Una visita al acuario

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1 LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE Nivel: H EDL: Género: Texto informativo Estrategia: Revisar/Aclarar Destreza: Hecho y opinión Número de palabras: by Rebecca Martin Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea Selection Summary This simply written narrative introduces readers to various sea creatures at an aquarium, from the tiny seahorse to a beluga whale. Many of the beautiful, color photographs show young visitors on a trip to an aquarium. 2_026404_LR2_5BL_COVER_SPA_acuar por Rebecca Martin HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Number of Words: 215 4/14/08 11:35:43 AM Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure Three to fi ve lines of text in same position on a page Each page focuses on a different aquarium animal. No paragraph indentation Content School children visiting an aquarium Different aquarium animals and their characteristics Themes and Ideas You can see animals up-close at an aquarium that you would never see otherwise. We share our planet with other animals. Making use of community resources increases our knowledge. Language and Description, but no fi gurative language (Las estrellas tienen protuberancias) Literary Features Simple, conversational text Exclamations for emphasis No puedes tener un tiburón como mascota! Sentence Complexity A mix of simple and compound sentences with descriptive phrases and clauses Some compound adjectives and predicates Declarative and exclamatory sentences Vocabulary Content specifi c names of aquarium animals, some unfamiliar (ballena beluga) Words Many high-frequency words (aquí, unos, otros) Some three syllable words (medusa, estrellas, tiburón) Illustrations Color photograph of aquarium animal on each page Book and Print Features Nine pages of text with no section heading Caption identifying each aquarium animal Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Copyright by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida Printed in the U.S.A If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited. Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format.

2 by Rebecca Martin Build Background Help children use their knowledge of sea animals and aquariums to visualize the book. Build interest by asking questions such as the following: Alguna vez visitaron un acuario? Qué animal del acuario les gustó más? Por qué? Read the title and author and talk about the cover photograph. Explain that this book is informational text, so the words and photos will give readers information about aquarium animals. Introduce the Text Guide children through the text, noting important ideas, and helping with unfamiliar language and vocabulary so they can read the text successfully. Here are some suggestions: Pages 2 3: Explain that this book is about the amazing animals in an aquarium. Suggested language: Vayan a la página 2. La niña de la fotografía está mirando algunos peces en un estanque del acuario. En la página 3, pueden ver una foto de una medusa. Las medusas vagan en el agua. Qué pasa cuando una medusa vaga? Se mueve rápido o despacio? Page 5: Vayan a la página 5. Miren la fotografía y el rótulo. Quisieran estar tan cerca de un tiburón en el océano? Los tiburones se alimentan de peces más pequeños y débiles. Los tiburones nadan rápido y pueden ser muy fuertes. Cómo creen que eso los ayuda a atrapar peces más débiles? Page 6: Qué dice el rótulo de la fotografía de este animal? Mírenla de cerca. Por qué creen que el caballito de mar tiene ese nombre? Page 9: Aquí hay un pulpo. El pulpo puede crear una nube de tinta que lo envuelve. Cómo lo ayuda eso a esconderse en el océano? Ahora, vuelvan al comienzo para descubrir los distintos animales que hay en un acuario. Target Vocabulary débil que no tiene mucha fuerza, p. 5 decidir elegir qué hacer y qué no, p. 10 desagradable que causa asco, feo envolver cubrir con algo millón mil veces mil, p. 7 opción una de las cosas entre las que se puede elegir sencillo muy fácil, sin muchas partes vagar moverse despacio sin ir a ningún lugar en especial, p. 3 2

3 Read As the children read, observe them carefully. Guide them as needed, using language that supports their problem solving ability. Remind children to use the Monitor/Clarify Strategy to figure out what doesn t make sense as they read the book., and to find ways Discuss and Revisit the Text Personal Response Invite children to share their personal responses to the book. Suggested language: Cuál es el animal de acuario sobre el que más les gustó leer? Por qué? Les gustaría visitar un acuario con sus compañeros de clase? Por qué sí? Por qué no? Ways of Thinking As you discuss the text, help children understand these points: Thinking Within the Text Thinking Beyond the Text Thinking About the Text There are many sea animals of all sizes and shapes at the aquarium. You can pet some animals and look at others. Each aquarium animal looks and acts differently. We share our planet with many kinds of animals. We can learn more about sea animals by visiting an aquarium Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Photos give readers important visual information about sea animals. Captions helps readers find the information in the photos. The author does a good job getting the reader excited about aquariums. Choices for Further Support Fluency Invite children to choose a passage from the text to read aloud to the class. Encourage them to group words into phrases that refl ect meaning. Comprehension Based on your observations of the children s reading and discussion, revisit parts of the text to clarify or extend comprehension. Remind children to go back to the text to support their ideas. Phonics/Word Work Provide practice as needed with words and word parts, using examples from the text. Remind children that there are different ways to make plurals. Some words, such as grande and bonito (page 2) are made plural by adding s. Other words, such as animal (page 2) and tiburón (page 5) are made plural by adding es. Have children fi nd other plurals from the text and study how they are made. 3

4 Writing about Reading Critical Thinking Have children complete the questions on Hoja reproducible Responding Have children complete the activities at the back of the book. Use the instruction below as needed to reinforce or extend understanding of the comprehension skill. Target Comprehension Skill Facts and Opinion Remind children that facts are ideas that can be proved and opinions are personal feelings. Model the skill, using a Think Aloud like the one below: Think Aloud Sé que la oración Un pulpo tiene ocho patas es un hecho porque lo puedo comprobar. Puedo verificar ese dato en el libro, en la página 9. Pero la oración Unos son bonitos es una opinión. Es algo que algunas personas sienten por los animales. Buscaré más datos y opiniones en el libro. Practice the Skill Have children find one other fact and one other opinion about aquarium animals from the book. Invite them to share their facts and opinions with the group. Writing Prompt: Thinking Beyond the Text Have children write a response to the prompt on page 6. Remind them that when they think beyond the text, they use what they know and their own experience to think about what happens in the story. Assessment Prompts Read the last sentence on page 5. What does the word débiles mean? This selection is mainly about. 4

5 Responder DESTREZA CLAVE Hechos y opiniones Cuáles de las ideas de este libro son hechos que se pueden comprobar? Cuáles ideas son opiniones o impresiones? Copia y completa la tabla de abajo. Hechos Un pulpo tiene ocho patas.? Opiniones Algunos animales son bonitos. La medusa luce muy rara. A escribir! El texto y tú Imagina que visitas un acuario. Escribe algunas oraciones que describan los animales que ves. Incluye algunos adverbios que describan cómo se mueven los animales. Nombre Fecha Lección 10 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE Lee y contesta las preguntas. 1. Cómo se sujeta un caballito de mar a las plantas? 2_048444_LR2_5BL_AQUARI_L10.indd /19/09 9:57:14 PM Se sujeta enrollando su cola. 2. Por qué crees que un pulpo se tiene que esconder de sus enemigos? Respuesta posible: Un pulpo se esconde de sus enemigos para que no se lo coman. 3. Cuál de los animales del libro preferirías ver? Explica tu respuesta. Las respuestas variarán. Hacer conexiones Piensa en lo que leíste sobre la medusa. Crees que podrías acariciar a una medusa en un acuario? Explica tu respuesta. Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura. Lea las instrucciones a los niños.. All rights reserved. 8 Grado 2, Unidad 2: Observar la naturaleza 2_352893RTXSAN_U02_LR_CT.indd 8 9/11/09 5:42:44 AM 5

6 Nombre Fecha Pensar más allá del texto Piensa en las siguientes preguntas. Después, escribe tu respuesta en un párrafo. En este libro, los alumnos visitan un acuario. Cómo los ayuda eso a aprender sobre distintos animales que viven en el océano? En qué se diferencia esto de leer sobre animales del océano en un libro? 6

7 Nombre Lee y contesta las preguntas. Fecha Lección 10 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE Cómo se sujeta un caballito de mar a las plantas? 2. Por qué crees que un pulpo se tiene que esconder de sus enemigos? 3. Cuál de los animales del libro preferirías ver? Explica tu respuesta. Hacer conexiones Piensa en lo que leíste sobre la medusa. Crees que podrías acariciar a una medusa en un acuario? Explica tu respuesta. Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura. 7

8 Estudiante NIVEL K Fecha Lección 10 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE 10.9 Registro de lectura page Selection Text Errors Self-Corrections 2 En el acuario puedes ver muchos animales. Algunos son grandes y otros son pequeños. Unos son bonitos y otros no. A todos ellos les encanta el agua. 3 Esta es una medusa. La medusa luce muy rara. Las medusas vagan sin rumbo en el agua y a veces pican a otros animales. 4 Aquí hay muchísimas estrellas de mar! Comments: Accuracy Rate (# words read correctly/57 100) % Self-Correction Rate (# errors + # Self-Corrections/ Self-Corrections) 1: Behavior Code Error Read word correctly lobo 0 Repeated word, sentence, or phrase lobo Omission lobo 1 0 Behavior Code Error Substitution lodo lobo 1 Self-corrects lodo sc lobo Insertion el ˆlobo 1 Word told T 1 lobo 0 ISBN-13: ISBN-10:

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure ISBN-13:978-0-547-03640-3 LESSON 24 TEACHER S GUIDE by Ann Takman Fountas-Pinnell Level E Informational Text Selection Summary This book presents information about what eight different animals ISBN-10:0-547-03640-X

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Nivel: K EDL: 20 24 Género: Biografía Estrategia: Analizar/Evaluar Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número de palabras: 311 2.4.

Nivel: K EDL: 20 24 Género: Biografía Estrategia: Analizar/Evaluar Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número de palabras: 311 2.4. LESSON 18 TEACHER S GUIDE Nivel: K EDL: 20 24 Género: Biografía Estrategia: Analizar/Evaluar Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número de palabras: 311 2.4.3 by Mary Reid Fountas-Pinnell Level K Biography

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Nivel: A EDL: 1 2 Ciencias Estrategia: Inferir/Predecir Número de palabras: 37 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN. Libritos nivelados en línea

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Nivel: N EDL: 30 Estudios Sociales. Estrategia: Preguntar Número de palabras: 615 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN. Libritos nivelados en línea

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Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fiction Text Structure

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Each two-page spread and the fi nal page focuses on a different animal.

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Each two-page spread and the fi nal page focuses on a different animal. LESSON 15 TEACHER S GUIDE by James Metzger Fountas-Pinnell Level G Nonfiction Selection Summary Animals live in different places and have different characteristics. Polar bears, parrots, whales, elephants

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Los pa os por Sara Wilhelm

Los pa os por Sara Wilhelm LESSON 13 TEACHER S GUIDE by Sara Wilhelm Los pa os por Sara Wilhelm Fountas-Pinnell Level D Nonfiction Selection Summary In hot weather, a duck makes a nest and sits on her eggs. The eggs hatch, and baby

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Simple language with repetition: Nosotros vemos.

Simple language with repetition: Nosotros vemos. LESSON 7 TEACHER S GUIDE by Alex Carra Fountas-Pinnell Level A Nonfiction Selection Summary When we go to a farm, we can see pigs, cows, horses, and sheep. Number of Words: 16 Characteristics of the Text

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure LESSON 4 TEACHER S GUIDE by Jacob Walker Fountas-Pinnell Level C Informational Text Selection Summary A fire fighter shows the clothes worn when fighting fires. Number of Words: 17 Characteristics of the

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Diving under the sea Marine life Varied animals live under the sea. Underwater views are interesting. Repetition of words and sentences

Diving under the sea Marine life Varied animals live under the sea. Underwater views are interesting. Repetition of words and sentences LESSON 11 TEACHER S GUIDE by Alex Plisky por Alex Plisky Fountas-Pinnell Level G Informational Text Selection Summary A diver swims under the sea and sees fish, a stingray, a turtle, starfish, a crab,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE Las señales están en todas partes by Myka-Lynne Sokoloff por Myka-Lynne Sokoloff Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction Selection Summary Signs, which provide helpful information,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level M Nonfiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level M Nonfiction LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE by Christine Forrest Fountas-Pinnell Level M Nonfiction Selection Summary This selection introduces readers to the history of some items they use every day. From paper and pencil

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fiction Text Structure First-person narrative Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fiction Text Structure First-person narrative Content LESSON 26 TEACHER S GUIDE by Corey Mason Fountas-Pinnell Level D Fiction Selection Summary Moose likes to do a lot of things. He can play the piano, read a book, bake a cake, and paint a picture. He can

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure LESSON 12 TEACHER S GUIDE by Elizabeth Shu Fountas-Pinnell Level B Nonfiction Selection Summary Many winter animals can live in the snow a bird, rabbit, fox, moose, and a family of bears. Number of Words:

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Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction LESSON 12 TEACHER S GUIDE Qué divertidas son las ciencias! by Abe Beaker por Abe Beaker Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction Selection Summary This book introduces students to the school science fair and

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Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction. by Lisa C. Moran

Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction. by Lisa C. Moran LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE Todo sobre los ratones by Lisa C. Moran Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction Selection Summary Whether seen in the wild or seen as pets, mice are interesting animals. Their physical

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure LESSON 8 TEACHER S GUIDE by Amelia Tyler por Amelia Tyler Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary A first-person narrator tells readers about going to see an orchestra. After focusing on the

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HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT LESSON 4 TEACHER S GUIDE Trabajo comunitario en equipo by Joanne Mattern por Joanne Mattern Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction Selection Summary It takes the effort of many people to improve a community.

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Series of fi rst-person statements on each page Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Series of fi rst-person statements on each page Content LESSON 28 TEACHER S GUIDE Curioso por saber cómo jugar con pelotas Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary Children tell how they can hit, kick, throw, and catch a ball. Number of Words: 27

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Fountas-Pinnell Level P Nonfiction. Todo tipo de hormigas. by Anne Kasper

Fountas-Pinnell Level P Nonfiction. Todo tipo de hormigas. by Anne Kasper LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE by Anne Kasper Todo tipo de hormigas por Anne Kasper Fountas-Pinnell Level P Nonfiction Selection Summary Most people think ants are a bother. However, this book proves that ants

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Cuéntame by Oscar Hagen

Cuéntame by Oscar Hagen LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Oscar Hagen Fountas-Pinnell Level B Fiction Selection Summary Dinosaurs bring their favorite things to share for at their school. Number of Words: 20 Characteristics of the

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La cría de los. Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure. canguros. Fountas-Pinnell Level I Informational Text

La cría de los. Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure. canguros. Fountas-Pinnell Level I Informational Text LESSON 22 TEACHER S GUIDE by Bob Dannon La cría de los canguros Fountas-Pinnell Level I Informational Text Selection Summary Kangaroos live in Australia. A newborn kangaroo, or joey, crawls into its mother

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Information is presented by description. Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Information is presented by description. Content LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE by Kaitlyn Robinson Los animales del desierto Fountas-Pinnell Level G Nonfiction Selection Summary The desert is very hot and dry, but it is a good home for animals such as foxes,

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure Third person narrative

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure Third person narrative ISBN-13: 978-0-547-03707-3 LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by David Martz Fountas-Pinnell Level N Fantasy Selection Summary Nivel: N EDL: 30 Género: Fantasía Estrategia: Inferir/Predecir Destreza: Conclusiones

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE by Rowan Obach por Rowan Obach ilustrado por Marilee Harrald-Pilz Fountas-Pinnell Level I Fantasy Selection Summary When Zorro falls in a hole, he needs a strong, brave hero to

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure LESSON 6 TEACHER S GUIDE by Ian Kwok Fountas-Pinnell Level A Informational Text Selection Summary At the market, readers can see apples, carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, and so many more colorful fruits

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure LESSON 15 TEACHER S GUIDE by Daniel Morgan Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary There are so many things to see in the sky! Look at the moon, stars, sun, clouds, and rainbow. Number of

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A bike can have a bell and a basket. You need a helmet to ride a bike. Simple language with repetition: Mira el/la.

A bike can have a bell and a basket. You need a helmet to ride a bike. Simple language with repetition: Mira el/la. LESSON 9 TEACHER S GUIDE by Sally Schultz Fountas-Pinnell Level B Nonfiction Selection Summary A young girl tells all the things she needs to ride her bike. Number of Words: 15 Characteristics of the Text

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Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text LESSON 6 TEACHER S GUIDE Las asombrosas hormigas by Elizabeth Dana Jaffe Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text por Elizabeth Dana Jaffe Selection Summary Ants live almost everywhere in the world.

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Fountas-Pinnell Level L Fantasy

Fountas-Pinnell Level L Fantasy LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE by Hannah Cone Fountas-Pinnell Level L Fantasy Selection Summary When Mica, Rafa, and Diana wake up one morning, they find they each have a super power. The three friends spend

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Las ardillas son así by Julie Verne

Las ardillas son así by Julie Verne LESSON 3 TEACHER S GUIDE by Julie Verne Fountas-Pinnell Level I Fantasy Selection Summary Chip the chipmunk watches the other animals in the woods get ready for winter as he prepares for the change of

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Fountas-Pinnell Level I Nonfiction. by Vidas Barzdukas

Fountas-Pinnell Level I Nonfiction. by Vidas Barzdukas LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE by Vidas Barzdukas por Vidas Barzdukas Fountas-Pinnell Level I Nonfiction Selection Summary Many animals besides cats and dogs make good pets. Animals that live on farms, such

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure Focused on one simple idea Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure Focused on one simple idea Content ISBN-13:978-0-547-03624-3 LESSON 16 TEACHER S GUIDE by Maura Sidel Fountas-Pinnell Level E Informational Text Selection Summary A tree can be a home for many living things: a bird, a squirrel, bees, caterpillars,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level N Nonfiction. by Lisa Scorza

Fountas-Pinnell Level N Nonfiction. by Lisa Scorza LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Lisa Scorza Fountas-Pinnell Level N Nonfiction Selection Summary The Supreme Court is in the judicial branch of government and is the most important court in the United States.

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text: Biography Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text: Biography Text Structure LESSON 9 TEACHER S GUIDE by Carl Desmond Fountas-Pinnell Level J Informational Text Margarita y Hans Rey por Carl Desmond Selection Summary Young readers learn about the creators of the Jorge el Curioso

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Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction. by Myka-Lynne Sokoloff

Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction. by Myka-Lynne Sokoloff LESSON 6 TEACHER S GUIDE by Myka-Lynne Sokoloff por Myka-Lynne Sokoloff Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction Selection Summary Many animals, including birds, alligators, and fish, make nests to protect their

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE by Aksel James Fountas-Pinnell Level C Realistic Fiction Selection Summary A girl puts on the ears and nose of a costume. A boy puts on the tail and feet. They wear the rest of

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic Fiction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic Fiction Text Structure LESSON 25 TEACHER S GUIDE by Rachel Gideon Fountas-Pinnell Level D Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Children pick apples on a class trip and then cook them for a classroom treat. Number of Words: 40

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure LESSON 1 TEACHER S GUIDE by Lydia Wolff Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary Brothers and sisters can read, jump, ride, run, and hug together. Number of Words: 16 Characteristics of the

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Se mueve rápido. Fountas-Pinnell Level F Informational Text. by Robert Newell

Se mueve rápido. Fountas-Pinnell Level F Informational Text. by Robert Newell LESSON 9 TEACHER S GUIDE by Robert Newell Se mueve rápido Fountas-Pinnell Level F Informational Text Selection Summary There are a lot of ways to go fast. Bikes, skateboards, motorcycles, boats, cars,

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Ayudar en casa. Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Descriptive; some chronological sequence; some cause and effect Content

Ayudar en casa. Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Descriptive; some chronological sequence; some cause and effect Content LESSON 27 TEACHER S GUIDE by Emma Buckley Ayudar en casa por Emma Buckley Fountas-Pinnell Level H Nonfiction Selection Summary Families have a lot of work to do at home, but when everyone helps, the work

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fiction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fiction Text Structure LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE by Polly Peterson Fountas-Pinnell Level D Fiction Selection Summary A fussy cat goes to a hat store looking for the perfect hat. After rejecting a number of hats, the cat chooses

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE by Thea Joseph por Thea Joseph Fountas-Pinnell Level L Biography Selection Summary This biography tells the life story of the great American inventor,. The interesting narrative

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Focus on one simple topic Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Focus on one simple topic Content LESSON 16 TEACHER S GUIDE Acampar bajo las estrellas by Nic Grant Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary On a camping trip, the family in this book can see the sun, the moon, a star, and

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Detrás de las cámaras

Detrás de las cámaras LESSON 7 TEACHER S GUIDE Detrás de las cámaras by Kaye Gager Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction Selection Summary It takes many people to make a movie. From the actors to the behind the scenes people,

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE by Peter Stone Fountas-Pinnell Level D Realistic Fiction Selection Summary A boy and his father walk in the woods and find animals, flowers, and, of course..delicious berries.

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure First-person narrator Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure First-person narrator Content LESSON 30 TEACHER S GUIDE Visita a la estación de bomberos by Beverly Dani Fountas-Pinnell Level D Nonfiction Selection Summary Children tell about visiting the fire station. At the fire station, they

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure LESSON 24 TEACHER S GUIDE by Aksel James Fountas-Pinnell Level B Nonfiction Selection Summary A lion is shown eating, drinking, running, playing, and sleeping. Number of Words: 19 Characteristics of the

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fiction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fiction Text Structure LESSON 30 TEACHER S GUIDE by Iris Littleman Fountas-Pinnell Level D Fiction Selection Summary One after another, various fantasy animals look in the costume box, choose something, and put it on. The lion

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Puentes grandes by Elizabeth West

Puentes grandes by Elizabeth West LESSON 4 TEACHER S GUIDE by Elizabeth West Fountas-Pinnell Level M Nonfiction Selection Summary Bridges have been built since ancient times. Starting with a simple log over a stream, bridges have become

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE by Carolyn Bond Fountas-Pinnell Level O Biography Selection Summary After losing an arm during the Civil War, explorer in 1869 led a team of 10 men on a first-ever three-month

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE by Olivia Taylor por Olivia Taylor Fountas-Pinnell Level K Biography Selection Summary This biography tells the life story of, the friend and teacher of Helen Keller. The simply

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure LESSON 17 TEACHER S GUIDE Rosa y el frasco de insectos by Celeste Albright Fountas-Pinnell Level E Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Rosa likes bugs. She finds a little bug, a red bug, a yellow bug,

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Abuelita. Abuelita. Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level E Realistic Fiction.

Abuelita. Abuelita. Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level E Realistic Fiction. LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Christine Dowe Fountas-Pinnell Level E Realistic Fiction Selection Summary A boy and his granny like to do many different things together. por Christine Dowe ilustrado por Dara

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure Third-person narrator describes day s events from morning to night.

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure Third-person narrator describes day s events from morning to night. LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE by Nikolai Katkov Pedro el oso polar por Nikolai Katkov ilustrado por Steve Cox Fountas-Pinnell Level I Fantasy Selection Summary Pilar gets new pet, a polar bear named Pedro.

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Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text LESSON 8 TEACHER S GUIDE by Lawrence Chandler por Lawrence Chandler Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text Selection Summary Lightning flashes when electricity builds up in storm clouds. It can flash

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Fountas-Pinnell Level M Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level M Informational Text LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE Perros buenos, perros guía by Caleb Graham Fountas-Pinnell Level M Informational Text Selection Summary Dogs have many qualities that make them helpful to disabled people. They

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE Canciones para el pueblo by Darleen Ramos Fountas-Pinnell Level P Biography Selection Summary Woody Guthrie was a folk singer and award-winning writer of over 1,000 songs, including

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Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text LESSON 30 TEACHER S GUIDE Cómo se hace un periódico by Samantha Rabe Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text Selection Summary Printing a newspaper in the 1700s involved hard work. Type was hand set.

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