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1 TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Training Pointer #: W Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: February, 2014 Refrigeration Products Amana, Jenn-Air, KitchenAid, Maytag and Whirlpool Single Evaporator Refrigerator Freezers Models: All Serial Numbers: All Objective: Assist in correct sealed system diagnosis. Procedure: The Left column of the chart on page 2 of this Pointer lists 9 (nine) conditions A through I. The top column lists 9 (nine) symptoms 1 through 9 associated with each condition. Conditions: A Refrigerant Leak or Manufacturing Undercharge B Partial Restriction - Manufacturing Issue or result of field repair. C Defective Compressor Concentrate on conditions D, E and F if a field repair has been performed. D Complete Cap Tube Restriction - ly the result of field installation of Drier. E - Refrigerant Overcharge - ly the result of Sealed System field repair. F - Air in System - ly the result of Sealed System field repair. Conditions G, H and I are not sealed system related and should never result in entry into the sealed sytem. G Operating in an ambient temperature below 55 F. (EX. Garage) H Operating in an ambient temperature above 95 F. I Adding a large amount of warm food. Tools needed: Technical Data Sheet (Pressure and Wattage Data), Hand tools, refrigerant access valves, compound refrigerant gauges and Wattmeter (EX. Kil-O-Watt meter or equivalent) available on the Internet or refrigeration Supply House. ALL POINTERS ONLINE: To receive pointers by , or to edit or delete a current address, go to Page 1 Procedure: 1. Operate compressor for a minimum of 10 minutes before beginning. 2. Check columns 1, 2 and 3 to eliminate as many conditions as possible. 3. Check columns 4, 5 and 6 next and diagnose the issue. 4. If a sealed system entry is indicated install access valves and gauges and check columns 7, 8 and 9 to confirm diagnosis. Registered trademark of Whirlpool, U.S.A., KitchenAid, U.S.A., Jenn-Air, U.S.A., or Maytag Properties, LLC or its related companies. MAGIC CHEF is a registered trademark of CNA International, used under license All rights reserved.

2 CONDITION Condenser Temperature Suction Line Temperature Variation From Sealed System Diagnostic Chart Wattage Variation From Evaporator Inlet Temperature Variation From Evaporator Outlet Temperature Variation From Evaporator Frost Pattern Head Pressure Variation From Suction Pressure Variation From Equalization Rate A Shortage of Refrigerant Cooler Than Decrease Colder Partial Decrease Decrease Faster Than B Partial Restriction Near or Cooler Decrease Colder Partial Decrease Decrease Slower Than C Inefficient Compressor Cooler Than Decrease Near or Partial or None Decrease Increase Faster Than D Complete Cap Tube Restriction Cooler Decrease None Decrease Deep Vacuum None E Refrigerant Overcharge Near or Cooler Increase Full, Possible Frost Back to Compressor Increase Increase F Air in System Non Condensable Near or Near or Increase Colder Full To Increase Decrease G Low Ambient Operation or Cooler Cooler Decrease Colder Near or Full Decrease Decrease H High Ambient Operation Higher Than Increase Full Increase Increase I Additional Heat/ Food Load Higher Than Increase Full Increase Increase Note: Refer to the Technical Data Sheet shipped with the product for operating Wattages and Pressures Note: Operate the Compressor run for a minimum of 4 minutes before comparing pressures (Longer if the compressor has been off for an extended period of time)

3 BOLETÍN DE CAPACITACIÓN TÉCNICA Marcas afectadas Para la atención inmediata de su Departamento de servicio Boletín de capacitación técnica N : W Acción requerida: Informativo/obligatorio Fecha de publicación: Febrero de 2014 Productos de refrigeración Refrigeradores Amana, Jenn-Air, KitchenAid, Maytag y Whirlpool con congelador y evaporador simple Modelos: Todos Números de serie: Todos Objetivo: Asistir en el diagnóstico correcto del sistema sellado. Procedimiento: La columna izquierda de la tabla en la página 2 de este boletín enumera 9 (nueve) condiciones de la A a la I. La columna superior enumera 9 (nueve) síntomas del 1 al 9 asociados con cada condición. Condiciones: A Fuga de refrigerante o carga insuficiente de fábrica B Restricción parcial - Problema de fábrica o resultado de reparaciones de campo. C Compresor defectuoso Concentrarse en las condiciones D, E y F si se ha realizado una reparación de campo. D Restricción completa del tubo capilar - mente el resultado de la instalación de campo de la secadora. E Sobrecarga de refrigerante - mente el resultado de una reparación de campo del sistema sellado. F Aire en sistema - mente el resultado de una reparación de campo del sistema sellado. Las condiciones G, H e I no están relacionadas al sistema sellado y nunca deberían resultar en el ingreso al sistema sellado. G Funcionamiento en temperatura ambiente debajo de 55 F (12,8 C) (por ejemplo, garage) H Funcionamiento a temperatura ambiente por encima de 95 F (35 C). I Agregar una gran cantidad de alimento caliente. TODOS LOS BOLETINES EN LÍNEA: Para recibir boletines por correo electrónico o para editar o borrar una dirección de correo electrónico usada actualmente, visite Página 1 Herramientas necesarias: Hoja de datos técnicos (Datos de presión y vatiaje), herramientas manuales, válvula de acceso de refrigerante, medidores de refrigerante compuesto y vatímetro (por ejemplo, medidor de kilovatios o equivalente) disponible en internet o tienda de suministro de refrigeración. Procedimiento: Marca registrada de Whirlpool U.S.A., KitchenAid U.S.A., Jenn-Air U.S.A., o de Maytag Properties, LLC o sus compañías asociadas. MAGIC CHEF es una marca registrada de CNA International, usada bajo licencia Todos los derechos reservados.

4 BOLETÍN DE CAPACITACIÓN TÉCNICA Para la atención inmediata de su Departamento de servicio Boletín de capacitación técnica N : W Acción requerida: Informativo/obligatorio Fecha de publicación: Febrero de 2014 Productos de refrigeración 1. Ponga el compresor en funcionamiento durante 10 minutos antes de comenzar. 2. Verifique las columnas 1, 2 y 3 para descartar tantas condiciones como sea posible. 3. Verifique las siguientes columnas 4, 5 y 6 y diagnostique el problema. 4. Si se indica un ingreso al sistema sellado, instale las válvulas y medidores de acceso y verifique las columnas 7, 8 y 9 para confirmar el diagnóstico. Página 2 Marca registrada de Whirlpool U.S.A., KitchenAid U.S.A., Jenn-Air U.S.A., o de Maytag Properties, LLC o sus compañías asociadas. MAGIC CHEF es una marca registrada de CNA International, usada bajo licencia Todos los derechos reservados.

5 A B C D E F CONDICIÓN Falta de refrigerante Restricción parcial Compresor ineficiente Restricción completa del tubo capilar Sobrecarga de refrigerante Aire en el sistema no condensable Temperatura del condensador Más frío que lo Casi o más frío Más frío que lo Más caliente Más frío Más caliente Parcial Más caliente Más frío Más caliente Parcial Más caliente Casi o más caliente Más caliente Parcial o ninguno Aumento Más rápido que lo Más lento que lo Más rápido que lo Más frío Más caliente Más caliente Más caliente Ninguno Vacío profundo Ninguno Casi o más caliente Casi o más caliente Variación de la temperatura de la línea de succión desde Más frío Aumento Más caliente Más caliente Casi o más caliente Tabla de diagnóstico del sistema sellado Variación del vatiaje desde Variación de la temperatura de la entrada del evaporador desde Variación de la temperatura de la salida del evaporador desde Patrón de escarcha del evaporador Lleno, posible escarcha en la parte posterior del compresor Aumento Más frío Más caliente Lleno Variación de presión del cabezal desde Aumento Aumento a aumento Variación de presión de succión desde Tasa de estabilización G H I Funcionamiento en temperaturas bajas Funcionamiento a alta temperatura Carga adicional de calor/alimento o más frío Más alto que lo Más alto que lo Más frío Más frío Más caliente Aumento Más caliente Casi o más caliente Más caliente Aumento Más caliente Más caliente Más caliente Nota: Consulte la hoja de datos técnicos enviada con el producto para conocer los vatiajes y presiones de funcionamiento Nota: Haga funcionar el compresor durante un mínimo de 4 minutos antes de comparar las presiones (requerirá de más tiempo si el compresor ha estado apagado durante un periodo prolongado de tiempo) Lleno Lleno Aumento Aumento Lleno Aumento Aumento

6 BULLETIN DE FORMATION TECHNIQUE Marques concernées Pour communication immédiate au département Service Bulletin de formation technique # : W Action : À titre informatif/obligatoire Date de publication : février 2014 Produits de réfrigération Réfrigérateurs-congélateurs à évaporateur simple Amana, Jenn-Air, KitchenAid, Maytag et Whirlpool Modèles : Tous Numéros de série : Tous Objectif : Aider à effectuer un bon diagnostic du système scellé. TOUS LES BULLETINS EN LIGNE : Pour recevoir des bulletins par courriel ou modifier ou supprimer un courriel actuel, consulter : Procédure : La colonne de gauche du tableau de la page 2 de ce bulletin répertorie neuf (9) conditions de «A» à «I». La colonne du haut répertorie neuf (9) des symptômes de «1» à «9» correspondant à chaque condition. Conditions: A - Fuite de fluide frigorigène ou charge insuffisante par le fabricant B Obstruction partielle problème de fabrication ou le résultat d une réparation sur le terrain. C - Compresseur défectueux Se concentrer sur les conditions D, E et F si une réparation sur le terrain a été effectuée. D - Obstruction complète du tube capillaire - ement, le résultat de l'installation sur le terrain sur le séchoir. E Surcharge en fluide frigorigène - ement, le résultat d une réparation sur le terrain du système scellé. F - Air dans le système - ement, le résultat d une réparation sur le terrain du système scellé. Les conditions G, H et I ne sont pas liées au système scellé et ne doivent jamais entraîner l accès au système scellé. G - Fonctionnement à une température ambiante inférieure à 55 F (par ex. Garage) H - Fonctionnement à une température ambiante supérieure à 95 F. I Ajouter une grande quantité d aliments chauds. Outils nécessaires : La fiche technique (données de pression et puissance), des outils à main, vannes pour l'accès au fluide frigorigène, jauges de composé réfrigérant et wattmètre (par ex. Kil-O-Watt mètre ou équivalent) disponibles sur Internet ou chez un fournisseur de systèmes de réfrigération. Page 1 Marque déposée de Whirlpool, U.S.A., KitchenAid, U.S.A., Jenn-Air, U.S.A., ou Maytag Properties, LLC ou ses sociétés liées. MAGIC CHEF est une marque déposée de CNA International, utilisée sous licence Tous droits réservés.

7 BULLETIN DE FORMATION TECHNIQUE Pour communication immédiate au département Service Bulletin de formation technique # : W Action : À titre informatif/obligatoire Date de publication : février 2014 Produits de réfrigération Procédure : 1. Faire fonctionner le compresseur pour un minimum de 10 minutes avant de commencer. 2. Vérifier les colonnes 1, 2 et 3 afin d'éliminer autant de conditions que possible. 3. Ensuite, vérifier les colonnes 4, 5 et 6 et diagnostiquer le problème. 4. Si une entrée au système scellé est indiquée, installer des vannes d'accès et les jauges et vérifier les colonnes 7, 8 et 9 pour confirmer le diagnostic. Page 2 Marque déposée de Whirlpool, U.S.A., KitchenAid, U.S.A., Jenn-Air, U.S.A., ou Maytag Properties, LLC ou ses sociétés liées. MAGIC CHEF est une marque déposée de CNA International, utilisée sous licence Tous droits réservés.

8 A CONDITION Quantité insuffisante de fluide frigorigène Température du condenseur Plus basse que la e Variation de température de la e de la conduite d'aspiration Tableau de diagnostic du système scellé Variation de puissance de la e Variation de la température d entrée de l'évaporateur de la e Variation de la température de sortie de l'évaporateur de la e Formation de gel sur l évaporateur Variation de la pression de refoulement de la e Variation de la pression d'aspiration de la e Plus élevée Plus basse Plus élevée Partielle Taux d égalisation Plus vite que la e B Obstruction partielle C D E F G H I Compresseur inefficient Obstruction complète du tube capillaire Surcharge en fluide frigorigène Air dans le système Non condensable Fonctionnement à basse température ambiante Fonctionnement à haute température ambiante Ajout d'une grande quantité d aliments chauds Près de la e ou plus basse Plus basse que la e Plus élevée Plus basse Plus élevée Partielle Plus élevée Près de la e ou plus élevée Plus élevée Partielle ou aucune Augmenter Plus lent que la e Plus vite que la e Plus basse Plus élevée Plus élevée Plus élevée Aucune Sous vide Aucun Près de la e ou plus élevée Près de la e ou plus élevée e ou plus basse Plus élevée que la e Plus élevée que la e Plus basse Augmenter Plus élevée Plus élevée Près de la e ou plus élevée Complète, possibilité de gel jusqu au compresseur Augmenter Plus basse Plus élevée Complète Plus basse Plus basse Près de la e or plus élevée Plus élevée Augmenter Plus élevée Plus élevée Plus élevée Augmenter Plus élevée Plus élevée Complète Complète Augmenter Augmenter e à augmenter Complète Augmenter Augmenter Augmenter Augmenter Remarque : Se reporter à la fiche technique livrée avec le produit pour les puissances et pressions es de fonctionnement Remarque : Faire fonctionner le compresseur pour un minimum de 4 minutes avant de comparer les pressions (pour une plus longue durée si le compresseur a été éteint pendant une période de temps prolongée)


TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10823361A Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: April, 2016 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10823361B Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: April, 2016 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10585108A Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: July, 2013 Kitchen

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10901804 Release Date: August, 2016 Refrigeration Products Jenn-Air, KitchenAid,

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10562766 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: December, 2012

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10689408 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: March, 2014 Kitchen

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10849156 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: March, 2016 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10748291 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: October, 2014

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: 8178744 B Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: March, 2015 Kitchen

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10909369 Refrigeration Products Action Required: Informational or Mandatory Release

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10806461 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: September, 2015

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10506796A Release Date: June 2012 Remove and Replace W10506796 Dated 5/12 Laundry

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10731726A Refrigeration Products Release Date: August, 2015 Remove and Replace

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10867825 Refrigeration Products Action Required: Informational or Mandatory Release

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10666205C Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: October, 2015

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10841713 Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: October, 2015 TALL TUB DISHWASHERS

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Amana, IKEA, Maytag and Whirlpool Built-In, Drop-In, and Slide-In Ovens

Amana, IKEA, Maytag and Whirlpool Built-In, Drop-In, and Slide-In Ovens FOR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF YOUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT LAUNDRY PRODUCTS REFRIGERATION PRODUCTS KITCHEN PRODUCTS This Whirlpool Service Pointer Applies To KitchenAid The Following Brands: Jenn-Air Admiral Maytag

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10557748 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: Kitchen Products

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TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10756249 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: September, 2014

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10802724C Refrigeration Products Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Replaces

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10739305 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: August, 2014 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10563362B Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: September, 2013

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10772228C Refrigeration Products Action Required: Informational or Mandatory Release

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10867825A Refrigeration Products Action Required: Informational or Mandatory Replaces Original

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10772228B Refrigeration Products Action Required: Informational or Mandatory Release

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10823379B Action Required: Mandatory Replaces Previous Version Dated July, 2016

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10666203 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: December, 2013

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected Amana, Jenn-Air, KitchenAid, Maytag And Whirlpool Refrigerators. Models: See attached pages. Serial Numbers: All Concern: Ice build up on bottom of freezer. Defrost water does not drain.

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10842568 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: May, 2016 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10702913A Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: June, 2014 Kitchen

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10545061D REV. Supersedes W10545061A, Issue #2 Release Date: February, 2014 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10772228D Refrigeration Products Action Required: Informational or Mandatory Release

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Technical Service Pointer

Technical Service Pointer Technical Service Pointer For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W11245251 Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: June, 2018 Cooking Products Brands Affected

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10777887 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: March, 2015 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10432003 Action Required: Informational Release Date: August, 2011 Laundry Products

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10702913 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: April 2014 Kitchen

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10796674A Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: July, 2016 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10545062 Supersedes Pointer # W10545061C /Issue #1, Action Required: Informational/Mandatory

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10545059A Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: September, 2013 Laundry Products

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TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER TECHICAL TRAIIG POITER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Training Pointer #: W10598804 Action Required: Informational Release Date: April, 2013 FROT-LOAD, DIRECT-DRIVE

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10780875C Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: December, 2015

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10803528 Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: August, 2015 FRONT LOAD, DIRECT

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10666208 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: June, 2014 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10756177B Release Date: June, 2016 Remove and Replace W10756177A Dated 3/15 KitchenAid

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TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Training Pointer #: W10495896 Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: July, 2012 VMW HE / HYBRID

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TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Training Pointer #: W10643766 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: October, 2013

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #:W10635592 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: August, 2013 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10742057 Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: September, 2014 Laundry Products

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10692944 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: March, 2014 Kitchen

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W11092686 Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: March, 2017 Refrigeration Products Models: KitchenAid,

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W11092686A Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: March, 2017 Refrigeration Products KitchenAid,

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10524690 Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: July, 2012 WIDE OPEN DOOR (WOD)

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10545061A REV. Supersedes W10545061 Release Date: January, 2013 Refrigeration

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10842763A Release Date: January, 2016 Remove and Replace W10842763, Dated 12/15

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10780875D Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: June, 2016 Cooking

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10511279 Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: May, 2012 WASHER MAY OVERFILL

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10536944 Action Required: Informational Release Date: August, 2012 Kitchen Products

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TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER TECHNICAL TRAINING POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Training Pointer #: K4317454-C Release Date: August, 2016 Remove and Replace K4317454-B Dated 8/2012

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10731728 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: July, 2014 Refrigeration

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Maytag and Amana French Door Refrigerators

Maytag and Amana French Door Refrigerators laundry Products refrigeration Products kitchen Products R8178718 May 2008 THIS SERVICE POINTER APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING BRANDS: Maytag and Amana French Door Refrigerators customer COMPLAINT: Noisy Air

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10602120 Action Required: Mandatory Release Date: May, 2013 Laundry Products TOP

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TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER TECHNICAL SERVICE POINTER Brands Affected For Immediate Attention of Your Service Department Technical Service Pointer #: W10412840 Action Required: Informational/Mandatory Release Date: August, 2011 Laundry

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ENGLISH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL ENGLISH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL 4 5 6 ENGLISH 4 Designation of use: Maximum static pressure: Minimum working pressure: Maximum working pressure Recommended working pressure (hot & cold): Max hot water temperature:

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