMBRE) 2015 NAME (NOMBRE) H O M E W O R K # 8 (TAREA # 8) 13 DECEMBER (DICIEMBRE) 2015 NAME (NOMBRE) ------- ----- H O M E W O R K # 8 (TAREA # 8) 1) Estudiar la conjugación de los verbos irregulares con terminación ir. Study the conjugation of the irregular

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Hora: Título (slide 1) Las cosas _ Capítulo 2 1 (Chapter Two, First Step) Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to First look at the other sheet of vocabulary and listen,

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Examen-C4-L2-N2. Escuchar. Listen to a tour guide talk about the Mayan civilization. Then choose the letter that best completes each statement.

Examen-C4-L2-N2. Escuchar. Listen to a tour guide talk about the Mayan civilization. Then choose the letter that best completes each statement. Examen-C4-L2-N2 Escuchar Listen to a tour guide talk about the Mayan civilization. Then choose the letter that best completes each statement. 1. La civilización maya fue. A. moderna B. una ruina C. avanzada

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lunes, 25 de enero 2016

lunes, 25 de enero 2016 El Campanero Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb IR (to go): 1. Jorge y Maria bailar en la discoteca. 2. El muchacho parque a jugar fútbol. 3. Mi hermana la escuela todos los dias.

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